30 papers:
DAC-2015-BrasserMSWK #named #trust- TyTAN: tiny trust anchor for tiny devices (FFB, BEM, ARS, CW, PK), p. 6.
CHI-2015-LeivaSCH0- Text Entry on Tiny QWERTY Soft Keyboards (LAL, ASS, AC, NH, AS), pp. 669–678.
HCI-IT-2015-PoirierB #named- UniWatch — Some Approaches Derived from UniGlyph to Allow Text Input on Tiny Devices Such as Connected Watches (FP, MB), pp. 554–562.
VLDB-2015-SunWQZL14 #approximate #named #nearest neighbour #query- SRS: Solving c-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Queries in High Dimensional Euclidean Space with a Tiny Index (YS, WW, JQ, YZ, XL), pp. 1–12.
DAC-2013-HanZF #gpu #named #parallel #simulation- TinySPICE: a parallel SPICE simulator on GPU for massively repeated small circuit simulations (LH, XZ, ZF), p. 8.
CHI-2013-LeitnerPLRH #gesture #named #performance #scalability- Kolibri: tiny and fast gestures for large pen-based surfaces (JL, FP, CL, CR, MH), pp. 1789–1798.
CADE-2013-AzmyW #normalisation- Computing Tiny Clause Normal Forms (NA, CW), pp. 109–125.
SEKE-2012-WilsonL #metalanguage #specification- A Tiny Specification Metalanguage (WWW, YL), pp. 486–490.
SAC-2012-DandamudiWH #animation #comprehension #framework #source code- An animation framework for improving the comprehension of TinyOS programs (SD, SKW, JOH), pp. 1625–1631.
LCTES-2012-AslamBQUFTSH #design #embedded #java #stack- Rethinking Java call stack design for tiny embedded devices (FA, GB, MAQ, ZAU, LF, PT, CS, EH), pp. 1–10.
OSDI-2012-Levis #case study #development #experience- Experiences from a Decade of TinyOS Development (PL), pp. 207–220.
CIKM-2011-OttavianoG- Semi-indexing semi-structured data in tiny space (GO, RG), pp. 1485–1494.
POPL-2011-MacLaurin #design #programming language #visual notation- The design of kodu: a tiny visual programming language for children on the Xbox 360 (MM), pp. 241–246.
ICPC-J-2008-DaltonWDH09 #behaviour #embedded #network #runtime #tool support #visualisation- Visualizing the runtime behavior of embedded network systems: A toolkit for TinyOS (ARD, SKW, SD, JOH), pp. 446–469.
ICALP-v2-2009-GuerraouiR #mobile- Names Trump Malice: Tiny Mobile Agents Can Tolerate Byzantine Failures (RG, ER), pp. 484–495.
HCI-NT-2009-MiyazakiSY #behaviour #distributed #java #runtime #using #virtual machine- Investigating the Run Time Behavior of Distributed Applications by Using Tiny Java Virtual Machines with Wireless Communications (TM, TS, FY), pp. 882–889.
DATE-2008-LindgrenEAN #c #embedded #realtime- TinyTimber, Reactive Objects in C for Real-Time Embedded Systems (PL, JE, SA, JN), pp. 1382–1385.
ICPC-2008-DaltonH #behaviour #runtime #tool support #visualisation- A Toolkit for Visualizing the Runtime Behavior of TinyOS Applications (ARD, JOH), pp. 43–52.
CIKM-2008-Coetzee #n-gram #named- TinyLex: static n-gram index pruning with perfect recall (DC), pp. 409–418.
SAC-2008-LeoneS #clustering #network #process #scalability- Interacting urns processes: for clustering of large-scale networks of tiny artifacts (PL, EMS), pp. 2046–2051.
DAC-2007-KumarSCKS #embedded #memory management- A System For Coarse Grained Memory Protection In Tiny Embedded Processors (RK, AS, AC, EK, MBS), pp. 218–223.
DATE-2007-GburzynskiKO #ad hoc #low cost #network #performance #protocol- A tiny and efficient wireless ad-hoc protocol for low-cost sensor networks (PG, BK, WO), pp. 1557–1562.
SAC-2007-HuangHYCK #named #network #operating system- LA-TinyOS: a locality-aware operating system for wireless sensor networks (TYH, KYH, HYY, ETHC, CTK), pp. 1151–1158.
SOSP-2007-SeshadriLQP #kernel #named- SecVisor: a tiny hypervisor to provide lifetime kernel code integrity for commodity OSes (AS, ML, NQ, AP), pp. 335–350.
LCTES-2005-GayLC #design pattern- Software design patterns for TinyOS (DG, PL, DEC), pp. 40–49.
SAC-2003-CheongLLZ #embedded #named #programming- TinyGALS: A Programming Model for Event-Driven Embedded Systems (EC, JL, JL, FZ), pp. 698–704.
ASPLOS-2002-LevisC #named #network #virtual machine- Maté: a tiny virtual machine for sensor networks (PL, DEC), pp. 85–95.
OSDI-2002-MaddenFHH #ad hoc #named #network- TAG: A Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (SM, MJF, JMH, WH), pp. 131–146.
ESOP-1994-MuckS #continuation #functional #logic #semantics- A Tiny Constrain Functional Logic Language and Its Continuation Semantics (AM, TS), pp. 439–453.
STOC-1994-GoldreichW #product line #random #trade-off- Tiny families of functions with random properties (preliminary version): a quality-size trade-off for hashing (OG, AW), pp. 574–584.