22 papers:
DATE-2014-HaddadTBF #independence #modelling #on the #probability- On the assumption of mutual independence of jitter realizations in P-TRNG stochastic models (PH, YT, FB, VF), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2013-TzouBHC #bound #composition #using- Periodic jitter and bounded uncorrelated jitter decomposition using incoherent undersampling (NT, DB, SWH, AC), pp. 1667–1672.
HCI-UC-2013-AminJGMS #impact analysis #latency #quality- Assessing the Impact of Latency and Jitter on the Perceived Quality of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (RA, FJ, JEG, JM, TS), pp. 97–106.
DATE-2012-NarayananDZT #design #using #verification- Verifying jitter in an analog and mixed signal design using dynamic time warping (RN, AD, MHZ, ST), pp. 1413–1416.
DAC-2011-YinKL #effectiveness- High effective-resolution built-in jitter characterization with quantization noise shaping (LY, YK, PL), pp. 765–770.
DATE-2011-ErbP #analysis #performance- A method for fast jitter tolerance analysis of high-speed PLLs (SE, WP), pp. 1107–1112.
DATE-2010-LeeYCC #embedded #metric- An embedded wide-range and high-resolution CLOCK jitter measurement circuit (YL, CYY, NCDC, JJC), pp. 1637–1640.
DAC-2009-BurnhamYH #probability- A stochastic jitter model for analyzing digital timing-recovery circuits (JRB, CKKY, HAH), pp. 116–121.
CASE-2008-Pohjola #adaptation- Adaptive jitter margin PID controller (MP), pp. 534–539.
DATE-2008-ChoiC #testing #using- Digital bit stream jitter testing using jitter expansion (HWC, AC), pp. 1468–1473.
DATE-2008-KeezerMD #injection #multi- Variable Delay of Multi-Gigahertz Digital Signals for Deskew and Jitter-Injection Test Applications (DCK, DM, PD), pp. 1486–1491.
DAC-2007-ChanZ #modelling- Modeling Simultaneous Switching Noise-Induced Jitter for System-on-Chip Phase-Locked Loops (HHYC, ZZ), pp. 430–435.
DAC-2007-PimentelP #analysis- Experimental Jitter Analysis in a FlexCAN Based Drive-by-Wire Automotive Application (JRP, JP), pp. 290–293.
DATE-2007-BarajasCCMGCBI #behaviour #interactive #modelling #optimisation- Interactive presentation: Behavioral modeling of delay-locked loops and its application to jitter optimization in ultra wide-band impulse radio systems (EB, RC, DC, DM, JLG, IC, SB, MI), pp. 1430–1435.
DATE-2007-KeezerMD #multi- Method for reducing jitter in multi-gigahertz ATE (DCK, DM, PD), pp. 701–706.
DAC-2006-ZouMGS #optimisation- A CPPLL hierarchical optimization methodology considering jitter, power and locking time (JZ, DM, HEG, US), pp. 19–24.
DAC-2005-Vasudevan #simulation- Simulation of the effects of timing jitter in track-and-hold and sample-and-hold circuits (VV), pp. 397–402.
DATE-v1-2004-OngHCW #multi #random- Random Jitter Extraction Technique in a Multi-Gigahertz Signal (CKO, DH, KTC, LCW), pp. 286–291.
DAC-2003-Heydari- Characterizing the effects of clock jitter due to substrate noise in discrete-time D/S modulators (PH), pp. 532–537.
DAC-2003-ManeatisKMMS #generative #multi #self- Self-biased high-bandwidth low-jitter 1-to-4096 multiplier clock generator PLL (JGM, JK, IM, JM, MS), pp. 688–690.
DATE-2003-GouraryRUZGM #approach #approximate- Approximation Approach for Timing Jitter Characterization in Circuit Simulators (MMG, SGR, SLU, MMZ, KKG, BJM), pp. 10156–10161.
DATE-2000-GouraryRUZGM #approach- A New Approach for Computation of Timing Jitter in Phase Locked Loops (MMG, SGR, SLU, MMZ, KKG, BJM), pp. 345–349.