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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
Collaborated with:
Anders Drachen C.Bauckhage C.Thurau Julian Runge C.Ojeda Fabian Hadiji K.Kersting Diego Klabjan Alessandro Canossa Nicholas Ross Y.N.Ravari P.Spronck Raheel Yawar Rajkumar Ramamurthy Sridev Srikanth Marco Tamassia William L. Raffe Fabio Zambetta M.Hitchens Eric Thurston Lundquist Yungjen Kung Pranav Simha Rao James Green Chester Gray Elie Harik Patty Lu Mike Schaekermann Giovanni Ribeiro Guenter Wallner S.Kriglstein Daniel M. Johnson 0001 L.E.Nacke Myat Aung Simon Demediuk Y.Sun Ye Tu Yu Ang Siva Nekkanti Shantanu Raghav
Talks about:
game (15) player (9) behavior (7) predict (7) destini (4) cluster (4) analysi (4) play (4) base (4) profil (3)

Person: Rafet Sifa

DBLP DBLP: Sifa:Rafet

Contributed to:

RecSys 20152015
CIG 20122012
CIG 20132013
FDG 20132013
CIG 20142014
AIIDE 20152015
AIIDE 20162016
CIG 20162016
AIIDE 20172017
AIIDE 20182018
FDG 20192019
CHI PLAY 20172017

Wrote 20 papers:

RecSys-2015-SifaOB #analysis #migration
User Churn Migration Analysis with DEDICOM (RS, CO, CB), pp. 321–324.
CIG-2012-BauckhageKSTDC #empirical #game studies #how
How players lose interest in playing a game: An empirical study based on distributions of total playing times (CB, KK, RS, CT, AD, AC), pp. 139–146.
CIG-2012-DrachenSBT #behaviour #clustering #game studies
Guns, swords and data: Clustering of player behavior in computer games in the wild (AD, RS, CB, CT), pp. 163–170.
CIG-2013-SifaB #analysis #behaviour #game studies #learning
Archetypical motion: Supervised game behavior learning with Archetypal Analysis (RS, CB), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2013-SifaDBTC #behaviour #evolution
Behavior evolution in Tomb Raider Underworld (RS, AD, CB, CT, AC), pp. 1–8.
FDG-2013-DrachenTSB #behaviour #clustering #comparison
A comparison of methods for player clustering via behavioral telemetry (AD, CT, RS, CB), pp. 245–252.
CIG-2014-BauckhageSDTH #behaviour #clustering #game studies #heatmap #using
Beyond heatmaps: Spatio-temporal clustering using behavior-based partitioning of game levels (CB, RS, AD, CT, FH), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2014-HadijiSDTKB #predict
Predicting player churn in the wild (FH, RS, AD, CT, KK, CB), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2014-SifaBD #modelling #scalability
The Playtime Principle: Large-scale cross-games interest modeling (RS, CB, AD), pp. 1–8.
AIIDE-2015-SifaDB #analysis #behaviour #scalability
Large-Scale Cross-Game Player Behavior Analysis on Steam (RS, AD, CB), pp. 198–204.
AIIDE-2015-SifaHRDKB #game studies #mobile #predict
Predicting Purchase Decisions in Mobile Free-to-Play Games (RS, FH, JR, AD, KK, CB), pp. 79–85.
AIIDE-2016-DrachenLKRSRK #agile #game studies #mobile #predict
Rapid Prediction of Player Retention in Free-to-Play Mobile Games (AD, ETL, YK, PSR, RS, JR, DK), pp. 23–29.
CIG-2016-DrachenGGHLSK #analysis #behaviour #clustering #comparative #profiling
Guns and guardians: Comparative cluster analysis and behavioral profiling in destiny (AD, JG, CG, EH, PL, RS, DK), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2016-DrachenRRS #game studies #mobile
Stylized facts for mobile game analytics (AD, NR, JR, RS), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2016-SifaSDOB #game studies #learning #predict #representation
Predicting Retention in Sandbox Games with Tensor Factorization-based Representation Learning (RS, SS, AD, CO, CB), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2016-TamassiaRSDZH #approach #game studies #markov #modelling #online #predict
Predicting player churn in destiny: A Hidden Markov models approach to predicting player departure in a major online game (MT, WLR, RS, AD, FZ, MH), pp. 1–8.
AIIDE-2017-RavariSSD #game studies #hybrid #online #predict
Predicting Victory in a Hybrid Online Competitive Game: The Case of Destiny (YNR, PS, RS, AD), pp. 207–213.
AIIDE-2018-SifaYRB #architecture #bottom-up #comparative #evaluation #game studies #matrix #online #recommendation
Matrix and Tensor Factorization Based Game Content Recommender Systems: A Bottom-Up Architecture and a Comparative Online Evaluation (RS, RY, RR, CB), pp. 102–108.
FDG-2019-AungDSTANRKSD #game studies #profiling
The trails of Just Cause 2: spatio-temporal player profiling in open-world games (MA, SD, YS, YT, YA, SN, SR, DK, RS, AD), p. 11.
CHI-PLAY-2017-SchaekermannRWK #behaviour #game studies #metric #motivation #profiling #self
Curiously Motivated: Profiling Curiosity with Self-Reports and Behaviour Metrics in the Game “Destiny” (MS, GR, GW, SK, DMJ0, AD, RS, LEN), pp. 143–156.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.