22 papers:
CHI-2015-PritchardVO- Your Money’s No Good Here: The Elimination of Cash Payment on London Buses (GWP, JV, PO), pp. 907–916.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CavallariAT #aspect-oriented #mobile- Organisational Aspects and Anatomy of an Attack on NFC/HCE Mobile Payment Systems (MC, LA, FT), pp. 685–700.
ICEIS-v2-2015-VitolsBSSAS #multi- Multi-payment Solution for Smartlet Applications (GV, NB, JS, VS, IA, IS), pp. 668–673.
RecSys-2015-BistaffaFCR #recommendation #scalability #social- Recommending Fair Payments for Large-Scale Social Ridesharing (FB, AF, GC, SDR), pp. 139–146.
SAC-2015-SantiagoPH #approach #detection #modelling- A modeling approach for credit card fraud detection in electronic payment services (GPS, AMP, RHJ), pp. 2328–2331.
ICML-c3-2013-SodomkaHLG #game studies #learning #named #probability- Coco-Q: Learning in Stochastic Games with Side Payments (ES, EH, MLL, AG), pp. 1471–1479.
CHI-2012-VinesBDVTMO #design- Cheque mates: participatory design of digital payments with eighty somethings (JV, MB, PD, VV, IT, AM, PO), pp. 1189–1198.
ICEIS-J-2012-PolasikGWKPT12a #empirical #mobile #performance- Time Efficiency of Point-of-Sale Payment Methods: Empirical Results for Cash, Cards and Mobile Payments (MP, JG, GW, JK, KP, NT), pp. 306–320.
ICEIS-v2-2012-PolasikGWKPT #analysis #mobile #process- Chronometric Analysis of a Payment Process for Cash, Cards and Mobile Devices (MP, JG, GW, JK, KP, NT), pp. 220–229.
CHI-2011-KumarMO #mobile- The times they are a-changin‘: mobile payments in India (DK, DBM, JO), pp. 1413–1422.
ICEIS-J-2010-BottcherHM10a #using #xml- Using XML Schema Subtraction to Compress Electronic Payment Messages (SB, RH, CM), pp. 451–463.
CASE-2008-BaiKL #architecture- Open architecture for contactless smartcard-based portable electronic payment systems (LB, JK, PL), pp. 715–719.
SEKE-2008-DaiS #online #protocol- QuickPay Online Payment Protocol (JD, MS), pp. 223–226.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-DandashWLS #detection #internet- A New Group Key Management Structure for Fraudulent Internet Banking Payments Detection (OD, YW, PDL, BS), pp. 57–62.
KDD-2007-CurryGLVB #case study #detection #scalability #set- Detecting changes in large data sets of payment card data: a case study (CC, RLG, DL, SV, JB), pp. 1018–1022.
ICEIS-v3-2005-CechichP #case study #detection #functional #off the shelf- Early Detection of Cots Functional Suitability for an E-Payment Case Study (AC, MP), pp. 11–28.
SAC-2004-SeigneurJ #privacy #trust #ubiquitous- Trust enhanced ubiquitous payment without too much privacy loss (JMS, CDJ), pp. 1593–1599.
ICEIS-v4-2003-SerraoFM #bibliography #e-commerce #perspective- E-Commerce Payment Systems — An Overview (CS, PF, JM), pp. 486–493.
CAiSE-2002-BenerecettiPST #model checking #multi #protocol #verification- Verification of Payment Protocols via MultiAgent Model Checking (MB, MP, LS, ST), pp. 311–327.
ICEIS-2002-PantiSTV #automation #protocol #security #verification- Automatic Verification of Security in Payment Protocols for Electronic Commerce (MP, LS, ST, SV), pp. 968–974.
LICS-2001-Stoller #bound #protocol- A Bound on Attacks on Payment Protocols (SDS), pp. 61–70.
ICPR-1996-LiuSN #automation #image #recognition- Automatic extraction of items from cheque images for payment recognition (KL, CYS, CPN), pp. 798–802.