12 papers:
DATE-2015-SalivaCHFABBA #monitoring #reliability- Digital circuits reliability with in-situ monitors in 28nm fully depleted SOI (MS, FC, VH, XF, DA, AB, AB, LA), pp. 441–446.
DAC-2014-AkgulPLBPBT #power management- Power management through DVFS and dynamic body biasing in FD-SOI circuits (YA, DP, SL, EB, IMP, PB, LT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KiamehrOTN #analysis #approach #fault- Radiation-Induced Soft Error Analysis of SRAMs in SOI FinFET Technology: A Device to Circuit Approach (SK, THO, MBT, SRN), p. 6.
DATE-2013-MagarshackFC #design #energy #process- UTBB FD-SOI: a process/design symbiosis for breakthrough energy-efficiency (PM, PF, GC), pp. 952–957.
DATE-2013-ParkQPC #embedded #logic #self- 40.4fJ/bit/mm low-swing on-chip signaling with self-resetting logic repeaters embedded within a mesh NoC in 45nm SOI CMOS (SP, MQ, LSP, APC), pp. 1637–1642.
DAC-2012-ParkKCDCP #prototype- Approaching the theoretical limits of a mesh NoC with a 16-node chip prototype in 45nm SOI (SP, TK, CHOC, BKD, AC, LSP), pp. 398–405.
DAC-2011-AarestadLPAA #process- Characterizing within-die and die-to-die delay variations introduced by process variations and SOI history effect (JA, CL, JP, DA, KA), pp. 534–539.
DATE-2006-RaychowdhuryPBR #case study #comparative #power management- Ultralow power computing with sub-threshold leakage: a comparative study of bulk and SOI technologies (AR, BCP, SB, KR), pp. 856–861.
DAC-2001-KarandikarS #logic- Technology Mapping for SOI Domino Logic Incorporating Solutions for the Parasitic Bipolar Effect (SKK, SSS), pp. 377–382.
DAC-2001-ZhangRKJ #3d #architecture #integration- Exploring SOI Device Structures and Interconnect Architectures for 3-Dimensional Integration (RZ, KR, CKK, DBJ), pp. 846–851.
DAC-1999-AllenBS- Converting a 64b PowerPC Processor from CMOS Bulk to SOI Technology (DA, DB, BS), pp. 892–897.
DAC-1999-ChuangP #design #perspective- SOI Digital CMOS VLSI — a Design Perspective (CTC, RP), pp. 709–714.