32 papers:
VLDB-2014-FuOPZ #component #declarative #javascript #named #using- FORWARD: Data-Centric UIs using Declarative Templates that Efficiently Wrap Third-Party JavaScript Components (YF, KWO, YP, EZ), pp. 1649–1652.
RecSys-2014-LoniS #library #named #recommendation- WrapRec: an easy extension of recommender system libraries (BL, AS), pp. 377–378.
ICSM-2010-TonelliKR #api #migration- Swing to SWT and back: Patterns for API migration by wrapping (TTB, KC, RL), pp. 1–10.
QAPL-2010-CoppoDDGT #calculus #probability- Stochastic Calculus of Wrapped Compartments (MC, FD, MD, EG, AT), pp. 82–98.
DocEng-2009-Hassan09a #documentation #graph #interactive #named #using- GraphWrap: a system for interactive wrapping of pdf documents using graph matching techniques (TH), pp. 247–248.
ICDAR-2009-Hassan #documentation #graph #using- User-Guided Wrapping of PDF Documents Using Graph Matching Techniques (TH), pp. 631–635.
SAC-2008-KimuraG #api #named- TIPS: wrapping the sockets API for seamless IP mobility (BYLK, HCG), pp. 1940–1945.
VLDB-2007-ChuangCZ- Context-Aware Wrapping: Synchronized Data Extraction (SLC, KCCC, CZ), pp. 699–710.
WCRE-2007-LorenzoFMTV #web #web service- Turning Web Applications into Web Services by Wrapping Techniques (GDL, ARF, LM, PT, VV), pp. 199–208.
SAS-2007-SimonK #integer- Taming the Wrapping of Integer Arithmetic (AS, AK), pp. 121–136.
SAC-2007-BettiniCG #java- Featherweight wrap Java (LB, SC, EG), pp. 1094–1100.
CAiSE-2006-FlescaGMT #documentation #nondeterminism- Wrapping PDF Documents Exploiting Uncertain Knowledge (SF, SG, EM, AT), pp. 175–189.
DATE-2005-SehgalLOC #testing- Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores (AS, FL, SO, KC), pp. 50–55.
ICEIS-v1-2005-SuwanmaneeBCT #owl #relational- Wrapping and Integrating Heterogeneous Relational Data with OWL (SS, DB, PAC, PT), pp. 11–18.
WCRE-2003-GannodZM #integration #on the fly #web #web service- On-the-fly Wrapping of Web Services to Support Dynamic Integration (GCG, HZ, SVM), pp. 175–185.
SIGIR-2002-SchmittCS #automation #generative #named- ExWrap: semi-automatic wrapper generation by example (BS, MC, JS), p. 452.
SAC-2002-CrescenziMM #classification #web- Wrapping-oriented classification of web pages (VC, GM, PM), pp. 1108–1112.
CBSE-2001-PopovSRR #component- Protective Wrapping of OTS Components (PP, LS, SR, AR), p. 8.
DATE-2001-BenabdenbiMM #testing- Testing TAPed cores and wrapped cores with the same test access mechanism (MB, WM, MM), pp. 150–155.
WCRE-2001-Sneed #cobol #interface #legacy #source code #xml- Wrapping Legacy COBOL Programs behind an XML-Interface (HMS), p. 189–?.
ICSE-2001-WohlstadterJD #generative #source code- Generating Wrappers for Command Line Programs: The Cal-Aggie Wrap-O-Matic Project (EW, SJ, PTD), pp. 243–252.
HPDC-2001-FollenKLTS #corba #development #legacy- A CORBA-Based Development Environment for Wrapping and Coupling Legacy Scientific Codes (GJF, CMK, IL, ST, JS), p. 22–?.
SIGMOD-2000-ChristophidesCS #integration #on the #performance #query #xml- On Wrapping Query Languages and Efficient XML Integration (VC, SC, JS), pp. 141–152.
ICPR-v2-2000-BaesensVVD #feature model #network #optimisation- Wrapped Feature Selection by Means of Guided Neural Network Optimization (BB, SV, JV, GD), pp. 2113–2116.
ICSM-1998-SneedM #case study- A Case Study in Software Wrapping (HMS, RM), pp. 86–93.
WCRE-1998-CimitileCL #analysis #data flow #incremental #migration- Incremental Migration Strategies: Data Flow Analysis For Wrapping (AC, UdC, ADL), pp. 59–68.
VLDB-1997-RothS #architecture #data flow #exclamation #legacy- Don’t Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources (MTR, PMS), pp. 266–275.
WCRE-1997-Sneed #interface #re-engineering- Program Interface Reengineering for Wrapping (HMS), pp. 206–214.
ICSM-2000-MullerWS #framework #standard #using- Wrapping coarse-grained objects using standard infrastructure technology (HAM, KW, MADS), p. 301.
ICSM-2000-Sneed- The rationale for software wrapping (HMS), p. 303.
SOSP-1987-JeffersonBWBLHLSTWWYB #distributed #operating system #simulation- Distributed Simulation and the Time Wrap Operating System (DRJ, BB, FW, LB, MDL, PH, PL, KS, JT, LVW, JJW, HY, SB), pp. 77–93.
DAC-1968-BrownCS #automation #design- Design automation and the WRAP System (JAB, LJC, JJS).