28 papers:
HIMI-IKD-2015-MorizumiA #analysis #using- Analysis Using Purchasing Data in Japan (RM, YA), pp. 640–647.
CHI-2014-Wohn #game studies #online #social- Spending real money: purchasing patterns of virtual goods in an online social game (DYW), pp. 3359–3368.
CIKM-2014-KimTS- Tracking Temporal Dynamics of Purchase Decisions via Hierarchical Time-Rescaling Model (HK, NT, HS), pp. 1389–1398.
KEOD-2014-Kraines #ontology #order #question #semantics #similarity- Can SKOS Ontologies Improve the Accuracy of Measuring Semantic Similarity of Purchase Orders? (SBK), pp. 248–255.
DUXU-WM-2013-PrataMQ #mobile #testing #usability- Usability Testing of Mobile Applications Store: Purchase, Search and Reviews (WP, CRM, MQ), pp. 714–722.
HCI-UC-2013-BeldadS #experience #ll #online #trust- It Was Nice with the Brick So Now I’ll Click: The Effects of Offline and Online Experience, Perceived Benefits, and Trust on Dutch Consumers’ Online Repeat Purchase Intention (AB, MS), pp. 371–380.
HIMI-D-2013-KobayashiYA #analysis #behaviour- Analysis of Purchasing Behavior Focusing on the Passage of Time at a Group Buying Site of Coupon (TK, TY, YA), pp. 449–455.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-OhtaK #motivation- The Relationship between Kansei Scale for Uniqueness of Products and Purchase Motivation (YO, KK), pp. 521–530.
ICEIS-v2-2013-KuCY #approach #recommendation- Effect of Product Type and Recommendation Approach on Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Recommended Products (YCK, CHC, CSY), pp. 475–480.
VLDB-2012-KanagalAPJYP #behaviour #learning #recommendation #taxonomy #using- Supercharging Recommender Systems using Taxonomies for Learning User Purchase Behavior (BK, AA, SP, VJ, JY, LGP), pp. 956–967.
KDIR-2012-DesarkarS #collaboration- User based Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Information for Purchase Data (MSD, SS), pp. 55–64.
SIGIR-2012-ZhaoLHC- Increasing temporal diversity with purchase intervals (GZ, MLL, WH, WC), pp. 165–174.
HIMI-v1-2011-NguyenV #behaviour #online #privacy #question- Does Privacy Information Influence Users’ Online Purchasing Behavior? (JHN, KPLV), pp. 349–358.
KDD-2011-PradelSDGRUFD #case study #recommendation- A case study in a recommender system based on purchase data (BP, SS, JD, SG, CR, NU, FFS, FDJ), pp. 377–385.
RecSys-2011-GorgoglionePT #behaviour #recommendation #trust- The effect of context-aware recommendations on customer purchasing behavior and trust (MG, UP, AT), pp. 85–92.
RecSys-2011-WangSS #e-commerce #recommendation- Utilizing related products for post-purchase recommendation in e-commerce (JW, BS, NS), pp. 329–332.
SIGIR-2010-HofmannHBR #evaluation #retrieval- Comparing click-through data to purchase decisions for retrieval evaluation (KH, BH, MB, MdR), pp. 761–762.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Fagerstrom #online- The Impact of Verbal Stimuli in Motivating Consumer Response at the Point of Purchase Situation Online (AF), pp. 713–719.
HIMI-IIE-2007-LinWH #metric #modelling #web- Evaluating Measurement Models for Web Purchasing Intention (BYL, PJW, CIH), pp. 740–748.
OCSC-2007-YehWH #behaviour #case study #online- A Study of Emotional and Rational Purchasing Behavior for Online Shopping (LY, EMYW, SLH), pp. 222–227.
EDOC-2005-WangM #order- Intelligent Aggregation of Purchase Orders in e-Procurement (GW, SM), pp. 27–38.
KDD-2005-RaskuttiH #predict- Predicting the product purchase patterns of corporate customers (BR, AH), pp. 469–478.
SEKE-2005-HuaC #specification- Yet Another Purchasing Specification Construction in E-Business (CHH, PMC), pp. 105–108.
KDD-2004-CumbyFGK #predict- Predicting customer shopping lists from point-of-sale purchase data (CMC, AEF, RG, MK), pp. 402–409.
KDD-2004-RusmevichientongZS #identification- Identifying early buyers from purchase data (PR, SZ, DS), pp. 671–677.
KDD-2003-EtzioniTKY #mining- To buy or not to buy: mining airfare data to minimize ticket purchase price (OE, RT, CAK, AY), pp. 119–128.
ICEIS-2002-RuizEGG- A System Based on Preferences for Aid to the Purchase Decision (ILR, ELE, GCG, MÁGN), pp. 1058–1063.
SAC-1997-OchiDF #algorithm #design #implementation #parallel #problem #search-based- Design and implementation of a parallel genetic algorithm for the travelling purchaser problem (LSO, LMdAD, RMVF), pp. 257–262.