15 papers:
DATE-2015-CaoBFCCAO #feature model #validation- LVS check for photonic integrated circuits: curvilinear feature extraction and validation (RC, JB, JF, LC, JC, AA, IO), pp. 1253–1256.
ASPLOS-2015-PangDL #less is more- More is Less, Less is More: Molecular-Scale Photonic NoC Power Topologies (JP, CD, ARL), pp. 283–296.
DATE-2014-SiddiqueT #analysis #formal method #towards- Towards the formal analysis of microresonators based photonic systems (US, ST), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZhangAJC #manycore #network- Thermal management of manycore systems with silicon-photonic networks (TZ, JLA, AJ, AKC), pp. 1–6.
DAC-2013-CharbonR #image- Single-photon image sensors (EC, FR), p. 4.
SIGMOD-2013-AnanthanarayananBDGJQRRSV #data type #fault tolerance #named #scalability- Photon: fault-tolerant and scalable joining of continuous data streams (RA, VB, SD, AG, HJ, TQ, AR, DR, MS, SV), pp. 577–588.
DATE-2010-ChanHBBC #analysis #named #network- PhoenixSim: A simulator for physical-layer analysis of chip-scale photonic interconnection networks (JC, GH, AB, KB, LPC), pp. 691–696.
DAC-2009-DingZHCP #framework #integration #named #power management- O-Router: an optical routing framework for low power on-chip silicon nano-photonic integration (DD, YZ, HH, RTC, DZP), pp. 264–269.
DAC-2007-Roychowdhury- Micro-Photonic Interconnects: Characteristics, Possibilities and Limitations (JSR), pp. 574–575.
DAC-2007-ShachamBC #network #power management- The Case for Low-Power Photonic Networks on Chip (AS, KB, LPC), pp. 132–135.
DATE-2006-NiclassSC #array- A single photon avalanche diode array fabricated in deep-submicron CMOS technology (CN, MS, EC), pp. 81–86.
DAC-2002-Sargent #agile #integration #internet #multi- Multifunctional photonic integration for the agile optical internet (EHS), pp. 231–234.
ICPR-v4-2000-HatteryCLG #embedded #migration- Optical Signatures of Small, Deeply Embedded, Tumor-Like Inclusions in Tissue-Like Turbid Media Based on a Random-Walk Theory of Photon Migration (DH, VC, MHL, AG), pp. 4348–4351.
HPDC-1993-DowdBAP #analysis #architecture #design #scalability- Design and Analysis of a Hierarchical Scalable Photonic Architecture (PWD, KB, KAA, JAP), pp. 289–296.
HPDC-1992-BogineniD #comparison #network #performance #protocol- Performance Comparison of Reservation and Preallocation Protocols for Star-Coupled WDM Photonic Networks (KB, PWD), pp. 94–103.