26 papers:
ESOP-2015-SiekVCTG #performance #type system- Monotonic References for Efficient Gradual Typing (JGS, MMV, MC, STH, RG), pp. 432–456.
ECOOP-2015-TakikawaFDFFTF #towards #type system- Towards Practical Gradual Typing (AT, DF, ED, MF, RBF, STH, MF), pp. 4–27.
OOPSLA-2015-ToroT #polymorphism #scala- Customizable gradual polymorphic effects for Scala (MT, ÉT), pp. 935–953.
POPL-2015-GarciaC #source code- Principal Type Schemes for Gradual Programs (RG, MC), pp. 303–315.
POPL-2015-RastogiSFBV #performance #type system #typescript- Safe & Efficient Gradual Typing for TypeScript (AR, NS, CF, GMB, PV), pp. 167–180.
ESOP-2014-ThiemannF #type system- Gradual Typing for Annotated Type Systems (PT, LF), pp. 47–66.
PEPM-2014-Garcia-PerezNS #λ-calculus- Deriving interpretations of the gradually-typed λ calculus (ÁGP, PN, IS), pp. 157–168.
ICFP-2014-SchwerterGT #formal method- A theory of gradual effect systems (FBS, RG, ÉT), pp. 283–295.
OOPSLA-2014-AllendeFGT #type system- Confined gradual typing (EA, JF, RG, ÉT), pp. 251–270.
POPL-2014-SwamyFRBCSB #embedded #javascript #type system- Gradual typing embedded securely in JavaScript (NS, CF, AR, KB, JC, PYS, GMB), pp. 425–438.
CSEET-2012-LiuML #education #re-engineering- The Exploration and Practice of Gradually Industrialization Model in Software Engineering Education — A Factual Instance of the Excellent Engineer Plan of China (SL, PM, DL), pp. 23–31.
ESOP-2012-SergeyC- Gradual Ownership Types (IS, DC), pp. 579–599.
ICALP-v2-2012-OchelRV #capacity #network #online- Online Packing with Gradually Improving Capacity Estimations and Applications to Network Lifetime Maximization (MO, KR, BV), pp. 648–659.
OOPSLA-2012-TakikawaSDTF #type system- Gradual typing for first-class classes (AT, TSS, CD, STH, MF), pp. 793–810.
POPL-2012-RastogiCH #type inference- The ins and outs of gradual type inference (AR, AC, BH), pp. 481–494.
ICLP-2012-Hadjichristodoulou #polymorphism #prolog #type system- A Gradual Polymorphic Type System with Subtyping for Prolog (SH), pp. 451–457.
ECOOP-2011-WolffGTA #type system- Gradual Typestate (RW, RG, ÉT, JA), pp. 459–483.
OOPSLA-2011-InaI #type system- Gradual typing for generics (LI, AI), pp. 609–624.
CHI-2009-FindlaterMMD #adaptation #performance- Ephemeral adaptation: the use of gradual onset to improve menu selection performance (LF, KM, JM, JQD), pp. 1655–1664.
CHI-2008-BirnholtzGRW #distributed #interactive #named- OpenMessenger: gradual initiation of interaction for distributed workgroups (JPB, CG, GR, MW), pp. 1661–1664.
ECOOP-2007-SiekT #type system- Gradual Typing for Objects (JGS, WT), pp. 2–27.
SAC-2007-ArnautovicKFPS #communication #specification #towards- Gradual transition towards autonomic software systems based on high-level communication specification (EA, HK, JF, RP, AS), pp. 84–89.
ICPR-v3-2002-PeiC #adaptation #fault #novel #predict- Novel Error Concealment Method with Adaptive Prediction to the Abrupt and Gradual Scene Changes (SCP, YZC), pp. 827–830.
CADE-2002-SchneckN #approach #scalability- A Gradual Approach to a More Trustworthy, Yet Scalable, Proof-Carrying Code (RRS, GCN), pp. 47–62.
DATE-2001-NicolescuYJ #communication #design #refinement- Mixed-level cosimulation for fine gradual refinement of communication in SoC design (GN, SY, AAJ), pp. 754–759.
ICPR-v2-2000-MizukamiST #prototype #recognition- Handwritten Digit Recognition by Hierarchical Displacement Extraction with Gradual Prototype Elimination (YM, TS, KT), pp. 2339–2342.