111 papers:
PODS-2015-BeameBGS #first-order #symmetry- Symmetric Weighted First-Order Model Counting (PB, GVdB, EG, DS), pp. 313–328.
ICALP-v1-2015-GargMVY #multi #nash #symmetry- ETR-Completeness for Decision Versions of Multi-player (Symmetric) Nash Equilibria (JG, RM, VVV, SY), pp. 554–566.
ICALP-v2-2015-AchlioptasS #graph #independence #symmetry- Symmetric Graph Properties Have Independent Edges (DA, PS), pp. 467–478.
ICALP-v2-2015-ScheweTV #symmetry- Symmetric Strategy Improvement (SS, AT, TV), pp. 388–400.
ICML-2015-HuangWSLC #classification #image #learning #metric #set #symmetry- Log-Euclidean Metric Learning on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifold with Application to Image Set Classification (ZH, RW, SS, XL, XC), pp. 720–729.
ICML-2015-NeyshaburS #on the #symmetry- On Symmetric and Asymmetric LSHs for Inner Product Search (BN, NS), pp. 1926–1934.
ICALP-v2-2014-BellBMR #complexity #symmetry- Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations (JB, JAB, NM, RR), pp. 1–12.
ICALP-v2-2014-KantorK #problem #symmetry- Optimal Competitiveness for Symmetric Rectilinear Steiner Arborescence and Related Problems (EK, SK), pp. 520–531.
ICPR-2014-ChaudhariM #clustering #matrix #semistructured data #symmetry #using- Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SC, MNM), pp. 1431–1436.
ICPR-2014-SaleemBS #image #robust #symmetry- A Gradient Extension of Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns for Robust RGB-NIR Image Matching (SS, AB, RS), pp. 815–820.
ICMT-2014-DiskinWGC #symmetry #taxonomy #towards- Towards a Rational Taxonomy for Increasingly Symmetric Model Synchronization (ZD, AW, HG, KC), pp. 57–73.
Onward-2014-UngarOK #named #programming #symmetry- Korz: Simple, Symmetric, Subjective, Context-Oriented Programming (DU, HO, DK), pp. 113–131.
SAC-2014-FerrazPG #feature model #symmetry- Feature description based on center-symmetric local mapped patterns (CTF, OPJ, AG), pp. 39–44.
LICS-CSL-2014-GuenotS #logic #normalisation #symmetry- Symmetric normalisation for intuitionistic logic (NG, LS), p. 10.
VLDB-2014-GyssensPGWW13 #approach #case study #query #symmetry #towards- An Approach towards the Study of Symmetric Queries (MG, JP, DVG, JW, YW), pp. 25–36.
LATA-2013-MerweFG #difference #symmetry- Counting Minimal Symmetric Difference NFAs (BvdM, MF, JG), pp. 419–430.
CHI-2013-AnnettB #exclamation #gesture #symmetry- Your left hand can do it too!: investigating intermanual, symmetric gesture transfer on touchscreens (MA, WFB), pp. 1119–1128.
SAC-OOPS-J-2009-LievensH13 #abstraction #encapsulation #implementation #multi #symmetry- Abstraction over implementation structure with symmetrically encapsulated multimethods (DL, WH), pp. 953–968.
FoSSaCS-2012-MazzaR #abstraction #combinator #interactive #modelling #symmetry- Full Abstraction for Set-Based Models of the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM, NJR), pp. 316–330.
STOC-2012-KaufmanL #graph #symmetry #transitive- Edge transitive ramanujan graphs and symmetric LDPC good codes (TK, AL), pp. 359–366.
ICPR-2012-DahmaneLDB #estimation #learning #symmetry- Learning symmetrical model for head pose estimation (AD, SL, CD, IMB), pp. 3614–3617.
ICPR-2012-KawaiY #image #symmetry- Image inpainting considering symmetric patterns (NK, NY), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-2012-XiangL #detection #symmetry- Symmetric object detection based on symmetry and centripetal-SIFT edge descriptor (YX, SL), pp. 1403–1406.
SAC-2012-DiasDHS #sorting #symmetry #using- Sorting genomes using almost-symmetric inversions (ZD, UD, LSH, JCS), pp. 1368–1374.
PEPM-2011-IkedaN #navigation #relational #symmetry- Calculating tree navigation with symmetric relational zipper (YI, SN), pp. 101–110.
ICALP-v1-2011-GuoLV #complexity #problem #symmetry- The Complexity of Symmetric Boolean Parity Holant Problems — (Extended Abstract) (HG, PL, LGV), pp. 712–723.
CIKM-2011-LeeLSY #difference #robust #symmetry #video- Robust video fingerprinting based on hierarchical symmetric difference feature (JL, SL, YS, WY), pp. 2089–2092.
CIKM-2011-WangHD #clustering #matrix #multi #relational #symmetry- Simultaneous clustering of multi-type relational data via symmetric nonnegative matrix tri-factorization (HW, HH, CHQD), pp. 279–284.
BX-2011-Hofmann #lens #symmetry- Symmetric lenses (MH), p. 60.
MoDELS-2011-DiskinXCEHO #bidirectional #model transformation #symmetry- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Symmetric Case (ZD, YX, KC, HE, FH, FO), pp. 304–318.
MoDELS-2011-DiskinXCEHO #bidirectional #model transformation #symmetry- From State- to Delta-Based Bidirectional Model Transformations: The Symmetric Case (ZD, YX, KC, HE, FH, FO), pp. 304–318.
POPL-2011-HofmannPW #lens #symmetry- Symmetric lenses (MH, BCP, DW), pp. 371–384.
SAC-2011-GalvaoD #distance #permutation #symmetry- Computing rearrangement distance of every permutation in the symmetric group (GRG, ZD), pp. 106–107.
ICPR-2010-FujikiHUAM #self #symmetry- Self-Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Model Selection (JF, HH, YU, SA, NM), pp. 1812–1815.
ICPR-2010-KumarTG #symmetry- Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Fingerprint Matching (GK, ST, VG), pp. 890–893.
ICPR-2010-PiroonratanaWUALC #identification #morphism #nondeterminism #ranking #symmetry #using- Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking (TP, WW, TU, AA, CL, NC), pp. 2448–2451.
STOC-2009-DodisW #encryption #symmetry- Non-malleable extractors and symmetric key cryptography from weak secrets (YD, DW), pp. 601–610.
SAC-2009-LievensH #encapsulation #multi #symmetry- Symmetric encapsulated multi-methods to abstract over application structure (DL, WH), pp. 1873–1880.
DATE-2008-ApostolakisGPP #functional #multi #self #symmetry- Functional Self-Testing for Bus-Based Symmetric Multiprocessors (AA, DG, MP, AMP), pp. 1304–1309.
TACAS-2008-WahlBE #named #symmetry #verification- SVISS: Symbolic Verification of Symmetric Systems (TW, NB, EAE), pp. 459–462.
STOC-2008-Valiant #symmetry #testing- Testing symmetric properties of distributions (PV), pp. 383–392.
ICALP-B-2008-EgriLT #datalog #symmetry- Directed st-Connectivity Is Not Expressible in Symmetric Datalog (LE, BL, PT), pp. 172–183.
ICPR-2008-WangWHHG #image #symmetry- Symmetric segment-based stereo matching of motion blurred images with illumination variations (WW, YW, LH, QH, WG), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-WangLZD #analysis #matrix #multi #semantics #summary #symmetry- Multi-document summarization via sentence-level semantic analysis and symmetric matrix factorization (DW, TL, SZ, CHQD), pp. 307–314.
LICS-2008-DalmauL #datalog #symmetry- Maltsev + Datalog --> Symmetric Datalog (VD, BL), pp. 297–306.
DATE-2007-Wong #equation #performance #symmetry #using- Fast positive-real balanced truncation of symmetric systems using cross Riccati equations (NW), pp. 1496–1501.
ICML-2007-LongZWY #clustering #relational #symmetry- Relational clustering by symmetric convex coding (BL, Z(Z, XW, PSY), pp. 569–576.
LICS-2007-EgriLT #constraints #datalog #problem #symmetry- Symmetric Datalog and Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Logspace (LE, BL, PT), pp. 193–202.
TLCA-2007-Mazza #abstraction #combinator #interactive #symmetry- Edifices and Full Abstraction for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators (DM), pp. 305–320.
CBSE-2006-SuveeFV #approach #aspect-oriented #component #development #symmetry #towards- A Symmetric and Unified Approach Towards Combining Aspect-Oriented and Component-Based Software Development (DS, BDF, WV), pp. 114–122.
CHI-2006-LatulipeMKC #named #symmetry- symSpline: symmetric two-handed spline manipulation (CL, SM, CSK, CLAC), pp. 349–358.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiYW #metric #symmetry- Fingerprint Indexing Based On Symmetrical Measurement (JL, WYY, HW), pp. 1038–1041.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhouW #symmetry- Symmetric Pixel-Group Based Stereo Matching for Occlusion Handling (XZ, RW), pp. 47–50.
ICPR-v3-2006-YeungS #framework #probability #set #symmetry- Stochastic Framework for Symmetric Affine Matching between Point Sets (SKY, PS), pp. 790–793.
ICPR-v4-2006-HeYTWX #image #matrix #novel #retrieval #symmetry #using- Texture Image Retrieval Using Novel Non-separable Filter Banks Based on Centrally Symmetric Matrices (ZH, XY, YYT, PSPW, YX), pp. 161–164.
ICPR-v4-2006-LefaucheurN #classification #multi #robust #symmetry- Robust Multiclass Ensemble Classifiers via Symmetric Functions (PL, RN), pp. 136–139.
DATE-2005-HungBK #multi #programmable #symmetry- Symmetric Multiprocessing on Programmable Chips Made Easy (AH, WDB, AAK), pp. 240–245.
ICALP-2005-ChattopadhyayH #bound #composition #symmetry- Lower Bounds for Circuits with Few Modular and Symmetric Gates (AC, KAH), pp. 994–1005.
HPCA-2005-ZhangGYZG #memory management #multi #named #security #symmetry- SENSS: Security Enhancement to Symmetric Shared Memory Multiprocessors (YZ, LG, JY, XZ, RG), pp. 352–362.
TLCA-2005-DavidN #normalisation #proving #symmetry #λ-calculus #μ-calculus- Arithmetical Proofs of Strong Normalization Results for the Symmetric λμ-Calculus (RD, KN), pp. 162–178.
VLDB-2004-RossS #bound #database #multi #symmetry- Symmetric Relations and Cardinality-Bounded Multisets in Database Systems (KAR, JS), pp. 912–923.
CIAA-2004-Zijl #difference #symmetry- Magic Numbers for Symmetric Difference NFAs (LvZ), pp. 333–334.
ICPR-v2-2004-FlusserZ #invariant #symmetry- Invariants to Convolution with Circularly Symmetric PSF (JF, BZ), pp. 11–14.
ICPR-v2-2004-KampelS #3d #on the #symmetry- On 3D Mosaicing of Rotationally Symmetric Ceramic Fragments (MK, RS), pp. 265–268.
ICPR-v2-2004-TakiS #3d #re-engineering #symmetry- 3D Reconstruction and Virtual Forming in Rotationally Symmetric Space (MT, JS), pp. 261–264.
ICPR-v4-2004-RosinM #symmetry- A Symmetric Convexity Measure (PLR, CLM), pp. 11–14.
ICPR-v4-2004-WillisC #3d #dataset #multi #symmetry- Alignment of Multiple Non-Overlapping Axially Symmetric 3D Datasets (ARW, DBC), pp. 96–99.
LICS-2004-VIICHP #distributed #symmetry #λ-calculus- A Symmetric Modal λ Calculus for Distributed Computing (TMV, KC, RH, FP), pp. 286–295.
CSL-2003-DawarR #fixpoint #logic #symmetry- A Fixed-Point Logic with Symmetric Choice (AD, DR), pp. 169–182.
DAC-2002-ZhengP #analysis #modelling #network #symmetry- Modeling and analysis of regular symmetrically structured power/ground distribution networks (HZ, LTP), pp. 395–398.
STOC-2002-MeshulamW #symmetry- Expanders from symmetric codes (RM, AW), pp. 669–677.
ICALP-2002-JakobyL #problem #symmetry- Paths Problems in Symmetric Logarithmic Space (AJ, ML), pp. 269–280.
ICPR-v2-2002-MaWT #recognition #symmetry #using- Iris Recognition Using Circular Symmetric Filters (LM, YW, TT), pp. 414–417.
ICPR-v4-2002-FrancoisMW #geometry #symmetry #using- Reconstructing Mirror Symmetric Scenes From a Single View Using 2-View Stereo Geometry (ARJF, GGM, RW), pp. 12–16.
DAC-2001-KarriWMK #concurrent #detection #fault #symmetry- Concurrent Error Detection of Fault-Based Side-Channel Cryptanalysis of 128-Bit Symmetric Block Ciphers (RK, KW, PM, YK), pp. 579–585.
STOC-2000-Fortune #integer #matrix #symmetry- Exact computations of the inertia symmetric integer matrices (SF), pp. 556–564.
CHI-2000-BalakrishnanH #interactive #symmetry- Symmetric bimanual interaction (RB, KH), pp. 33–40.
OOPSLA-2000-CliftonLCM #composition #java #multi #named #symmetry- MultiJava: modular open classes and symmetric multiple dispatch for Java (CC, GTL, CC, TDM), pp. 130–145.
PPDP-2000-GiacobazziM #semantics #symmetry- A characterization of symmetric semantics by domain complementation (RG, IM), pp. 115–126.
PPDP-2000-HylandP #sketching #symmetry- Symmetric monoidal sketches (MH, JP), pp. 280–288.
ASPLOS-2000-BurkeMA #architecture #encryption #performance #symmetry- Architectural Support for Fast Symmetric-Key Cryptography (JB, JM, TMA), pp. 178–189.
OSDI-2000-ChandraAGS #algorithm #cpu #multi #scheduling #symmetry- Surplus Fair Scheduling: A Proportional-Share CPU Scheduling Algorithm for Symmetric Multiprocessors (AC, MA, PG, PJS), pp. 45–58.
DATE-1999-HellebrandWY #symmetry- Symmetric Transparent BIST for RAMs (SH, HJW, VNY), pp. 702–707.
STOC-1999-Indyk99a #combinator #design #symmetry- Inerpolation of Symmetric Functions and a New Type of Combinatorial Design (PI), pp. 736–740.
FM-v1-1999-BuchiB #composition #symmetry- Compositional Symmetric Sharing in B (MB, RJB), pp. 431–451.
RTA-1999-Gobel #performance #symmetry- Fast Rewriting of Symmetric Polynomials (MG), pp. 371–381.
HPDC-1998-RoyC #clustering #distributed #memory management #multi #named #string #symmetry- Strings: A High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory for Symmetrical Multiprocessor Clusters (SR, VC), pp. 90–97.
ICDAR-1997-RochaB #symmetry- Singularities and Regularities on Line Pictures via Symmetrical Trapezoids (JR, RB), pp. 809–812.
VLDB-1997-HumborstadSHT #algorithm #symmetry- 1-Safe Algorithms for Symmetric Site Configurations (RH, MS, SOH, ØT), pp. 316–325.
STOC-1997-Beals #fourier #quantum #symmetry- Quantum Computation of Fourier Transforms over Symmetric Groups (RB), pp. 48–53.
ICALP-1997-GarganoHP #symmetry- Colouring Paths in Directed Symmetric Trees with Applications to WDM Routing (LG, PH, SP), pp. 505–515.
ICPR-1996-GimelfarbMGGMO #symmetry- Digital photogrammetric station “Delta” and symmetric intensity-based stereo (GLG, VIM, VBG, MVG, BOM, SVO), pp. 979–983.
ICPR-1996-PeiH #approach #symmetry- A moment-based approach for deskewing rotationally symmetric shapes (SCP, JHH), pp. 248–252.
STOC-1995-NisanT #symmetry- Symmetric logspace is closed under complement (NN, ATS), pp. 140–146.
SIGMOD-1994-DanielsDDEHJJLSSS #design #replication #symmetry- Oracle’s Symmetric Replication Technology and Implications for Application Design (DD, LBD, AD, CE, GH, SJ, BJ, PL, GS, BS, JS), p. 467.
VLDB-1993-ShekitaYT #multi #optimisation #symmetry- Multi-Join Optimization for Symmetric Multiprocessors (EJS, HCY, KLT), pp. 479–492.
STOC-1992-Paturi #approximate #on the #symmetry- On the Degree of Polynomials that Approximate Symmetric Boolean Functions (Preliminary Version) (RP), pp. 468–474.
POPL-1991-HarperP #calculus #symmetry- A Record Calculus Based on Symmetric Concatenation (RH, BCP), pp. 131–142.
STOC-1990-Szegedy #bound #communication #complexity #symmetry- Functions with Bounded Symmetric Communication Complexity and Circuits with mod m Gates (MS), pp. 278–286.
ICALP-1990-PrasadGM #algebra #concurrent #functional #integration #programming #semantics #symmetry- Operational and Algebraic Semantics for Facile: A Symmetric Integration of Concurrent and Functional Programming (SP, AG, PM), pp. 765–778.
CADE-1990-PfenningN #deduction #symmetry- Presenting Intuitive Deductions via Symmetric Simplification (FP, DN), pp. 336–350.
NACLP-1990-LeviMP #symmetry- Failure and Success made Symmetric (GL, MM, CP), pp. 3–22.
PLDI-1987-GelernterJL #interpreter #lisp #parallel #persistent #symmetry- Parallelism, persistence and meta-cleanliness in the symmetric Lisp interpreter (DG, SJ, TL), pp. 274–282.
ICALP-1987-LiY #complexity #parallel #probability #symmetry- The Probabilistic and Deterministic Parallel Complexity of Symmetric Functions (ML, YY), pp. 326–335.
SIGMOD-1986-ChrstodoulakisHT #approach #multi #symmetry- The Multimedia Object Presentation Manager of MINOS: A Symmetric Approach (SC, FH, MT), pp. 295–310.
STOC-1985-Huynh #commutative #complexity #equivalence #problem #symmetry- The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Commutative Semigroups and Symmetric Vector Addition Systems (DTH), pp. 405–412.
ICALP-1983-CohenLP #distributed #problem #symmetry- Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (SC, DJL, AP), pp. 128–136.
STOC-1982-Reif #symmetry- Symmetric Complementation (JHR), pp. 201–214.
POPL-1981-LehmannR #distributed #on the #problem #symmetry- On the Advantages of Free Choice: A Symmetric and Fully Distributed Solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem (DJL, MOR), pp. 133–138.
ICALP-1980-LewisP #bound #symmetry- Symmetric Space-Bounded Computation (Extended Abstract) (HRL, CHP), pp. 374–384.
LISP-1963-Dulock #algebra #lisp #symmetry- LISP. Applications to Symmetric group, Dirac groups and Lie algebras (VD), p. 1.