60 papers:
STOC-2015-AbrahamD #complexity #polynomial- Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Early Stopping, Optimal Resilience and Polynomial Complexity (IA, DD), pp. 605–614.
SIGIR-2015-BarzegarSFHD #multi #named #semantics- DINFRA: A One Stop Shop for Computing Multilingual Semantic Relatedness (SB, JES, AF, SH, BD), pp. 1027–1028.
SIGIR-2015-KharitonovVMSO #online #testing- Sequential Testing for Early Stopping of Online Experiments (EK, AV, CM, PS, IO), pp. 473–482.
SIGIR-2015-MaxwellAJK #adaptation- An Initial Investigation into Fixed and Adaptive Stopping Strategies (DM, LA, KJ, HK), pp. 903–906.
ISMM-2015-LinWBHN #behaviour #comprehension- Stop and go: understanding yieldpoint behavior (YL, KW, SMB, ALH, MN), pp. 70–80.
CBSE-2014-BuissonCDLM #component #configuration management- Coqcots & pycots: non-stopping components for safe dynamic reconfiguration (JB, EC, FD, EL, SM), pp. 85–90.
SIGMOD-2014-AilamakiLTPP #how #multi- How to stop under-utilization and love multicores (AA, EL, PT, DP, IP), pp. 189–192.
SIGMOD-2014-Sedlar #compilation #how- How i learned to stop worrying and love compilers (ES), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2014-JotaLWJ #how #scalability- Let’s kick it: how to stop wasting the bottom third of your large screen display (RJ, PL, DW, JAJ), pp. 1411–1414.
ICPR-2014-KacheleZMS #feature model #quality #recognition #using- Prosodic, Spectral and Voice Quality Feature Selection Using a Long-Term Stopping Criterion for Audio-Based Emotion Recognition (MK, DZ, SM, FS), pp. 803–808.
Onward-2014-VisserWTNVPK #design #implementation #verification- A Language Designer’s Workbench: A One-Stop-Shop for Implementation and Verification of Language Designs (EV, GW, APT, PN, VAV, AP, GK), pp. 95–111.
CHI-2013-YooZH #co-evolution #design- Probing bus stop for insights on transit co-design (DY, JZ, TH), pp. 409–418.
SIGIR-2013-CenDSO #adaptation #ambiguity #clustering- Author disambiguation by hierarchical agglomerative clustering with adaptive stopping criterion (LC, ECD, LS, MO), pp. 741–744.
SIGIR-2013-Wu #behaviour #how #online #predict #using- How far will you go?: characterizing and predicting online search stopping behavior using information scent and need for cognition (WCW), p. 1149.
ASPLOS-2013-Gidra0SS #case study #garbage collection #multi #scalability- A study of the scalability of stop-the-world garbage collectors on multicores (LG, GT, JS, MS), pp. 229–240.
CIKM-2012-ShiMWG #in the cloud #online #query- You can stop early with COLA: online processing of aggregate queries in the cloud (YS, XM, FW, YG), pp. 1223–1232.
ICPR-2012-BeinruckerDB #feature model- Early stopping for mutual information based feature selection (AB, UD, GB), pp. 975–978.
ICSE-2012-StaatsGH #automation #fault #how #mutation testing #testing- Automated oracle creation support, or: How I learned to stop worrying about fault propagation and love mutation testing (MS, GG, MPEH), pp. 870–880.
CASE-2011-KalyanasundaramLR #combinator #distributed #resource management- Fail-Stop Distributed Combinatorial Auctioning Systems with fair resource allocation (AK, RAKL, SR), pp. 181–188.
DATE-2011-JhaLMR #simulation #statistics #trade-off #verification- When to stop verification?: Statistical trade-off between expected loss and simulation cost (SKJ, CJL, SM, SR), pp. 1309–1314.
DATE-2011-ReddyCBJ #complexity #power management- A low complexity stopping criterion for reducing power consumption in turbo decoders (PR, FC, AB, MJ), pp. 649–654.
SAC-2011-RosaGO #problem #quality #satisfiability- Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences (EDR, EG, BO), pp. 901–906.
SLE-2011-KlintLP #analysis #towards #visualisation- Towards a One-Stop-Shop for Analysis, Transformation and Visualization of Software (PK, BL, AvdP), pp. 1–18.
ICDAR-2009-Smith #analysis #detection #hybrid #layout- Hybrid Page Layout Analysis via Tab-Stop Detection (RWS), pp. 241–245.
VLDB-2009-DragutFSYM #integration #interface #problem #web #word- Stop Word and Related Problems in Web Interface Integration (ECD, FF, APS, CTY, WM), pp. 349–360.
CIAA-2009-ClarridgeS #automaton- A Cellular Automaton Model for Car Traffic with a Slow-to-Stop Rule (AC, KS), pp. 44–53.
ICML-2009-PoczosASGS #exclamation #learning- Learning when to stop thinking and do something! (BP, YAY, CS, RG, NRS), pp. 825–832.
SIGIR-2009-ArampatzisKR #optimisation #using- Where to stop reading a ranked list?: threshold optimization using truncated score distributions (AA, JK, SR), pp. 524–531.
SIGIR-2009-DostertK #behaviour- Users’ stopping behaviors and estimates of recall (MD, DK), pp. 820–821.
SIGIR-2009-TomsF #analysis #behaviour #predict- Predicting stopping behaviour: a preliminary analysis (EGT, LF), pp. 750–751.
PPoPP-2009-KulkarniUCAV #how #transaction- Turbocharging boosted transactions or: how i learnt to stop worrying and love longer transactions (CEK, OSÜ, AC, EA, MV), pp. 307–308.
ICML-2008-FrancLM #fault- Stopping conditions for exact computation of leave-one-out error in support vector machines (VF, PL, KRM), pp. 328–335.
ICML-2008-MnihSA #empirical- Empirical Bernstein stopping (VM, CS, JYA), pp. 672–679.
ICPR-2008-GarainD #detection #documentation #empirical #image #word- Stop word detection in compressed textual images: An experiment on indic script documents (UG, AKD), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2007-Naumann #design #evolution #question- Keynote address: Was Darwin wrong? Has design evolution stopped at the RTL level... or will software and custom processors (or system-level design) extend Moore’s law? (AN), p. 2.
VLDB-2007-ChaudhuriKRP #execution #query- Stop-and-Restart Style Execution for Long Running Decision Support Queries (SC, RK, RR, AP), pp. 735–745.
SCAM-2006-GallagherBH #slicing- Stop-List Slicing (KG, DB, MH), pp. 11–20.
ICALP-v1-2006-BordewichDK #approximate #metric- Stopping Times, Metrics and Approximate Counting (MB, MED, MK), pp. 108–119.
CHI-2006-RoblesSRN #how- Being watched or being special: how I learned to stop worrying and love being monitored, surveilled, and assessed (ER, AS, KR, CN), pp. 831–839.
CIKM-2006-Flake #how #internet- How I learned to stop worrying and love the imminent internet singularity (GWF), p. 2.
SAC-2006-CutelloNO #algorithm #analysis #heuristic- Analysis of an evolutionary algorithm with HyperMacromutation and stop at first constructive mutation heuristic for solving trap functions (VC, GN, PSO), pp. 945–949.
SIGMOD-2003-Zeller #data type #sql #transaction- NonStop SQL/MX Publish/Subscribe: Continuous Data Streams in Transaction Processing (HZ), p. 636.
ICML-2003-Even-DarMM #learning- Action Elimination and Stopping Conditions for Reinforcement Learning (EED, SM, YM), pp. 162–169.
DATE-2001-HajjarCMAB #behaviour #quality #statistics #using #verification- High quality behavioral verification using statistical stopping criteria (AH, TC, IM, AAA, MB), pp. 411–419.
ICFP-2000-CheadleFMJW #haskell- Non-stop Haskell (AMC, AJF, SM, SLPJ, RLW), pp. 257–267.
ICPR-v2-2000-VarstaHMM #human-computer #interface #performance #set- Evaluating the Performance of Three Feature Sets for Brain-Computer Interfaces with an Early Stopping MLP Committee (MV, JH, JdRM, JM), pp. 2907–2910.
ICDAR-1999-Ho #identification #keyword #learning #performance #word- Fast Identification of Stop Words for Font Learning and Keyword Spotting (TKH), pp. 333–336.
KDD-1999-ClearDHHLMMRSWX #information management #sql- NonStop SQL/MX Primitives for Knowledge Discovery (JC, DD, BH, MLH, PL, AM, MM, LR, AS, RMW, MX), pp. 425–429.
ESOP-1998-ChinKL #analysis- Synchronisation Analysis to Stop Tulping (WNC, SCK, TWL), pp. 75–89.
ICPR-1998-Ho98a #recognition #word- Bootstrapping text recognition from stop words (TKH), pp. 605–609.
POPL-1997-SeidlS #constraints #deforestation #higher-order- Constraints to Stop Higher-Order Deforestation (HS, MHS), pp. 400–413.
ESOP-1996-Seidl #constraints #deforestation #integer- Integer Constraints to Stop Deforestation (HS), pp. 326–340.
STOC-1995-LovaszW #markov #performance- Efficient stopping rules for Markov chains (LL, PW), pp. 76–82.
SIGMOD-1994-Englert #scalability #sql- NonStop SQL: Scalability and Availability for Decision Support (SE), p. 491.
SIGMOD-1992-Celis #parallel #sql- Distribution, Parallelism, and Availability in NonStop SQL (PC), p. 225.
LFP-1990-Zorn #garbage collection- Comparing Mark-and-Sweep and Stop-and-Copy Garbage Collection (BGZ), pp. 87–98.
SIGMOD-1988-Group #benchmark #metric #sql #transaction- A Benchmark of NonStop SQL on the Debit Credit Transaction (Invited Paper) (TTPG), pp. 337–341.
SIGIR-1984-KraftB #behaviour #information retrieval #roadmap- Advances in a Bayesian Decision Model of User Stopping Behaviour for Scanning the Output of an Information Retrieval System (DHK, DAB), pp. 421–433.
POPL-1984-Thiel #data type #semistructured data #specification- Stop Losing Sleep Over Incomplete Data Type Specifications (JJT), pp. 76–82.
SOSP-1981-Bartlett #kernel- A NonStop Kernel (JFB), pp. 22–19.