43 papers:
VLDB-2015-BrancotteYBBDH #analysis #rank- Rank aggregation with ties: Experiments and Analysis (BB, BY, GB, SCB, AD, SH), pp. 1202–1213.
ICALP-v1-2015-CsehHK- Popular Matchings with Two-Sided Preferences and One-Sided Ties (ÁC, CCH, TK), pp. 367–379.
CSCW-2015-WieseMHZ #quote- “You Never Call, You Never Write”: Call and SMS Logs Do Not Always Indicate Tie Strength (JW, JKM, JIH, JZ), pp. 765–774.
CASE-2014-ChowJCN #novel- A novel vision guided knot-tying method for autonomous robotic surgery (DLC, RCJ, MCC, WSN), pp. 504–508.
HT-2014-SharmaSS #process #social #twitter- Inferring social ties from common activities in twitter (US, AS, SS), pp. 318–320.
CHI-2014-BurkeK #facebook #network #social- Growing closer on facebook: changes in tie strength through social network site use (MB, REK), pp. 4187–4196.
CSCW-2014-BackstromK #analysis #facebook #network #social- Romantic partnerships and the dispersion of social ties: a network analysis of relationship status on facebook (LB, JMK), pp. 831–841.
ECIR-2014-WangWF #microblog #retrieval- An Exploration of Tie-Breaking for Microblog Retrieval (YW, HW, HF), pp. 713–719.
KDD-2014-SintosT #network #social #using- Using strong triadic closure to characterize ties in social networks (SS, PT), pp. 1466–1475.
SEKE-2014-HuangCWC #how #interactive #question #testing- How to Do Tie-breaking in Prioritization of Interaction Test Suites? (RH, JC, RW, DC), pp. 121–125.
CASE-2013-ChowN- Improved knot-tying methods for autonomous robot surgery (DLC, WSN), pp. 461–465.
HT-2013-RoutBPC #approach #classification #social- Where’s @wally?: a classification approach to geolocating users based on their social ties (DPR, KB, DPP, TC), pp. 11–20.
CSCW-2013-BurkeK #difference #facebook #using- Using facebook after losing a job: differential benefits of strong and weak ties (MB, RK), pp. 1419–1430.
CSCW-2013-XuHKC #behaviour #twitter- Structures of broken ties: exploring unfollow behavior on twitter (BX, YH, HK, NSC), pp. 871–876.
CIKM-2013-McGeeCC #predict #social #social media- Location prediction in social media based on tie strength (JM, JC, ZC), pp. 459–468.
ICML-c2-2013-AlainO- Gated Autoencoders with Tied Input Weights (AD, OS), pp. 154–162.
CSCW-2012-Gilbert12a #predict- Predicting tie strength in a new medium (EG), pp. 1047–1056.
CSCW-2012-PanovichMK #network #social- Tie strength in question & answer on social network sites (KP, RM, DRK), pp. 1057–1066.
ICPR-2012-LiP #detection- Anomalous tie plate detection for railroad inspection (YL, SP), pp. 3017–3020.
SIGIR-2012-YangSLZC #network #predict #social- Friend or frenemy?: predicting signed ties in social networks (SHY, AJS, BL, HZ, YC), pp. 555–564.
CHI-2011-Kivran-SwaineGN #network #online #social #twitter- The impact of network structure on breaking ties in online social networks: unfollowing on twitter (FKS, PG, MN), pp. 1101–1104.
CIKM-2011-KustarevULGSS #metric #using- Smoothing NDCG metrics using tied scores (AK, YU, YL, EG, IS, PS), pp. 2053–2056.
CIKM-2011-McGeeCC #social #social media- A geographic study of tie strength in social media (JM, JC, ZC), pp. 2333–2336.
KDD-2011-WangPSGB #predict #social- Human mobility, social ties, and link prediction (DW, DP, CS, FG, ALB), pp. 1100–1108.
KDIR-2011-ConroyGO #similarity #twitter- Measuring Twitter user Similarity as a Function of Strength of Ties (JC, JG, CO), pp. 262–270.
SAT-2011-Gelder #multi #ranking- Careful Ranking of Multiple Solvers with Timeouts and Ties (AVG), pp. 317–328.
SOFTVIS-2010-MaheswaraBC #concurrent #interactive #named #thread #visualisation- TIE: an interactive visualization of thread interleavings (GM, JSB, CC), pp. 215–216.
SEKE-2010-XuDWG #evaluation #fault #locality- An Evaluation of Tie-Breaking Strategies for Fault Localization Techniques (XX, VD, WEW, DG), pp. 123–128.
CHI-2009-GilbertK #predict #social #social media- Predicting tie strength with social media (EG, KK), pp. 211–220.
CSCW-2008-ChungH #distributed #network- Network structure, position, ties and ICT use in distributed knowledge-intensive work (KSKC, LH), pp. 545–554.
CSCW-2008-PlodererHT #network #online #social- Being online, living offline: the influence of social ties over the appropriation of social network sites (BP, SH, PT), pp. 333–342.
ECIR-2008-McSherryN #information retrieval #metric #performance- Computing Information Retrieval Performance Measures Efficiently in the Presence of Tied Scores (FM, MN), pp. 414–421.
ICPR-2008-WangH #case study #modelling #online #recognition- A study of semi-tied covariance modeling for online handwritten Chinese character recognition (YW, QH), pp. 1–5.
RecSys-2008-GunawardanaM #recommendation- Tied boltzmann machines for cold start recommendations (AG, CM), pp. 19–26.
SIGIR-2008-ZhouXZY #learning #rank- Learning to rank with ties (KZ, GRX, HZ, YY), pp. 275–282.
CHI-2005-VetereGKHMPMB #design- Mediating intimacy: designing technologies to support strong-tie relationships (FV, MRG, JK, SH, FM, SP, KM, MB), pp. 471–480.
PODS-2004-FaginKSMV #ranking- Comparing and Aggregating Rankings with Ties (RF, RK, MM, DS, EV), pp. 47–58.
ICPR-v2-2002-OthmanA #2d #recognition- A Tied-Mixture 2-D HMM Face Recognition System (HO, TA), pp. 453–456.
SAT-2002-GentP #encoding #problem #satisfiability- SAT encodings of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (IG, PP), p. 19.
ICALP-1999-IwamaMMM- Stable Marriage with Incomplete Lists and Ties (KI, DM, SM, YM), pp. 443–452.
ICPR-1996-NathanSP #online #parametricity #recognition- Parameter tying in writer-dependent recognition of on-line handwriting (KN, JS, MPP), pp. 28–32.
PODS-1992-PapadimitriouY #semantics- Tie-Breaking Semantics and Structural Totality (CHP, MY), pp. 16–22.
CSCW-1992-PickeringK #communication- Hardwiring Weak Ties: Individual and Institutional Issues in Computer Mediated Communication (JMP, JLK), pp. 356–361.