16 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-Dickson #development #education #game studies #using- Using Unity to Teach Game Development: When You’ve Never Written a Game (PED), pp. 75–80.
FLOPS-2012-AriolaDHNS #calculus #call-by #semantics- Classical Call-by-Need Sequent Calculi: The Unity of Semantic Artifacts (ZMA, PD, HH, KN, AS), pp. 32–46.
ICALP-v1-2010-Litow #on the- On Sums of Roots of Unity (BEL), pp. 420–425.
CIKM-2010-AnagnostopoulosBCGL #community #scalability- Power in unity: forming teams in large-scale community systems (AA, LB, CC, AG, SL), pp. 599–608.
ICPR-2010-HuYLS #3d #locality #multi #novel #using- A Novel Facial Localization for Three-dimensional Face Using Multi-level Partition of Unity Implicits (YH, JY, WL, PS), pp. 682–685.
IFM-2007-AguirreRM #community #design #verification- Verifying Temporal Properties of CommUnity Designs (NA, GR, TSEM), pp. 1–20.
SIGIR-2006-ParikhK #feedback #named #query #using- Unity: relevance feedback using user query logs (JP, SK), pp. 689–690.
IFM-2004-WangRL #csp #independence #reachability- Relating Data Independent Trace Checks in CSP with UNITY Reachability under a Normality Assumption (XW, AWR, RL), pp. 247–266.
ICSE-2004-OliveiraW #community- The CommUnity Workbench (CO, MW), pp. 709–710.
RTA-2003-GraniczZH- Rewriting UNITY (AG, DMZ, JH), pp. 138–147.
IFM-1999-Grosse-Rhode #algebra #comparison #composition #protocol #specification- A Compositional Comparison of Specifications of the Alternating Bit Protocol in CCS and UNITY Based on Algebra Transformation Systems (MGR), pp. 253–272.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Meyer99b #power of- The Unity of Software and the Power of Roundtrip Engineering (BM), p. 2.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Meyer #power of- The Unity of Software and the Power of Roundtrip Engineering (BM), p. 3.
FME-1997-Charpentier #distributed #source code- A UNITY Mapping Operator for Distributed Programs (MC), pp. 665–684.
ESEC-FSE-1997-PiccoRM #mobile- Expressing Code Mobility in Mobile UNITY (GPP, GCR, PJM), pp. 500–518.
INTERCHI-1993-KuuttiB #concept #interface- Searching for unity among diversity: exploring the “interface” concept (KK, LJB), pp. 263–268.