70 papers:
CASE-2015-ShellshearCBT #algorithm #concurrent #multi #problem #thread- A multi-threaded memetic packing algorithm for the ISO luggage packing problem (ES, JSC, RB, ST), pp. 1509–1514.
GCM-2015-Zaytsev #co-evolution- Coupled Transformations of Shared Packed Parse Forests (VZ), pp. 2–17.
STOC-2014-KesselheimTRV #online- Primal beats dual on online packing LPs in the random-order model (TK, KR, AT, BV), pp. 303–312.
ICALP-v1-2014-AdjiashviliBWZ- Time-Expanded Packings (DA, SB, RW, RZ), pp. 64–76.
ICALP-v1-2014-DosaS #analysis- Optimal Analysis of Best Fit Bin Packing (GD, JS), pp. 429–441.
SIGMOD-2013-ChirigatiSF- Packing experiments for sharing and publication (FSC, DS, JF), pp. 977–980.
STOC-2013-AzarCKS #bound #online- Tight bounds for online vector bin packing (YA, IRC, SK, FBS), pp. 961–970.
ICALP-v1-2013-JansenK #migration #online #polynomial #robust- A Robust AFPTAS for Online Bin Packing with Polynomial Migration, (KJ, KMK), pp. 589–600.
ICALP-v1-2013-SviridenkoW #problem #scalability #set- Large Neighborhood Local Search for the Maximum Set Packing Problem (MS, JW), pp. 792–803.
ICALP-v1-2012-AzarG #constraints #linear #performance- Efficient Submodular Function Maximization under Linear Packing Constraints (YA, IG), pp. 38–50.
ICALP-v1-2012-MolinaroR #geometry #linear #online #source code- Geometry of Online Packing Linear Programs (MM, RR), pp. 701–713.
ICALP-v2-2012-OchelRV #capacity #network #online- Online Packing with Gradually Improving Capacity Estimations and Applications to Network Lifetime Maximization (MO, KR, BV), pp. 648–659.
CASE-2011-PerboliCT #metaheuristic #multi #performance- An efficient metaheuristic for multi-dimensional multi-container packing (GP, TGC, RT), pp. 563–568.
DAC-2011-RajavelA #clustering #named- MO-pack: many-objective clustering for FPGA CAD (STR, AA), pp. 818–823.
CSEET-2011-Venkatagiri #agile #education #project management- Teach Project Management, pack an Agile punch (SV), pp. 351–360.
CIAA-J-2010-BujtasDINT11 #problem- The Graph-Bin Packing Problem (CB, GD, CI, JNG, ZT), pp. 1971–1993.
SAC-2011-KongGDY #energy #parallel #realtime #scheduling- Energy-efficient scheduling for parallel real-time tasks based on level-packing (FK, NG, QD, WY), pp. 635–640.
CASE-2010-TaoW #3d #algorithm #constraints #heuristic #problem- A new packing heuristic based algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-dimensional Loading constraints (YT, FW), pp. 972–977.
STOC-2010-KawarabayashiR- Odd cycle packing (KiK, BAR), pp. 695–704.
ICALP-v1-2010-BjorklundHKK #linear- Covering and Packing in Linear Space (AB, TH, PK, MK), pp. 727–737.
DATE-2008-LinF #parallel #performance #source code- Harnessing Horizontal Parallelism and Vertical Instruction Packing of Programs to Improve System Overall Efficiency (HL, YF), pp. 758–763.
ITiCSE-2008-Radenski #python- Digital CS1 study pack based on Moodle and Python (AR), p. 325.
STOC-2008-Thorup- Minimum k-way cuts via deterministic greedy tree packing (MT), pp. 159–166.
ICALP-A-2008-AzarG #framework #integer #source code #unification- Truthful Unification Framework for Packing Integer Programs with Choices (YA, IG), pp. 833–844.
ICALP-A-2008-Koutis #algebra #algorithm #performance #problem- Faster Algebraic Algorithms for Path and Packing Problems (IK), pp. 575–586.
DAC-2007-ChenYCHL #algorithm #design #metaprogramming #named- MP-trees: A Packing-Based Macro Placement Algorithm for Mixed-Size Designs (TCC, PHY, YWC, FJH, DL), pp. 447–452.
PODS-2007-Marx #query- Queries determined by views: pack your views (MM), pp. 23–30.
STOC-2007-Pap- Some new results on node-capacitated packing of A-paths (GP), pp. 599–604.
DAC-2006-LiS #linear #network #order #reduction- Model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports via frequency-dependent port packing (PL, WS), pp. 267–272.
PODS-2006-BenderH #adaptation #array- An adaptive packed-memory array (MAB, HH), pp. 20–29.
SIGMOD-2006-ZieglerKSDB #detection #ontology #similarity #tool support- Generic similarity detection in ontologies with the SOQA-SimPack toolkit (PZ, CK, CS, KRD, AB), pp. 751–753.
CIAA-2006-Hyyro #approximate #automaton #nondeterminism #string- Tighter Packed Bit-Parallel NFA for Approximate String Matching (HH), pp. 287–289.
ICALP-v1-2006-EpsteinL #problem #robust- A Robust APTAS for the Classical Bin Packing Problem (LE, AL), pp. 214–225.
CHI-2006-WangWDW #scalability #visualisation- Visualization of large hierarchical data by circle packing (WW, H(W, GD, HW), pp. 517–520.
SAC-2006-VenkateswaranS- Schemes for SR-Tree packing (JV, SRS), pp. 73–77.
DATE-2005-HassanADE #power management #process #reduction- Activity Packing in FPGAs for Leakage Power Reduction (HH, MA, AED, MIE), pp. 212–217.
STOC-2005-JansenS #on the- On strip packing With rotations (KJ, RvS), pp. 755–761.
ICALP-2005-ChanLW- Dynamic Bin Packing of Unit Fractions Items (WTC, TWL, PWHW), pp. 614–626.
ICALP-2005-DietzfelbingerW #constant- Balanced Allocation and Dictionaries with Tightly Packed Constant Size Bins (MD, CW), pp. 166–178.
DAC-2004-LiYYYL #adaptation #algorithm #design #representation #using- A packing algorithm for non-manhattan hexagon/triangle placement design by using an adaptive o-tree representation (JL, TY, BY, JY, CL), pp. 646–651.
STOC-2004-BienstockI #problem- Solving fractional packing problems in Oast(1/?) iterations (DB, GI), pp. 146–155.
STOC-2004-Kelner #bound #clustering #graph- Spectral partitioning, eigenvalue bounds, and circle packings for graphs of bounded genus (JAK), pp. 455–464.
LCTES-2003-PopEP #clustering #distributed #embedded #multi- Schedulability-driven frame packing for multi-cluster distributed embedded systems (PP, PE, ZP), pp. 113–122.
DATE-2002-LinCC #using- Arbitrary Convex and Concave Rectilinear Module Packing Using TCG (JML, HLC, YWC), pp. 69–75.
CSMR-2002-Favre #approach- A New Approach to Software Exploration: Back-Packing with GSEE (JMF), p. 251–?.
ICALP-2002-EpsteinSS #bound #online- New Bounds for Variable-Sized and Resource Augmented Online Bin Packing (LE, SSS, RvS), pp. 306–317.
ICALP-2002-Nisan #approximate #communication #complexity #set- The Communication Complexity of Approximate Set Packing and Covering (NN), pp. 868–875.
ICALP-2001-Seiden #on the #online #problem- On the Online Bin Packing Problem (SSS), pp. 237–248.
STOC-2000-CsirikJKOSW #algorithm #on the- On the sum-of-squares algorithm for bin packing (JC, DSJ, CK, JBO, PWS, RRW), pp. 208–217.
ICALP-2000-CsirikW #bound #online- Resource Augmentation for Online Bounded Space Bin Packing (JC, GJW), pp. 296–304.
ICALP-2000-Seiden #algorithm #bound #online- An Optimal Online Algorithm for Bounded Space Variable-Sized Bin Packing (SSS), pp. 283–295.
SAC-1999-Raidl #algorithm #multi #problem #search-based- A Weight-Coded Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Container Packing Problem (GRR), pp. 291–296.
HPDC-1997-FriedmanR #performance #protocol- Packing Messages as a Tool for Boosting the Performance of Total Ordering Protocols (RF, RvR), pp. 233–242.
STOC-1995-Pulleyblank #problem- Two Steiner tree packing problems (Extended Abstract) (WRP), pp. 383–387.
STOC-1995-Srinivasan #approximate #problem- Improved approximations of packing and covering problems (AS), pp. 268–276.
TAGT-1994-LuckL- Cellworks with Cell Rewriting and Cell Packing for Plant Morphogenesis (JL, HBL), pp. 536–549.
SAC-1994-RaoI #approach #probability #problem- A stochastic approach to the bin-packing problem (RLR, SSI), pp. 261–265.
STOC-1993-CoffmanJSW #analysis #markov #proving- Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing (EGCJ, DSJ, PWS, RRW), pp. 412–421.
CIKM-1993-KamelF #on the- On Packing R-trees (IK, CF), pp. 490–499.
STOC-1992-LinV #approximate #constraints- epsilon-Approximations with Minimum Packing Constraint Violation (Extended Abstract) (JHL, JSV), pp. 771–782.
STOC-1991-CoffmanCGJMSWY #analysis #case study- Fundamental Discrepancies between Average-Case Analyses under Discrete and Continuous Distributions: A Bin Packing Case Study (EGCJ, CC, MRG, DSJ, LAM, PWS, RRW, MY), pp. 230–240.
STOC-1991-Gabow #approach- A Matroid Approach to Finding Edge Connectivity and Packing Arborescences (HNG), pp. 112–122.
DAC-1988-ShiraishiSKTS #generative #logic- A High Packing Density Module Generator for CMOS Logic Cells (YS, JS, MK, AT, TS), pp. 439–444.
SIGMOD-1985-RoussopoulosL #database #using- Direct Spatial Search on Pictorial Databases Using Packed R-Trees (NR, DL), pp. 17–31.
ICALP-1985-Lovasz #algorithm- Vertex Packing Algorithms (LL), pp. 1–14.
STOC-1984-BentleyJLMM #behaviour- Some Unexpected Expected Behavior Results for Bin Packing (JLB, DSJ, FTL, CCM, LAM), pp. 279–288.
STOC-1984-KarpLM #analysis #multi #probability #problem- A Probabilistic Analysis of Multidimensional Bin Packing Problems (RMK, ML, AMS), pp. 289–298.
DAC-1983-KozawaTIHMOKYO #algorithm #automation- Automatic placement algorithms for high packing density V L S I (TK, HT, TI, MH, CM, YO, KK, NY, YO), pp. 175–181.
DAC-1980-LuebbertU- Gate assignment and pack placement: Two approaches compared (FL, MU), pp. 472–482.
DAC-1968-KadisTVHG #layout #source code- Building block programs for the layout of printed circuit boards utilizing integrated circuit packs (DAPSYS V.2) (RWK, KLT, WJVJ, WLH, CEG).