21 papers:
CHI-2015-KimMP #mobile #volunteer- Exploring Barriers to the Adoption of Mobile Technologies for Volunteer Data Collection Campaigns (SK, JM, EP), pp. 3117–3126.
CHI-2015-Reuter0KP #design #named #volunteer- XHELP: Design of a Cross-Platform Social-Media Application to Support Volunteer Moderators in Disasters (CR, TL, MAK, VP), pp. 4093–4102.
CHI-2015-SenFMGKH #locality #volunteer- Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information (SS, HF, DRM, MG, OSBK, BH), pp. 197–206.
CSCW-2015-TangCSR #deployment #framework #volunteer- Restructuring Human Infrastructure: The Impact of EHR Deployment in a Volunteer-Dependent Clinic (CT, YC, BCS, JAR), pp. 649–661.
CSCW-2015-VoidaYK #volunteer- (Infra)structures of Volunteering (AV, ZY, MK), pp. 1704–1716.
VLDB-2014-QinHLYT #named #reliability #volunteer- Fatman: Cost-saving and reliable archival storage based on volunteer resources (AQ, DH, JL, WY, DT), pp. 1748–1753.
CSCW-2014-CobbMPBCDS #collaboration #comprehension #design #distributed #volunteer- Designing for the deluge: understanding & supporting the distributed, collaborative work of crisis volunteers (CC, TM, AP, AB, JC, BD, KS), pp. 888–899.
CSCW-2014-PreistMC #volunteer- Competing or aiming to be average?: normification as a means of engaging digital volunteers (CP, EM, DC), pp. 1222–1233.
CSCW-2014-SheppardWT #monitoring #quality #volunteer- Capturing quality: retaining provenance for curated volunteer monitoring data (SAS, AW, LGT), pp. 1234–1245.
CHI-2013-Starbird #community #volunteer- Delivering patients to sacré coeur: collective intelligence in digital volunteer communities (KS), pp. 801–810.
CSCW-2013-HsiehHCT #community #exclamation #online #predict #quote #social #volunteer- “Welcome!”: social and psychological predictors of volunteer socializers in online communities (GH, YH, IC, KNT), pp. 827–838.
CHI-2012-VoidaHA #coordination #social #volunteer- Bridging between organizations and the public: volunteer coordinators’ uneasy relationship with social computing (AV, EH, BAA), pp. 1967–1976.
CSCW-2012-FarzanKPK #community #empirical #online #volunteer- Socializing volunteers in an online community: a field experiment (RF, RK, AP, JAK), pp. 325–334.
CSCW-2012-WangCRR #online #trade-off #volunteer- Searching for the goldilocks zone: trade-offs in managing online volunteer groups (LSW, JC, YR, JR), pp. 989–998.
CHI-2011-Hincapie-RamosTB #framework #named #volunteer- GridOrbit: an infrastructure awareness system for increasing contribution in volunteer computing (JDHR, AT, JEB), pp. 1899–1908.
CHI-2011-StarbirdP #quote #self #volunteer- “Voluntweeters”: self-organizing by digital volunteers in times of crisis (KS, LP), pp. 1071–1080.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ChenCSL #design #mobile #volunteer- Finding Suitable Candidates: The Design of a Mobile Volunteering Matching System (WCC, YMC, FES, CLL), pp. 21–29.
CHI-2010-ChenRR #online #volunteer- The effects of diversity on group productivity and member withdrawal in online volunteer groups (JC, YR, JR), pp. 821–830.
CSCW-2010-PriedhorskyMT #elicitation #volunteer- Eliciting and focusing geographic volunteer work (RP, MM, LGT), pp. 61–70.
HPDC-2010-DonassoloCLV #performance #scalability #simulation #using #volunteer- Fast and scalable simulation of volunteer computing systems using SimGrid (BD, HC, AL, PV), pp. 605–612.
HPDC-2010-MooreKMKG #performance #volunteer- Simultaneous performance exploration and optimized search with volunteer computing (LRM, MK, TM, MK, KAG), pp. 312–315.