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94 papers:

CASECASE-2015-FohringZ #distributed #multimodal #towards
Towards decentralized electronic market places and agent-based freight exchanges for multimodal transports (RF, SZ), pp. 249–254.
CASECASE-2015-HillmannS #dependence #distributed #linear
Decentralized control of distributed discrete event systems with linear dependency structure (CH, OS), pp. 551–557.
CASECASE-2015-Hong #distributed
Government subsidy impacts on decentralized reverse supply chains (IHH), p. 266.
CASECASE-2015-HuC #distributed #optimisation
Decentralized ordinal optimization (DOO) for networked systems (PH, XC), pp. 787–792.
DATEDATE-2015-KarkarTMY #communication #distributed #multi
Mixed wire and surface-wave communication fabrics for decentralized on-chip multicasting (AK, KFT, TSTM, AY), pp. 794–799.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2015-KypriotakiZG #distributed #network #peer-to-peer
From Bitcoin to Decentralized Autonomous Corporations — Extending the Application Scope of Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks and Blockchains (KNK, EDZ, GMG), pp. 284–290.
POPLPOPL-2015-PadonIKLSS #policy
Decentralizing SDN Policies (OP, NI, AK, OL, MS, SS), pp. 663–676.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-Florio #adaptation #distributed #scalability #self
Decentralized self-adaptation in large-scale distributed systems (LF), pp. 1022–1025.
CASECASE-2014-EderKKR #architecture
Continuum worm-like robotic mechanism with decentral control architecture (ME, MK, AK, SR), pp. 866–871.
CASECASE-2014-MaiorR #distributed #internet #self
A self-governing, decentralized, extensible Internet of Things to share electrical power efficiently (HAM, SR), pp. 37–43.
VLDBVLDB-2014-YunYHVD #algorithm #distributed #matrix #multi #named #probability
NOMAD: Nonlocking, stOchastic Multi-machine algorithm for Asynchronous and Decentralized matrix completion (HY, HFY, CJH, SVNV, ISD), pp. 975–986.
ICSMEICSME-2014-BiazziniMB #commit #distributed #on the #version control
On Analyzing the Topology of Commit Histories in Decentralized Version Control Systems (MB, MM, BB), pp. 261–270.
SACSAC-2014-Guimaraes #architecture #composition #distributed #fault tolerance
A fault-tolerant architecture for decentralized compositions of services in the wild (FPG), pp. 1255–1256.
ICSEICSE-2014-MusluBNC #case study #distributed #version control
Transition from centralized to decentralized version control systems: a case study on reasons, barriers, and outcomes (KM, CB, NN, JC), pp. 334–344.
CASECASE-2013-ChenK #distributed #probability
Decentralized failure diagnosis of stochastic discrete event systems (JC, RK), pp. 1083–1088.
CASECASE-2013-LiuCXG #distributed #energy #optimisation
A decentralized optimization method for energy saving of HVAC systems (ZL, XC, XX, XG), pp. 225–230.
DATEDATE-2013-WildermannZT #analysis #distributed #game studies #manycore
Game-theoretic analysis of decentralized core allocation schemes on many-core systems (SW, TZ, JT), pp. 1498–1503.
HTHT-2013-HelicSGS #distributed #modelling #navigation #network
Models of human navigation in information networks based on decentralized search (DH, MS, MG, RS), pp. 89–98.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-HermannSTKS #concept #distributed #multi #network #social #user interface
The User Interface: Concepts for Sharing Personal Information via Multiple Identities in a Decentralized Social Network (FH, AS, ST, CK, SS), pp. 29–38.
SEKESEKE-2013-KalayciS #adaptation #framework #multi #runtime #workflow
Pattern-based Decentralization and Run-time Adaptation Framework for Multi-site Workflow Orchestrations (SK, SMS), pp. 709–714.
PPDPPPDP-2013-LamC #constraints #distributed #execution
Decentralized execution of constraint handling rules for ensembles (ESLL, IC), pp. 205–216.
SACSAC-2013-VasquesV #algorithm #distributed #grid #scheduling
A decentralized utility-based grid scheduling algorithm (JV, LV), pp. 619–624.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-GorlickST #architecture #distributed #named #on-demand
COAST: An Architectural Style for Decentralized On-Demand Tailored Services (MMG, KS, RNT), pp. 71–80.
CSCWCSCW-2012-SarcevicPWSBA #coordination #distributed #learning
“Beacons of hope” in decentralized coordination: learning from on-the-ground medical twitterers during the 2010 Haiti earthquake (AS, LP, JW, KS, MB, KMA), pp. 47–56.
CIKMCIKM-2012-PapaioannouROA #assessment #distributed #effectiveness #recommendation #web
A decentralized recommender system for effective web credibility assessment (TGP, JER, AO, KA), pp. 704–713.
ICPRICPR-2012-NarayanamN #algorithm #community #detection #distributed #game studies #graph #information management #social
A game theory inspired, decentralized, local information based algorithm for community detection in social graphs (RN, YN), pp. 1072–1075.
SACSAC-2012-SalehSRDBB #design #distributed #problem
Mechanism design for decentralized vehicle routing problem (MS, AS, SR, MD, JB, AB), pp. 749–754.
SACSAC-2012-ShinWC #distributed #framework #in the cloud
A policy-based decentralized authorization management framework for cloud computing (DS, YW, WC), pp. 465–470.
HPDCHPDC-2012-LeeWF #distributed #named #resource management #using
PonD: dynamic creation of HTC pool on demand using a decentralized resource discovery system (KL, DW, RJOF), pp. 161–172.
HPDCHPDC-2011-WolinskyF #case study #distributed #experience #grid #self #using
Experiences with self-organizing, decentralized grids using the grid appliance (DIW, RJOF), pp. 183–194.
ICPRICPR-2010-YangQ #approach #detection #distributed #effectiveness #parametricity
An Effective Decentralized Nonparametric Quickest Detection Approach (DY, HQ), pp. 2278–2281.
SACSAC-2010-SiebertCC #coordination #distributed #modelling #multi
Agents & artefacts for multiple models coordination: objective and decentralized coordination of simulators (JS, LC, VC), pp. 2024–2028.
CASECASE-2009-FranceschelliGS #distributed #fault #network
Decentralized fault diagnosis for sensor networks (MF, AG, CS), pp. 334–339.
PLDIPLDI-2009-RoyPBMW #data flow #distributed #fine-grained #named
Laminar: practical fine-grained decentralized information flow control (IR, DEP, MDB, KSM, EW), pp. 63–74.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-Schlegel #distributed #interactive #object-oriented #process
Object-Oriented Interactive Processes in Decentralized Production Systems (TS), pp. 296–305.
SACSAC-2009-KasingerDB #coordination #distributed
Decentralized coordination of homogeneous and heterogeneous agents by digital infochemicals (HK, JD, BB), pp. 1223–1224.
SACSAC-2009-Yu #consistency #distributed #process
Consistent and decentralized orchestration of BPEL processes (WY), pp. 1583–1584.
HPDCHPDC-2009-SaballusF #distributed #graph #maintenance
Maintaining reference graphs of globally accessible objects in fully decentralized distributed systems (BS, TF), pp. 59–60.
CASECASE-2008-ChakibK #architecture #distributed #multi
Multi-decision C&P∨D&A architecture for the decentralized control of discrete event systems (HC, AK), pp. 187–193.
CASECASE-2008-Pan #distributed #estimation #robust
Decentralized control of vehicles in platoons with robust nonlinear state estimation (YJP), pp. 145–150.
DACDAC-2008-YanZTCM #distributed #linear #named #network #order #reduction
DeMOR: decentralized model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports (BY, LZ, SXDT, JC, BM), pp. 409–414.
ICGTICGT-2008-GadducciM #distributed #implementation #mobile
A Decentralized Implementation of Mobile Ambients (FG, GVM), pp. 115–130.
EDOCEDOC-2008-MartinWL #approach #distributed #novel #workflow
A Novel Approach to Decentralized Workflow Enactment (DM, DW, FL), pp. 127–136.
SACSAC-2008-Jimenez-PerisPM #approach #distributed #web #web service
Decentralized web service orchestration: a reflective approach (RJP, MPM, EMJ), pp. 494–498.
SACSAC-2008-VasiraniO #coordination #distributed #problem
Decentralized coordination strategies for the vehicle routing problem (MV, SO), pp. 130–131.
SACSAC-2008-WutkeML #distributed #framework #workflow
Model and infrastructure for decentralized workflow enactment (DW, DM, FL), pp. 90–94.
ASEASE-2007-InverardiM #distributed #generative #monitoring #named
DESERT: a decentralized monitoring tool generator (PI, LM), pp. 529–530.
CASECASE-2007-BasileGS #distributed #monitoring #petri net
Decentralized Supervisory Control of Petri Nets with Monitor Places (FB, AG, CS), pp. 7–13.
CASECASE-2007-FagioliniVPDB #detection #distributed #implementation #monitoring #multi
Local Monitor Implementation for Decentralized Intrusion Detection in Secure Multi-Agent Systems (AF, GV, LP, GD, AB), pp. 454–459.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-ThielSS #distributed
Decentralized Information Aggregation and Central Control in Networked Production Environments (ST, TS, DS), pp. 762–770.
SEKESEKE-2007-GrunertKW #architecture #distributed #enterprise #multi
A Proposal for a Decentralized Multi-Agent Architecture for Virtual Enterprises (AG, SK, GW), pp. 546–551.
SEKESEKE-2007-SunZZJM #adaptation #component #distributed #self #towards
Towards Constructing High-available Decentralized Systems via Self-adaptive Components (XS, LZ, LZ, WJ, HM), pp. 296–301.
SACSAC-2007-HaaseW #distributed #framework #ontology #query
A decentralized infrastructure for query answering over distributed ontologies (PH, YW), pp. 1351–1356.
SACSAC-2007-OrlovskyR #distributed #policy #security
Decentralized enforcement of security policies for distributed computational systems (AO, DR), pp. 241–248.
SACSAC-2007-WangZD #distributed #optimisation #query #web
Query optimizing on a decentralized web search engine (DW, YZ, JD), pp. 880–881.
SACSAC-2007-YaoKBT #distributed #security #web
Decentralized authorization and data security in web content delivery (DY, YK, EB, RT), pp. 1654–1661.
SACSAC-2007-YildizG #distributed #towards
Towards decentralized service orchestrations (UY, CG), pp. 1662–1666.
QoSAQoSA-2006-BouckeWSH #architecture #distributed
Applying the ATAM to an Architecture for Decentralized Control of a Transportation System (NB, DW, KS, TH), pp. 180–198.
DATEDATE-2006-KanajanZPS #architecture #distributed #integration #trade-off #using
Exploring trade-off’s between centralized versus decentralized automotive architectures using a virtual integration environment (SK, HZ, CP, ALSV), pp. 548–553.
VLDBVLDB-2006-ParreiraDMW #approximate #distributed #network #peer-to-peer #performance #rank #web
Efficient and Decentralized PageRank Approximation in a Peer-to-Peer Web Search Network (JXP, DD, SM, GW), pp. 415–426.
ICSEICSE-2006-SuryanarayanaDET #architecture #distributed #modelling #trust
Architectural support for trust models in decentralized applications (GS, MHD, JRE, RNT), pp. 52–61.
HPDCHPDC-2006-Druschel #distributed
Keynote The Renaissance of Decentralized Systems (PD), pp. 1–4.
CIKMCIKM-2005-HallerST #coordination #distributed #peer-to-peer #process #transaction
Decentralized coordination of transactional processes in peer-to-peer environments (KH, HS, CT), pp. 28–35.
HPDCHPDC-2005-KarmonLS #distributed #named #performance #protocol
GWiQ-P: an efficient decentralized grid-wide quota enforcement protocol (KK, LL, AS), pp. 222–232.
WICSAWICSA-2004-SuryanarayanaEHT #architecture #distributed #named #trust
PACE: An Architectural Style for Trust Management in Decentralized Applications (GS, JRE, SAH, RNT), pp. 221–232.
STOCSTOC-2004-KempeM #algorithm #analysis #distributed
A decentralized algorithm for spectral analysis (DK, FM), pp. 561–568.
ICALPICALP-2004-LebharS #distributed #network
Almost Optimal Decentralized Routing in Long-Range Contact Networks (EL, NS), pp. 894–905.
ICMLICML-2004-NguyenWJ #classification #detection #distributed #kernel #using
Decentralized detection and classification using kernel methods (XN, MJW, MIJ).
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2004-NandaCS #execution #web #web service
Decentralizing execution of composite web services (MGN, SC, VS), pp. 170–187.
ICSEICSE-2004-KhareT #architecture #distributed #rest
Extending the Representational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems (RK, RNT), pp. 428–437.
ICSEICSE-2004-SenVAR #distributed #monitoring #performance #safety
Efficient Decentralized Monitoring of Safety in Distributed Systems (KS, AV, GA, GR), pp. 418–427.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2004-LumbG #distributed #named
D-SPTF: decentralized request distribution in brick-based storage systems (CRL, RAG), pp. 37–47.
SACSAC-2003-AhnM #distributed #health
Role-Based Authorization in Decentralized Health Care Environments (GJA, BM), pp. 251–256.
SACSAC-2003-NandaK #analysis #web #web service
Synchronization Analysis for Decentralizing Composite Web Services (MGN, NMK), pp. 407–414.
HPDCHPDC-2003-SchmidtP #distributed #flexibility
Flexible Information Discovery in Decentralized Distributed Systems (CS, MP), pp. 226–235.
SOSPSOSP-2003-KaminskySMK #authentication #distributed #file system
Decentralized user authentication in a global file system (MK, GS, DM, MFK), pp. 60–73.
ICGTICGT-2002-Ghezzi #challenge #distributed #evolution #re-engineering #ubiquitous
Ubiquitous, Decentralized, and Evolving Software: Challenges for Software Engineering (CG), pp. 1–5.
SACSAC-2002-ChadesSC #approach #assessment #heuristic #problem
A heuristic approach for solving decentralized-POMDP: assessment on the pursuit problem (IC, BS, FC), pp. 57–62.
HPDCHPDC-2002-RipeanuF #adaptation #distributed
A Decentralized, Adaptive Replica Location Mechanism (MR, ITF), p. 24–?.
HPDCHPDC-2001-FigueiredoKF #distributed #file system #grid
The PUNCH Virtual File System: Seamless Access to Decentralized Storage Services in a Computational Grid (RJOF, NHK, JABF), p. 334–?.
ICEISICEIS-2000-PetersHW #database #design #distributed #learning
Action Learning in a Decentralized Organization-The Case of Designing a Distributed Database (SCAP, MSHH, CEW), pp. 519–520.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-DeschnerHB #coordination #distributed
Agent-based decentralized coordination for electronic markets (DD, OH, FB), pp. 1152–1156.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-MiliDCGM #development #distributed #object-oriented #programming #source code
View Programming for Decentralized Development of OO Programs (HM, JD, OC, RG, AM), pp. 210–221.
ICSEICSE-1999-Oreizy #approach #distributed #evolution #flexibility
A Flexible Approach to Decentralized Software Evolution (PO), pp. 730–731.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1998-WangHQ #distributed
Group Model for Decentralized Federation of Object Creation Service (XW, TH, JQ), p. 127–?.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1998-RanganathanF #distributed #empirical #execution #modelling
An Empirical Study of Decentralized ILP Execution Models (NR, MF), pp. 272–281.
SOSPSOSP-1997-MyersL #data flow #distributed
A Decentralized Model for Information Flow Control (ACM, BL), pp. 129–142.
SACSAC-1996-BurgeN #communication #distributed #memory management #performance
A decentralized communication efficient distributed shared memory (LLBI, MLN), pp. 358–365.
SACSAC-1996-SohHHO #algorithm #automation #distributed
Decentralized routing algorithms for automated guided vehicles (JTLS, WJH, SYH, ACYO), pp. 473–479.
CADECADE-1996-FeliciRT #distributed #logic programming #named
FasTraC: A Decentralized Traffic Control System Based on Logic Programming (GF, GR, KT), pp. 216–220.
ICSEICSE-1994-Ben-ShaulK #distributed #modelling #paradigm #process
A Paradigm for Decentralized Process Modeling and Its Realization in the Oz Environment (IBS, GEK), pp. 179–188.
SOSPSOSP-1983-Craft #distributed #resource management
Resource Management In A Decentralized System (DHC), pp. 11–19.
VLDBVLDB-1979-WoodF #database #distributed
Decentralized Authorization in a Database System (CW, EBF), pp. 352–359.
SOSPSOSP-1979-Reed #distributed #implementation
Implementing Atomic Actions on Decentralized Data (DPR), p. 163.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.