23 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-Mead #collaboration #education #industrial #re-engineering- Industry/University Collaboration in Software Engineering Education: Refreshing and Retuning Our Strategies (NRM), pp. 273–275.
DATE-2014-JaksicC #energy #how #protocol- DRAM-based coherent caches and how to take advantage of the coherence protocol to reduce the refresh energy (ZJ, RC), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-Sadri0WWB #3d #energy #optimisation #using- Energy optimization in 3D MPSoCs with Wide-I/O DRAM using temperature variation aware bank-wise refresh (MS, MJ, CW, NW, LB), pp. 1–4.
HCI-AS-2014-MateiRR #quantifier- Refreshing Quantification and other Ploys to Give Up the Habit — A Repertoire of Relations, Identities, and Rhetorical Devices in Smoking Cessation Applications (SM, CR, RR), pp. 265–276.
HPCA-2014-AgrawalAT #energy #locality #named #process- Mosaic: Exploiting the spatial locality of process variation to reduce refresh energy in on-chip eDRAM modules (AA, AA, JT), pp. 84–95.
HPCA-2014-ChangLCAWKM #performance- Improving DRAM performance by parallelizing refreshes with accesses (KKWC, DL, ZC, ARA, CW, YK, OM), pp. 356–367.
HPCA-2014-ZhangPXSX #architecture #memory management #named- CREAM: A Concurrent-Refresh-Aware DRAM Memory architecture (TZ, MP, CX, GS, YX), pp. 368–379.
DATE-2013-LiSLXCX #adaptation- Cache coherence enabled adaptive refresh for volatile STT-RAM (JL, LS, QL, CJX, YC, YX), pp. 1247–1250.
CIKM-2013-BaiJS #online #social- Cache refreshing for online social news feeds (XB, FPJ, AS), pp. 787–792.
HPCA-2013-AgrawalJAT #multi #named- Refrint: Intelligent refresh to minimize power in on-chip multiprocessor cache hierarchies (AA, PJ, AA, JT), pp. 400–411.
HPCA-2013-ChangRLJ #comparison #energy #scalability- Technology comparison for large last-level caches (L3Cs): Low-leakage SRAM, low write-energy STT-RAM, and refresh-optimized eDRAM (MTC, PR, SLL, BJ), pp. 143–154.
HPCA-2013-NairCQ #memory management- A case for Refresh Pausing in DRAM memory systems (PJN, CCC, MKQ), pp. 627–638.
CIKM-2011-IkedaSW #workflow- Provenance-based refresh in data-oriented workflows (RI, SS, JW), pp. 1659–1668.
ASPLOS-2011-LiuPMZ #clustering #named- Flikker: saving DRAM refresh-power through critical data partitioning (SL, KP, TM, BGZ), pp. 213–224.
CSEET-2009-Bourque #feedback- SWEBOK Refresh and Continuous Update: A Call for Feedback and Participation (PB), pp. 288–289.
SIGMOD-2006-XiaZ #performance- Refreshing the sky: the compressed skycube with efficient support for frequent updates (TX, DZ), pp. 491–502.
VLDB-2005-FolkertGWSBSBS #optimisation #set- Optimizing Refresh of a Set of Materialized Views (NF, AG, AW, SS, SB, SS, TB, LS), pp. 1043–1054.
ITiCSE-2004-Ragonis #approach- A refreshing approach to an academic seminar course (NR), p. 236.
ICEIS-v1-2003-AraqueS #consistency #maintenance- Data Warehouse Refreshment Maintaining Temporal Consistency (FA, JS), pp. 252–259.
CAiSE-2002-KangL #incremental #xml- Deferred Incremental Refresh of XML Materialized Views (HK, JL), pp. 742–746.
CIKM-1999-WangOL #multi #performance- Efficient Refreshment of Materialized Views with Multiple Sources (HW, MEO, WL), pp. 375–382.
VLDB-1987-KahlerR #database- Extending Logging for Database Snapshot Refresh (BK, OR), pp. 389–398.
SIGMOD-1986-LindsayHM #algorithm #difference- A Snapshot Differential Refresh Algorithm (BGL, LMH, CM, HP, PFW), pp. 53–60.