18 papers:
CHI-2015-MatejkaAF #optimisation- Dynamic Opacity Optimization for Scatter Plots (JM, FA, GWF), pp. 2707–2710.
HCI-IT-2015-MurataM #analysis #eye tracking #using- Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis of Eye Movement Characteristics Using Attractor Plot and First Lyapunov Exponent (AM, TM), pp. 78–85.
ICPR-2014-Climent-PerezMR #detection #multi #using- Multi-view Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Tracklet Plots (PCP, DNM, PR), pp. 4370–4375.
ICPR-2012-Berrar #classification #comparison #null #testing #visual notation- Null QQ plots: A simple graphical alternative to significance testing for the comparison of classifiers (DPB), pp. 1852–1855.
HT-2011-Pisarski #hypermedia #towards- New plots for hypertext?: towards poetics of a hypertext node (MP), pp. 313–318.
ICEIS-v1-2011-RamirezC #fault #process #using- Fault Diagnosis of Batch Processes Release using PCA Contribution Plots as Fault Signatures (AWR, JCL), pp. 223–228.
DATE-2010-SrinivasJ #clustering #graph #performance- Clock gating approaches by IOEX graphs and cluster efficiency plots (JS, SJ), pp. 638–641.
KDIR-2010-TsengPF #classification #markov #using- The Typhoon Track Classification using Tri-plots and Markov Chain (JCHT, HKKP, CF), pp. 364–369.
ICDAR-2007-LuWMG #2d #automation #documentation- Automatic Extraction of Data from 2-D Plots in Documents (XL, JZW, PM, CLG), pp. 188–192.
CIKM-2002-PanF #data mining #library #mining #quote #video- “GeoPlot”: spatial data mining on video libraries (JYP, CF), pp. 405–412.
KDD-2001-TrainaTPF #data mining #mining #multi #named #scalability #tool support- Tri-plots: scalable tools for multidimensional data mining (AJMT, CTJ, SP, CF), pp. 184–193.
VLDB-2000-GoldsteinR #nearest neighbour- Contrast Plots and P-Sphere Trees: Space vs. Time in Nearest Neighbour Searches (JG, RR), pp. 429–440.
KDD-2000-HofmannSW #interactive #visualisation- Visualizing association rules with interactive mosaic plots (HH, AS, AFXW), pp. 227–235.
ICPR-1996-KochM #image #segmentation- Bootstrap coverage plots for image segmentation (IK, GM), pp. 447–451.
SAC-1994-FogelsongDS #framework #library #reuse- Graphics class library for plotting (GCLIP), an extensible, reusable graphics framework (BAF, SD, DAS), pp. 64–69.
DAC-1977-Larsen #effectiveness #layout- Cost effective layout digitizing and mask pen plotting of custom microelectronic devices (RPL), pp. 386–390.
DAC-1972-Landsburg #design- The value of digital printer plotting in ship design (ACL), pp. 170–180.
DAC-1969-Martin #generative #low cost- A low cost plotting system for generating electrical/electronic drawings (CDM), pp. 385–394.