Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Balakrishnan J.P.Birnholtz N.Vyagrheswarudu S.Das M.Wu K.N.Truong M.H.Chignell S.Tsang K.Singh N.Selvakkumaran S.Raje G.Karypis J.Liu M.Hong K.T.Do J.Y.Choi J.Park M.Kumar M.Kumar N.Tripathi
Talks about:
sequenti (2) resourc (2) control (2) camera (2) power (2) clock (2) audio (2) task (2) awar (2) exploratori (1)
Person: Abhishek Ranjan
DBLP: Ranjan:Abhishek
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- Clock domain crossing aware sequential clock gating (JL, MSH, KTD, JYC, JP, MK, MK, NT, AR), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2012-VyagrheswaruduDR #framework #interactive #named #optimisation #platform
- PowerAdviser: An RTL power platform for interactive sequential optimizations (NV, SD, AR), pp. 550–553.
- CHI-2009-WuRT #requirements #social
- An exploration of social requirements for exercise group formation (MW, AR, KNT), pp. 79–82.
- CHI-2008-RanjanBB #detection
- Improving meeting capture by applying television production principles with audio and motion detection (AR, JPB, RB), pp. 227–236.
- CHI-2007-RanjanBB #automation #visual notation
- Dynamic shared visual spaces: experimenting with automatic camera control in a remote repair task (AR, JPB, RB), pp. 1177–1186.
- CHI-2006-RanjanBC
- Searching in audio: the utility of transcripts, dichotic presentation, and time-compression (AR, RB, MHC), pp. 721–730.
- CSCW-2006-RanjanBB #analysis #collaboration
- An exploratory analysis of partner action and camera control in a video-mediated collaborative task (AR, JPB, RB), pp. 403–412.
- CHI-2004-TsangBSR #3d #image #interface #sketching
- A suggestive interface for image guided 3D sketching (ST, RB, KS, AR), pp. 591–598.
- DAC-2004-SelvakkumaranRRK #algorithm #clustering #multi
- Multi-resource aware partitioning algorithms for FPGAs with heterogeneous resources (NS, AR, SR, GK), pp. 741–746.