25 papers:
CHI-2015-LeeBCCWPSBR #exclamation #interactive- Trap it!: A Playful Human-Biology Interaction for a Museum Installation (SAL, EB, AMC, NC, BW, JYP, BS, PB, IHRK), pp. 2593–2602.
SIGIR-2013-RaueAJ #exclamation #requirements #social #social media- #trapped!: social media search system requirements for emergency management professionals (SR, LA, CWJ), pp. 1073–1076.
DAC-2012-VelamalaSSC #matter #physics #predict #statistics- Physics matters: statistical aging prediction under trapping/detrapping (JBV, KS, TS, YC), pp. 139–144.
DATE-2012-DoustiP #latency #quantum- Minimizing the latency of quantum circuits during mapping to the ion-trap circuit fabric (MJD, MP), pp. 840–843.
PADL-2012-GuzmanCCH #approach- A Segment-Swapping Approach for Executing Trapped Computations (PCdG, AC, MC, MVH), pp. 138–152.
SAC-2012-ParkDNDKK #identification #memory management #named- HotDataTrap: a sampling-based hot data identification scheme for flash memory (DP, BKD, YN, DHCD, YK, YK), pp. 1610–1617.
ISMM-2011-MajoG #manycore #memory management- Memory management in NUMA multicore systems: trapped between cache contention and interconnect overhead (ZM, TRG), pp. 11–20.
SAC-2010-MiaoOWS #distributed #network #using- Coverage-hole trap model in target tracking using distributed relay-robot network (HM, CCO, XW, CS), pp. 1299–1304.
HCI-NT-2009-TongZ #question- Are We Trapped by Majority Influences in Electronic Word-of-Mouth? (YT, YZ), pp. 520–529.
CASE-2008-KimSEP #component #scalability #self- Large scale self-assembly of crystalline semiconductor microcomponents onto plastic substrates via microfluidic traps (SSK, ES, JRE, BAP), pp. 967–970.
SAC-2008-LiuHC- Handle local optimum traps in CBIR systems (DL, KAH, HC), pp. 1202–1206.
SEKE-2007-SadjadiT #dot-net- TRAP.NET: A Realization of Transparent Shaping in .NET (SMS, FT), pp. 19–24.
SAC-2006-CutelloNO #algorithm #analysis #heuristic- Analysis of an evolutionary algorithm with HyperMacromutation and stop at first constructive mutation heuristic for solving trap functions (VC, GN, PSO), pp. 945–949.
CASE-2005-GoemansLGS #design #on the- On the design of guillotine traps for vibratory bowl feeders (OCG, AL, KG, AFvdS), pp. 79–86.
UML-2004-BauerdickGG #case study #detection #experience #ocl #uml- Detecting OCL Traps in the UML 2.0 Superstructure: An Experience Report (HB, MG, FG), pp. 188–196.
ICSE-2003-EbertS #concept #product line- Tricks and Traps of Initiating a Product Line Concept in Existing Product (CE, MS), pp. 520–527.
CSMR-2002-MolnarBS #aspectj #java #xml- Function Call Trap of Java Codes with the Help of AspectJ and XML (BM, IB, BS), pp. 207–210.
CC-2002-MiecznikowskiH #bytecode #java #problem- Decompiling Java Bytecode: Problems, Traps and Pitfalls (JM, LJH), pp. 111–127.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Lauinger #design #java- Java Design Traps and Pitfalls (TL), p. 465.
ASPLOS-2000-KawahitoKN #effectiveness #hardware #null #pointer- Effective Null Pointer Check Elimination Utilizing Hardware Trap (MK, HK, TN), pp. 139–149.
POPL-1994-Ramsey #correctness #implementation- Correctness of Trap-Based Breakpoint Implementations (NR), pp. 15–24.
ASPLOS-1994-UhligNMS #simulation- Trap-driven Simulation with Tapeworm II (RU, DN, TNM, SS), pp. 132–144.
CC-1994-ErtlK #exception #execution- Delayed Exceptions — Speculative Execution of Trapping Instructions (MAE, AK), pp. 158–171.
SOSP-1993-HoskingM #memory management #object-oriented- Protection Traps and Alternatives for Memory Management of an Object-Oriented Language (ALH, JEBM), pp. 106–119.
LFP-1990-Johnson #architecture #lisp- Trap Architectures for Lisp Systems (DJ), pp. 79–86.