118 papers:
CAiSE-2015-CabanillasKRRMC #named #process #visual notation- RALph: A Graphical Notation for Resource Assignments in Business Processes (CC, DK, MR, MR, JM, ARC), pp. 53–68.
ICEIS-v3-2015-SantosTF #process- Investigating Completeness of Coding in Business Process Model and Notation (CHdS, LHT, MF), pp. 328–333.
SEKE-2015-TerencianiPLC #modelling #process #representation #towards #variability- BPMN* — A Notation for Representation of Variability in Business Process Towards Supporting Business Process Line Modeling (MT, DMBP, GL, MIC), pp. 227–230.
ICSE-v2-2015-WuestSG #collaboration #on the fly #sketching- FLEXISKETCH TEAM: Collaborative Sketching and Notation Creation on the Fly (DW, NS, MG), pp. 685–688.
DATE-2014-VenkateshSKA #named #specification- EDT: A specification notation for reactive systems (RV, US, GMK, SA), pp. 1–6.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KleinSRF #formal method #integration #on the #using- On the Formalisation of an Application Integration Language Using Z Notation (MJK, SS, FRF, RZF), pp. 314–319.
ICPR-2014-Calvo-ZaragozaO #dataset #music #recognition- Recognition of Pen-Based Music Notation: The HOMUS Dataset (JCZ, JO), pp. 3038–3043.
KEOD-2014-MartinB #information management #ontology #parsing #specification- An Ontology for Specifying and Parsing Knowledge Representations Structures and Notations (PM, JB), pp. 96–107.
ECMFA-2014-Ritter #case study #experience #integration #modelling #process- Experiences with Business Process Model and Notation for Modeling Integration Patterns (DR), pp. 254–266.
RE-2014-LaueHBN #communication #performance #visual notation- Efficient visual notations for efficient stakeholder communication (RL, FH, BB, MN), pp. 329–330.
RE-2014-LiuSYM14a #feature model #reasoning #requirements- Combined goal and feature model reasoning with the User Requirements Notation and jUCMNav (YL, YS, XY, GM), pp. 321–322.
RE-2014-ZhuMR #modelling #multi- Structured multi-view modeling by tabular notation (XZ, DM, DR), pp. 327–328.
SLE-2014-JaksicFCG #feature model #modelling #usability #visual notation- Evaluating the Usability of a Visual Feature Modeling Notation (AJ, RBF, PC, SG), pp. 122–140.
ICPC-2013-FalconeS #diagrams #eclipse #graph #named #plugin #uml #visualisation- OnionUML: An Eclipse plug-in for visualizing UML class diagrams in onion graph notation (MF, BS), pp. 233–235.
DUXU-WM-2013-SchutzOV #approach #automation #development #evaluation #usability- SysML-Based Approach for Automation Software Development — Explorative Usability Evaluation of the Provided Notation (DS, MO, BVH), pp. 568–574.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
MoDELS-2013-Wouters #development #domain-specific language #towards- Towards the Notation-Driven Development of DSMLs (LW), pp. 522–537.
MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
MoDELS-2013-Wouters #development #domain-specific language #towards- Towards the Notation-Driven Development of DSMLs (LW), pp. 522–537.
RE-2013-CaireGHM #design #requirements #towards #visual notation- Visual notation design 2.0: Towards user comprehensible requirements engineering notations (PC, NG, PH, DLM), pp. 115–124.
SAC-2013-WoutersG #development #domain-specific language #empirical #metamodelling #modelling- Notation-driven vs metamodel-driven development of domain-specific modeling languages: an empirical study (LW, MPG), pp. 1145–1146.
IFL-2012-OrchardM #monad- A Notation for Comonads (DAO, AM), pp. 1–17.
GPCE-2012-RafkindF #algebra #named- Honu: syntactic extension for algebraic notation through enforestation (JR, MF), pp. 122–131.
RE-2012-SupakkulC #modelling #multi #requirements #tool support- The RE-Tools: A multi-notational requirements modeling toolkit (SS, LC), pp. 333–334.
SAC-2012-Zaytsev #bnf #what- BNF was here: what have we done about the unnecessary diversity of notation for syntactic definitions (VZ), pp. 1910–1915.
LDTA-2012-Zaytsev #grammar recovery #parametricity- Notation-parametric grammar recovery (VZ), p. 9.
CASE-2011-Vogel-HeuserS #approach #automation #modelling #usability- A methodological approach to evaluate the benefit and usability of different modeling notations for open loop control in automation systems (BVH, KS), pp. 474–481.
DRR-2011-RamirezO- OMR of early plainchant manuscripts in square notation: a two-stage system (CR, JO), pp. 1–10.
ICPC-2011-SteinH #aspect-oriented #comparison #constraints #empirical #visual notation- Comparison of a Visual and a Textual Notation to Express Data Constraints in Aspect-Oriented Join Point Selections: A Controlled Experiment (DS, SH), pp. 141–150.
ICEIS-v3-2011-BhuiyanRH #case study #modelling #multi #using- Supporting Business Modeling using Multiple Notations — A Case Study (MB, SR, KH), pp. 301–306.
ICEIS-v3-2011-CamposO #development #modelling #process- Modeling Work Processes and Software Development — Notation and Tool (ALNC, TCdO), pp. 337–343.
IFL-2010-TorontoM #probability- From Bayesian Notation to Pure Racket via Discrete Measure-Theoretic Probability in λ ZFC (NT, JM), pp. 89–104.
SEKE-2010-Cao #automaton #interface #refinement- Refinement Checking for Interface Automata with Z Notation (ZC), pp. 399–404.
ICSE-2010-Moody #approach #design #physics #re-engineering #visual notation- The “physics” of notations: a scientific approach to designing visual notations in software engineering (DLM), pp. 485–486.
SLE-2010-GenonHA #effectiveness- Analysing the Cognitive Effectiveness of the BPMN 2.0 Visual Notation (NG, PH, DA), pp. 377–396.
ECMDA-FA-2009-CharfiSS #editing #hybrid #uml #visual notation- A Hybrid Graphical and Textual Notation and Editor for UML Actions (AC, AS, AS), pp. 237–252.
GT-VMT-2006-Willink08 #approach #challenge #on the #visual notation- On Challenges for a Graphical Transformation Notation and the UMLX Approach (EDW), pp. 171–179.
GT-VMT-2006-XuLW08 #reasoning #visual notation- BPSL Modeler — Visual Notation Language for Intuitive Business Property Reasoning (KX, YL, CW), pp. 211–220.
CAiSE-2008-MuehlenR #how #modelling #process- How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation (MzM, JR), pp. 465–479.
ICPR-2008-JhaN #independence #layout #representation- Wang Notation Tool: Layout independent representation of tables (PJ, GN), pp. 1–4.
MoDELS-2008-RosePKP #modelling- Constructing Models with the Human-Usable Textual Notation (LMR, RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 249–263.
MoDELS-2008-RosePKP #modelling- Constructing Models with the Human-Usable Textual Notation (LMR, RFP, DSK, FP), pp. 249–263.
CC-2008-Schwartzbach #compilation #design #how- Design Choices in a Compiler Course or How to Make Undergraduates Love Formal Notation (MIS), pp. 1–15.
FASE-2007-GaoHW #flexibility #modelling- Flexible and Extensible Notations for Modeling Languages (JG, MPEH, EVW), pp. 102–116.
EDOC-2007-DeckerGB #modelling #process #visual notation- A Graphical Notation for Modeling Complex Events in Business Processes (GD, AG, APB), pp. 27–36.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-Scaffidi- Unsupervised Inference of Data Formats in Human-Readable Notation (CS), pp. 236–244.
SEKE-2007-Ilieva #information management #natural language #representation #visual notation- Graphical Notation for Natural Language and Knowledge Representation (MI), pp. 361–367.
OOPSLA-2007-DekelH #collaboration #design #object-oriented #representation- Notation and representation in collaborative object-oriented design: an observational study (UD, JDH), pp. 261–280.
SAC-2007-ErcheWH #modelling #qvt #visual notation- Mapping visual notations to MOF compliant models with QVT relations (ME, MW, CH), pp. 1037–1038.
ICSE-2007-XieKS #comprehension #concept #concurrent #design #diagrams #evaluation- Design and Evaluation of a Diagrammatic Notation to Aid in the Understanding of Concurrency Concepts (SX, EK, REKS), pp. 727–731.
TestCom-FATES-2007-SchulzWR- TPLan-A Notation for Expressing Test Purposes (SS, AW, SR), pp. 292–304.
FLOPS-2006-CasasCH #approach #evaluation #functional #higher-order #lazy evaluation- A Syntactic Approach to Combining Functional Notation, Lazy Evaluation, and Higher-Order in LP Systems (AC, DC, MVH), pp. 146–162.
ICDAR-2005-DrakeB #geometry #using- Distinguishing Mathematics Notation from English Text using Computational Geometry (DMD, HSB), pp. 1270–1274.
ITiCSE-2005-CilliersCG #programming- The effect of integrating an Iconic programming notation into CS1 (CC, APC, JHG), pp. 108–112.
EDOC-2004-WoodmanPSW #specification #verification #web #web service- Notations for the Specification and Verification of Composite Web Services (SJW, DJP, SKS, SMW), pp. 35–46.
ICEIS-v3-2004-KrishnaVG #case study #framework- A Case Study of Combining I* Framework and the Z Notation (AK, SAV, AKG), pp. 192–200.
SEKE-2004-HuS #diagrams #petri net #simulation #uml- Mapping UML Diagrams to a Petri Net Notation for System Simulation (ZH, SMS), pp. 213–219.
IJCAR-2004-AvigadD #formal method #higher-order- Formalizing O Notation in Isabelle/HOL (JA, KD), pp. 357–371.
EDOC-2003-FungL #component #design #distributed #evolution- Design Notation for Dynamic Evolution in Component Based Distributed Systems (KHF, GCL), pp. 302–307.
GPCE-2003-TahaJ #staged- Staged Notational Definitions (WT, PJ), pp. 97–116.
RE-2003-NiuAD #comprehension #modelling #specification- Understanding and Comparing Model-Based Specification Notations (JN, JMA, NAD), pp. 188–199.
DATE-2002-DoboliV #co-evolution #design #functional #specification- A Functional Specification Notation for Co-Design of Mixed Analog-Digital Systems (AD, RV), pp. 760–767.
HT-2002-EmmetC #approach #design #hypermedia #persuasion #visual notation- Graphical notations, narratives and persuasion: a Pliant Systems approach to Hypertext Tool Design (LE, GC), pp. 55–64.
IFM-2002-BrookeP #csp #design #visual notation- The Design of a Tool-Supported Graphical Notation for Timed CSP (PJB, RFP), pp. 299–318.
SAC-2002-DascaluH #approach #specification- An approach to integrating semi-formal and formal notations in software specification (SD, PH), pp. 1014–1020.
FSE-2002-NiuAD #composition #modelling #semantics- Composable semantics for model-based notations (JN, JMA, NAD), pp. 149–158.
ICSE-2002-AtiyaK #concurrent #verification- A compliance notation for verifying concurrent systems (DMA, SK), pp. 731–732.
ICDAR-2001-ZanibbiBC #analysis- Baseline Structure Analysis of Handwritten Mathematics Notation (RZ, DB, JRC), pp. 768–773.
FASE-2001-ChoppyPR #specification #uml #visual notation- Specification of Mixed Systems in KORRIGAN with the Support of a UML-Inspired Graphical Notation (CC, PP, JCR), pp. 124–139.
IWPC-2001-LuccaFC #algebra #comprehension #object-oriented #representation #thread- An Algebraic Notation for Representing Threads in Object Oriented Software Comprehension (GADL, ARF, UdC), pp. 176–185.
ICFP-2001-Paterson- A New Notation for Arrows (RP), pp. 229–240.
EDOC-2001-SteelR #generative #modelling- Generating Human-Usable Textual Notations for Information Models (JS, KR), pp. 250–261.
ESEC-FSE-2001-DavisGPJU #architecture #interactive #problem- A notation for problematic architecture interactions (LAD, RFG, JP, GJ, DJU), pp. 132–141.
ESEC-FSE-2001-LavazzaQV #modelling #realtime #uml- Combining UML and formal notations for modelling real-time systems (LL, GQ, MV), pp. 196–206.
ASE-2000-LaleauM #bibliography #generative #specification #uml- An Overview of a Method and Its Support Tool for Generating B Specifications from UML Notations (RL, AM), pp. 269–272.
ICPR-v4-2000-GezerlisT #music #recognition- An Optical Music Recognition System for the Notation of the Orthodox Hellenic Byzantine Music (VGG, ST), pp. 4837–4840.
UML-2000-GarlanK #architecture- Reconciling the Needs of Architectural Description with Object-Modeling Notations (DG, AK), pp. 498–512.
ICRE-2000-DayJ #analysis #framework #multi #requirements #specification- A Framework for Multi-Notation Requirements Specification and Analysis (NAD, JJJ), pp. 39–48.
RTA-2000-BonelliKR #higher-order- A de Bruijn Notation for Higher-Order Rewriting (EB, DK, AR), pp. 62–79.
FASE-1999-CosicaR #concurrent #named- JTN: A Java-Targeted Graphic Formal Notation for Reactive and Concurrent Systems (EC, GR), pp. 77–97.
FM-v2-1999-OcicaI #algebra #aspect-oriented #corba #syntax- Algebraic Aspects of the Mapping between Abstract Syntax Notation One and CORBA IDL (RO, DI), p. 1863.
IFM-1999-BussowG #composition #framework #integration #tool support- A Modular Framework for the Integration of Heterogeneous Notations and Tools (RB, WG), pp. 211–230.
IFM-1999-Paige #communication #concurrent #refinement #specification #using- Specification and Refinement using a Heterogeneous Notation for Concurrency and Communication (RFP), pp. 353–372.
UML-1999-PaigeO #comparison #modelling- A Comparison of the Business Object Notation and the Unified Modelling Language (RFP, JSO), pp. 67–82.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Henderson-Sellers #metamodelling #modelling- Advanced 00 Modelling: Metamodels and Notations for the Next Millenium (BHS), p. 464.
PADL-1999-Schmidt #declarative #design- A Return to Elegance: The Reapplication of Declarative Notation to Software Design (DAS), pp. 360–364.
IWTCS-1999-Willcock #syntax #towards- New Directions in ASN.1: Towards a Formal Notation for Transfer Syntax (CW), pp. 31–42.
LICS-1999-BruniM #category theory #π-calculus- Cartesian Closed Double Categories, Their λ-Notation, and the π-Calculus (RB, UM), pp. 246–265.
UML-1998-BezivinM #modelling #named #standard #uml- UML: The Birth and Rise of a Standard Modeling Notation (JB, PAM), pp. 1–8.
UML-1998-EvansFLR #formal method #modelling #uml- The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation (AE, RBF, KL, BR), pp. 336–348.
FME-1997-Gregoire #protocol #proving #using- TLA + PROMELA: Conjecture, Check, Proof, Engineering New Protocols Using Methods and Formal Notations (JCG), pp. 378–397.
FME-1997-ReggioL #specification- A Graphic Notation for Formal Specifications of Dynamic Systems (GR, ML), pp. 40–61.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Hoffman #analysis #object-oriented- A Practical Notation for Object Oriented Analysis with a Formal Meaning (JH), pp. 225–237.
CAiSE-1995-GrundyV #development #multi- Providing Integrated Support for Multiple Development Notations (JCG, JRV), pp. 255–268.
FME-1994-RitchieBH #automaton #case study #experience #using- Experiences in Using the Abstract Machine Notation in a GKS Case Study (BR, JB, HPH), pp. 93–104.
FME-1993-BicarreguiR #comparison #invariant- Invariants, Frames and Postconditions: a Comparison of the VDM and B Notations (JB, BR), pp. 162–182.
HCI-ACS-1993-ChasePHH #case study #documentation #using- Task-Oriented User Documentation Using the User Action Notation: A Case Study (JDC, MP, HRH, DH), pp. 421–426.
HCI-SHI-1993-LimL #interactive #specification- Structured Notations for Human Factors Specification of Interactive Systems (KYL, JBL), pp. 325–331.
TRI-Ada-1993-Cernosek #ada #modelling #named #representation- ROMAN-9X: A Technique for Representing Object Models in Ada 9X Notation (GJC), pp. 385–406.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Goguen #named- Keynote: On Notation (JAG), pp. 5–10.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-BarrettS #bibliography #development #object-oriented- A Review of Diagramming Notations for Object Oriented Development (MLB, GS), pp. 475–488.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-McEwinR #analysis #design #object-oriented- Semiotics, Ethnomethodology, and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Notations (JM, SR), pp. 143–151.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Henderson-Sellers92a #analysis #design- Techniques and Notation for Analysis and Design (BHS), p. 236.
ICALP-1991-JouannaudO #decidability #satisfiability- Satisfiability of Systems of Ordinal Notations with the Subterm Property is Decidable (JPJ, MO), pp. 455–468.
VDME-1991-1-Bril #algebra #specification #using- A Model-Oriented Method for Algebraic Specification using COLD-1 as Notation (RJB), pp. 106–124.
CHI-1991-Schultz #visual notation- A graphical reflection notation used in an intelligent discovery world tutoring system (JS), pp. 433–434.
TOOLS-USA-1991-EdwardsH #object-oriented #re-engineering- Associated Paper: A Coherent Notation for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (JME, BHS), pp. 405–426.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Henderson-Sellers #analysis #design- Techniques and Notation for Analysis and Design (BHS), pp. 403–404.
ECOOP-1989-Hedin #attribute grammar #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Notation for Attribute Grammars (GH), pp. 329–345.
DAC-1988-BaerLMNSW #multi- A Notation for Describing Multiple Views of VLSI Circuits (JLB, MCL, LM, RN, LS, WW), pp. 102–107.
LICS-1988-Griffin #formal method- Notational definition — a formal account (TG), pp. 372–383.
HCI-SES-1987-Roesser- A Notation for the Input and Storage of Mathematics: An Application of SGML (JRR), pp. 137–142.
ESEC-1987-HekmatpourW #specification #tool support #visual notation- Formal Specification of Graphical Notations and Graphical Software Tools (SH, MW), pp. 297–305.
SIGIR-1984-Tague #retrieval #semantics- A Semantic Model and Schema Notation for Bibliographic Retrieval Systems (JT), pp. 71–93.
CADE-1984-Schmidt #programming #reasoning- A Programming Notation for Tactical Reasoning (DAS), pp. 445–459.
ICALP-1982-RaoultS- Properties of a Notation for Combining Functions (JCR, RS), pp. 429–441.
DAC-1978-Yessios #3d- A notation and system for 3-D constructions (CIY), pp. 125–132.
STOC-1971-Meyers #linear #representation- Linear Representation of Tree Structure: A Mathematical Theory of Parenthesis-Free Notations (WJM), pp. 50–62.