43 papers:
CASE-2015-SundarkumarRNG #api #detection #machine learning #modelling #topic- Malware detection via API calls, topic models and machine learning (GGS, VR, IN, VG), pp. 1212–1217.
SAC-2015-MinV #anti #design #evaluation #implementation #novel- Design, implementation and evaluation of a novel anti-virus parasitic malware (BM, VV), pp. 2127–2133.
ICSE-v2-2015-HollandDKMR #android #detection #novel #security- Security Toolbox for Detecting Novel and Sophisticated Android Malware (BH, TD, SK, JM, NR), pp. 733–736.
HPCA-2015-OzsoyDGAP #detection #framework #online #performance- Malware-aware processors: A framework for efficient online malware detection (MO, CD, IG, NBAG, DVP), pp. 651–661.
CIKM-2014-WangMGH #information management #towards- Rebuilding the Tower of Babel: Towards Cross-System Malware Information Sharing (TW, SM, WG, XH), pp. 1239–1248.
KDD-2014-TamersoyRC #detection #graph #mining #scalability- Guilt by association: large scale malware detection by mining file-relation graphs (AT, KAR, DHC), pp. 1524–1533.
LOPSTR-2014-SinghK #detection #java #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation for Java Malware Detection (RS, AK), pp. 133–147.
SAC-2014-CaniGSST #automation #code generation #integration #towards- Towards automated malware creation: code generation and code integration (AC, MG, ES, GS, APT), pp. 157–160.
SAC-2014-Cooper #android #detection #research #student- Student research abstract: android malware detection based on Kullback-Leibler divergence (VNC), pp. 1695–1696.
FSE-2014-FengADA #android #detection #named #semantics #static analysis- Apposcopy: semantics-based detection of Android malware through static analysis (YF, SA, ID, AA), pp. 576–587.
ASE-2013-ChandramohanTBSP #approach #behaviour #bound #detection #modelling #scalability- A scalable approach for malware detection through bounded feature space behavior modeling (MC, HBKT, LCB, LKS, BMP), pp. 312–322.
TACAS-2013-SongT #detection #ltl #model checking- LTL Model-Checking for Malware Detection (FS, TT), pp. 416–431.
WCRE-2013-DurfinaKZ #case study #decompiler- PsybOt malware: A step-by-step decompilation case study (LD, JK, PZ), pp. 449–456.
KDD-2013-KongY #automation #classification #distance #learning- Discriminant malware distance learning on structural information for automated malware classification (DK, GY), pp. 1357–1365.
SAC-2013-KimM #algorithm #detection #hybrid #search-based #using- Disguised malware script detection system using hybrid genetic algorithm (JK, BRM), pp. 182–187.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SongT #automaton #detection #model checking #named- PoMMaDe: pushdown model-checking for malware detection (FS, TT), pp. 607–610.
TACAS-2012-SongT #automaton #detection #model checking- Pushdown Model Checking for Malware Detection (FS, TT), pp. 110–125.
FM-2012-SongT #detection #model checking #performance #using- Efficient Malware Detection Using Model-Checking (FS, TT), pp. 418–433.
EDOC-2012-HarrisonBADN #detection #framework #identification- A Framework for Detecting Malware in Cloud by Identifying Symptoms (KH, BB, STTA, CID, APN), pp. 164–172.
CIKM-2012-ComarLSNT #detection #kernel #linear- Weighted linear kernel with tree transformed features for malware detection (PMC, LL, SS, AN, PNT), pp. 2287–2290.
SAC-2012-OyamaGCSK #detection- Detecting malware signatures in a thin hypervisor (YO, TTDG, YC, TS, KK), pp. 1807–1814.
FSE-2012-ChandramohanTS #behaviour #clustering #modelling #scalability- Scalable malware clustering through coarse-grained behavior modeling (MC, HBKT, LKS), p. 27.
ICST-2012-MassicotteCNM #analysis #testing- A Testing Model for Dynamic Malware Analysis Systems (FM, MC, HN, FM), pp. 826–833.
ISSTA-2012-CanaliLBKCK #detection- A quantitative study of accuracy in system call-based malware detection (DC, AL, DB, CK, MC, EK), pp. 122–132.
WCRE-2011-Raber #debugging #kernel #profiling- Stealthy Profiling and Debugging of Malware Trampolining from User to Kernel Space (JR), pp. 431–432.
WCRE-2011-ZhaoAH #automation- Automatic Extraction of Secrets from Malware (ZZ, GJA, HH), pp. 159–168.
KDD-2011-YeLZZTGA #detection- Combining file content and file relations for cloud based malware detection (YY, TL, SZ, WZ, ET, UG, MA), pp. 222–230.
KDIR-2011-RavulaCL #dynamic analysis #using- Dynamic Analysis of Malware using Decision Trees (RRR, CCC, KJL), pp. 74–83.
CAV-2011-BabicRS #analysis #automaton- Malware Analysis with Tree Automata Inference (DB, DR, DS), pp. 116–131.
ICPR-2010-ShamiliBA #detection #distributed #machine learning #mobile #using- Malware Detection on Mobile Devices Using Distributed Machine Learning (ASS, CB, TA), pp. 4348–4351.
KDD-2010-YeLCJ #automation #categorisation #clustering #using- Automatic malware categorization using cluster ensemble (YY, TL, YC, QJ), pp. 95–104.
SAC-2010-BayerKK #analysis #performance- Improving the efficiency of dynamic malware analysis (UB, EK, CK), pp. 1871–1878.
SAC-2010-LeeJL #detection #graph #using- Detecting metamorphic malwares using code graphs (JL, KJ, HL), pp. 1970–1977.
SAC-2010-SamiYPHH #api #detection #mining- Malware detection based on mining API calls (AS, BY, HR, NP, SH, AH), pp. 1020–1025.
ICSE-2010-KumarSS #for free- Can we certify systems for freedom from malware (NVNK, HJS, RKS), pp. 175–178.
WCRE-1999-CooganDKT99a #automation- Automatic Static Unpacking of Malware Binaries (KC, SKD, TK, GMT), pp. 167–176.
KDD-2009-YeLJHW #detection- Intelligent file scoring system for malware detection from the gray list (YY, TL, QJ, ZH, LW), pp. 1385–1394.
SAC-2009-WeiSW #algorithm #clustering #email #fuzzy #novel #string- Clustering malware-generated spam emails with a novel fuzzy string matching algorithm (CW, AS, GW), pp. 889–890.
KDD-2007-YeWLY #detection #named- IMDS: intelligent malware detection system (YY, DW, TL, DY), pp. 1043–1047.
POPL-2007-PredaCJD #approach #detection #semantics- A semantics-based approach to malware detection (MDP, MC, SJ, SKD), pp. 377–388.
SCAM-2006-WalensteinMCL #normalisation #term rewriting #using- Normalizing Metamorphic Malware Using Term Rewriting (AW, RM, MRC, AL), pp. 75–84.
SAC-2006-OsorioK #analysis #behaviour- An initial analysis and presentation of malware exhibiting swarm-like behavior (FCCO, ZK), pp. 323–329.
ASPLOS-2006-CrandallWOSWC #detection #virtual machine- Temporal search: detecting hidden malware timebombs with virtual machines (JRC, GW, DASdO, ZS, SFW, FTC), pp. 25–36.