47 papers:
VLDB-2015-Xirogiannopoulos #graph #named #relational- GraphGen: Exploring Interesting Graphs in Relational Data (KX, UK, AD), pp. 2032–2043.
HIMI-IKD-2015-WinterSTMCSVS #learning #question #student- Learning to Manage NextGen Environments: Do Student Controllers Prefer to Use Datalink or Voice? (AW, JS, YT, AM, SC, KS, KPLV, TZS), pp. 661–667.
SIGMOD-2014-TaftVSSMS #benchmark #metric #named- GenBase: a complex analytics genomics benchmark (RT, MV, NRS, NS, SM, MS), pp. 177–188.
ICSME-2014-KevicFS #approach #named #navigation- CoMoGen: An Approach to Locate Relevant Task Context by Combining Search and Navigation (KK, TF, DCS), pp. 61–70.
KEOD-2014-0002FZ #documentation #named #xml- Galaxy-Gen — A Tool for Building Galaxy Model from XML Documents (IBM, JF, GZ), pp. 84–95.
FASE-2013-SakamotoTHWF #code generation #integration #named #testing #web- POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coverage in Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications (KS, KT, DH, HW, YF), pp. 343–358.
DHM-SET-2013-GoreM #approach #modelling #performance #validation- A Validation Approach for Complex NextGen Air Traffic Control Human Performance Models (BFG, PM), pp. 28–37.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HighamVMSB #automation #trust- Training Air Traffic Controller Trust in Automation within a NextGen Environment (TMH, KPLV, JM, TZS, VB), pp. 76–84.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ParkRSOKAVSM #assessment #development- Development of Haptic Assistance for Route Assessment Tool of NASA NextGen Cockpit Situation Display (EP, JR, PS, RO, MTK, GBA, KPLV, TZS, PM), pp. 163–172.
AGTIVE-2011-ErmlerKKT #graph transformation- From Graph Transformation Units via MiniSat to GrGen.NET (ME, HJK, SK, CvT), pp. 153–168.
CHI-2011-OlwalLZ #mobile #named #personalisation- OldGen: mobile phone personalization for older adults (AO, DL, EZ), pp. 3393–3396.
HIMI-v2-2011-KikenRBBKSVB #online #performance #tool support- Effect of ATC Training with NextGen Tools and Online Situation Awareness and Workload Probes on Operator Performance (AK, RCR, LPB, SB, JMK, TZS, KPLV, VB), pp. 483–492.
HIMI-v2-2011-RorieKMBMMVSB #order #tool support- A Preliminary Investigation of Training Order for Introducing NextGen Tools (RCR, AK, CAM, SB, GM, KM, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 526–533.
GPCE-J-2005-HuangZS11 #generative #static typing- Statically safe program generation with SafeGen (SSH, DZ, YS), pp. 376–391.
ASE-2010-RajeevSSR #code generation #named #testing- CoGenTe: a tool for code generator testing (ACR, PS, KCS, SR), pp. 349–350.
GPCE-2010-GrechRF #generative #named #similarity- JEqualityGen: generating equality and hashing methods (NG, JR, BF), pp. 177–186.
ICSE-2010-ZhangYZCY #automation #debugging #generative #named- BPGen: an automated breakpoint generator for debugging (CZ, DY, JZ, YC, SY), pp. 271–274.
TAP-2010-ThummalapentaHTW #automation #generative #mining #named #testing- DyGen: Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests via Mining Gigabytes of Dynamic Traces (ST, JdH, NT, SW), pp. 77–93.
FASE-2009-BruckerW #higher-order- hol-TestGen (ADB, BW), pp. 417–420.
CIKM-2009-WuLACB #algebra #benchmark #generative #named #query #xpath- XQGen: an algebra-based XPath query generator for micro-benchmarking (YW, NL, RA, SC, SB), pp. 2109–2110.
SAC-2009-GroverS #architecture #automation #java #named #quality #question- GenQA: automated addition of architectural quality attribute support for Java software? (SG, NS), pp. 483–487.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ThummalapentaXTHS #generative #mining #named #object-oriented #source code #testing- MSeqGen: object-oriented unit-test generation via mining source code (ST, TX, NT, JdH, WS), pp. 193–202.
CAV-2009-GuptaR #generative #invariant #named #performance- InvGen: An Efficient Invariant Generator (AG, AR), pp. 634–640.
ASE-2008-TanejaX #automation #generative #named #testing- DiffGen: Automated Regression Unit-Test Generation (KT, TX), pp. 407–410.
SIGMOD-2007-BinnigKLO #database #generative #named #testing- QAGen: generating query-aware test databases (CB, DK, EL, MTÖ), pp. 341–352.
AGTIVE-2007-GeissK #graph grammar #performance- GrGen.NET: A Fast, Expressive, and General Purpose Graph Rewrite Tool (RG, MK), pp. 568–569.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FortunaGM #automation #editing #named #ontology- OntoGen: Semi-automatic Ontology Editor (BF, MG, DM), pp. 309–318.
TAP-2007-BruckerW #generative #higher-order #testing- Test-Sequence Generation with Hol-TestGen with an Application to Firewall Testing (ADB, BW), pp. 149–168.
ICGT-2006-GeissBGHS #graph grammar #named #performance- GrGen: A Fast SPO-Based Graph Rewriting Tool (RG, GVB, DG, SH, AS), pp. 383–397.
DATE-2005-IsseninD #automation #generative #memory management #named #optimisation- FORAY-GEN: Automatic Generation of Affine Functions for Memory Optimizations (II, NDD), pp. 808–813.
SEKE-2005-FerreiraV #algorithm #generative #hybrid #named #search-based #testing- TDSGen: An Environment Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Generation of Test Data (LPF, SRV), pp. 312–317.
GPCE-2005-HuangZS #generative #static typing- Statically Safe Program Generation with SafeGen (SSH, DZ, YS), pp. 309–326.
SAC-2005-VarmaAPT #automation #migration- NextGen eXtreme porting: structured by automation (PV, AA, DPP, BT), pp. 1511–1517.
FATES-2005-BruckerW #higher-order #interactive #testing- Interactive Testing with HOL-TestGen (ADB, BW), pp. 87–102.
FASE-2004-MoldtO #automation #named #petri net- DaGen: A Tool for Automatic Translation from DAML-S to High-Level Petri Nets (DM, JO), pp. 209–213.
TACAS-2004-DengDHM #aspect-oriented #framework #named- SyncGen: An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Synchronization (XD, MBD, JH, MM), pp. 158–162.
GPCE-2004-KovseG #case study #named #product line #version control- VS-Gen: A Case Study of a Product Line for Versioning Systems (JK, CG), pp. 396–415.
AGTIVE-2003-BardohlEW #modelling #named #visual notation- GenGED — A Visual Definition Tool for Visual Modeling Environments (RB, CE, IW), pp. 413–419.
AGTIVE-2003-Minas #editing #generative #named #specification #visual notation- VisualDiaGen — A Tool for Visually Specifying and Generating Visual Editors (MM), pp. 398–412.
AGTIVE-2003-Minas03a #editing #specification #visual notation- Visual Specification of Visual Editors with VisualDiaGen (MM), pp. 473–478.
ICGT-2002-BardohlEP #architecture #specification- Transforming Specification Architectures by GenGED (RB, CE, JP), pp. 30–44.
ICGT-2002-MinasS #diagrams- Unparsing of Diagrams with DiaGen (MM, FS), pp. 302–316.
TOOLS-USA-2001-KhrissBP #integration #named- GAIL: The Gen-It (r) Abstract Integration Layer for B2B Application Integration Solutions (IK, MB, NP), pp. 73–82.
SAC-2001-LeeYKP #algorithm #order #performance #towards- Processor reordering algorithms toward efficient GEN_BLOCK redistribution (SL, HGY, MSK, MSP), pp. 539–543.
AGTIVE-1999-MinasK #diagrams #editing #generative- Generating Diagram Editors with DiaGen (MM, OK), pp. 433–440.
HCI-EI-1999-BrandlK #adaptation #generative #named- FormGen: A Generator for Adaptive Forms Based on EasyGUI (AB, GK), pp. 1172–1176.
SEKE-1995-ArefiMW #automation #editing #graph- The Graph Editor of EdGen, A Tool to Aid the Automated Construction of Customized Graph Editors (FA, MM, AW), pp. 438–445.