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Open Knowledge
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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Croatia
1 × Finland
1 × Ireland
1 × Norway
1 × Singapore
1 × South Africa
15 × USA
2 × Japan
2 × Switzerland
2 × United Kingdom
3 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
N.Medvidović E.M.Dashofy Y.Zheng P.Oreizy H.U.Asuncion S.A.Hendrickson C.Dorn M.Young J.R.Erenkrantz A.v.d.Hoek G.Suryanarayana M.M.Gorlick R.Khare R.T.Fielding K.M.Anderson E.J.W.Jr. J.Ren G.F.Johnson D.L.Levine D.B.Troup T.A.Standish J.E.Robbins K.Strasser A.U.Asuncion F.François D.S.Rosenblum A.S.Hitomi G.A.Bolcer M.H.Diallo R.K.Keller M.Cameron K.Forester D.Brodbeck C.D.Kelly Y.Wang A.Kobsa J.Whitehead
Talks about:
architectur (31) softwar (19) style (9) system (6) base (6) environ (5) develop (5) implement (4) languag (4) decentr (4)

♂ Person: Richard N. Taylor

DBLP DBLP: Taylor:Richard_N=

Facilitated 5 volumes:

ICSE 2011Ed
ICSE 2011GCh
FSE 2004Ed
FSE 2004GCh
ICSE 1997Ed

Contributed to:

ICSE 20132013
SPLC 20132013
ICSE 20122012
SEKE 20122012
WICSA/ECSA 20122012
ASE 20112011
ICSE 20102010
ESEC/FSE 20092009
SPLC 20092009
WICSA/ECSA 20092009
ESEC/FSE 20072007
ICSE 20062006
IWPC 20052005
ICSE 20042004
WICSA 20042004
ASE 20032003
SEKE 20032003
ICSE 20022002
WICSA 20012001
ICSE 20002000
ICSE 19991999
ICSE 19981998
ESEC/FSE 19971997
ICSE 19971997
FSE 19961996
ICSE 19951995
HT/ECHT 19941994
INTERCHI 19931993
ISSTA 19931993
ICSE 19911991
ICSE 19891989
ISSTA 19891989
ICSE 19881988
ICSE 19841984
ESEC/FSE 20172017

Wrote 41 papers:

ICSE-2013-DornT #adaptation #architecture
Coupling software architecture and human architecture for collaboration-aware system adaptation (CD, RNT), pp. 53–62.
SPLC-2013-Taylor #architecture #ecosystem
The role of architectural styles in successful software ecosystems (RNT), pp. 2–4.
ICSE-2012-DornT #adaptation #architecture #co-evolution
Co-adapting human collaborations and software architectures (CD, RNT), pp. 1277–1280.
ICSE-2012-ZhengT #architecture #behaviour #consistency #implementation
Enhancing architecture-implementation conformance with change management and support for behavioral mapping (YZ, RNT), pp. 628–638.
ICSE-2012-ZhengT12a #architecture #implementation #named
xMapper: An architecture-implementation mapping tool (YZ, RNT), pp. 1461–1462.
SEKE-2012-AsuncionT #approach #traceability
A Holistic Approach to Software Traceability (HUA, RNT), pp. 412–417.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-GorlickST #architecture #distributed #named #on-demand
COAST: An Architectural Style for Decentralized On-Demand Tailored Services (MMG, KS, RNT), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2011-ZhengT #architecture #implementation
Taming changes With 1.x-Way architecture-implementation mapping (YZ, RNT), pp. 396–399.
ICSE-2010-AsuncionAT #modelling #topic #traceability
Software traceability with topic modeling (HUA, AUA, RNT), pp. 95–104.
ICSE-2010-MedvidovicT #architecture #theory and practice
Software architecture: foundations, theory, and practice (NM, RNT), pp. 471–472.
ESEC-FSE-2009-Taylor #architecture
Software architecture: many faces, many places, yet a central discipline (RNT), pp. 303–304.
SPLC-2009-HendricksonWHTK #modelling #personalisation #privacy
Modeling PLA variation of privacy-enhancing personalized systems (SAH, YW, AvdH, RNT, AK), pp. 71–80.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-TaylorMO #adaptation #architecture #runtime
Architectural styles for runtime software adaptation (RNT, NM, PO), pp. 171–180.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AsuncionFT #industrial #traceability
An end-to-end industrial software traceability tool (HUA, FF, RNT), pp. 115–124.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ErenkrantzGST #architecture #evolution #web
From representations to computations: the evolution of web architectures (JRE, MMG, GS, RNT), pp. 255–264.
ICSE-2006-SuryanarayanaDET #architecture #distributed #modelling #trust
Architectural support for trust models in decentralized applications (GS, MHD, JRE, RNT), pp. 52–61.
IWPC-2005-HendricksonDT #approach #architecture #comprehension
An (Architecture-Centric) Approach for Tracing, Organizing, and Understanding Events in Event-Based Software Architectures (SAH, EMD, RNT), pp. 227–236.
ICSE-2004-KhareT #architecture #distributed #rest
Extending the Representational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems (RK, RNT), pp. 428–437.
WICSA-2004-SuryanarayanaEHT #architecture #distributed #named #trust
PACE: An Architectural Style for Trust Management in Decentralized Applications (GS, JRE, SAH, RNT), pp. 221–232.
ASE-2003-HendricksonDT #approach #architecture #comprehension
An Approach for Tracing and Understanding Asynchronous Architectures (SAH, EMD, RNT), pp. 318–322.
SEKE-2003-RenT #architecture #component #off the shelf #visualisation
Visualizing Software Architecture with Off-The-Shelf Components (JR, RNT), pp. 132–141.
ICSE-2002-DashofyHT #agile #architecture #development #framework #xml
An infrastructure for the rapid development of XML-based architecture description languages (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 266–276.
WICSA-2001-DashofyHT #architecture #xml
A Highly-Extensible, XML-Based Architecture Description Language (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 103–112.
ICSE-2000-FieldingT #architecture #design #web
Principled design of the modern Web architecture (RTF, RNT), pp. 407–416.
ICSE-1999-DashofyMT #architecture #distributed #middleware #off the shelf #using
Using Off-the-Shelf Middleware to Implement Connectors in Distributed Software Architectures (EMD, NM, RNT), pp. 3–12.
ICSE-1999-MedvidovicRT #architecture #development #evolution
A Language and Environment for Architecture-Based Software Development and Evolution (NM, DSR, RNT), pp. 44–53.
ICSE-1998-OreizyMT #architecture #evolution #runtime
Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution (PO, NM, RNT), pp. 177–186.
ESEC-FSE-1997-MedvidovicT #architecture #framework
A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Architecture Description Languages (NM, RNT), pp. 60–76.
ICSE-1997-HitomiBT #framework #named #process
Endeavors: A Process System Infrastructure (ASH, GAB, RNT), pp. 598–599.
ICSE-1997-MedvidovicOT #architecture #component #off the shelf #reuse #using
Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components in C2-Style Architectures (NM, PO, RNT), pp. 692–700.
FSE-1996-MedvidovicORT #architecture #design #object-oriented #type system #using
Using Object-Oriented Typing to Support Architectural Design in the C2 Style (NM, PO, JER, RNT), pp. 24–32.
ICSE-1995-TaylorMAWR #architecture #component #message passing #user interface
A Component- and Message-Based Architectural Style for GUI Software (RNT, NM, KMA, EJWJ, JER), pp. 295–304.
HT-ECHT-1994-AndersonTW #hypermedia #named
Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments (KMA, RNT, EJWJ), pp. 94–107.
INTERCHI-1993-TaylorJ #development #user interface
Separations of concerns in the Chiron-1 user interface development and management system (RNT, GFJ), pp. 367–374.
ISSTA-1993-LevineT #analysis #concurrent #metric #re-engineering
Metric-Driven Reengineering for Static Concurrency Analysis (DLL, RNT), pp. 40–50.
ICSE-1991-KellerCTT #development #user interface
User Interface Development and Software Environments: The Chiron-1 System (RKK, MC, RNT, DBT), pp. 208–218.
ICSE-1989-YoungT #detection #fault #taxonomy
Rethinking the Taxonomy of Fault Detection Techniques (MY, RNT), pp. 53–62.
TAV-1989-YoungTFB #analysis #concurrent #development
Integrated Concurrency Analysis in a Software Development Enviornment (MY, RNT, KF, DB), pp. 200–209.
ICSE-1988-YoungTTK #design
Design Principles behind Chiron: A UIMS for Software Environments (MY, RNT, DBT, CDK), pp. 367–376.
ICSE-1984-TaylorS #ada #programming
Steps to an Advanced Ada Programming Environment (RNT, TAS), pp. 116–125.
ESEC-FSE-2017-FieldingTEGWKO #architecture #design #rest #web
Reflections on the REST architectural style and “principled design of the modern web architecture” (impact paper award) (RTF, RNT, JRE, MMG, JW, RK, PO), pp. 4–14.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.