81 papers:
CASE-2015-LiDLZ #approach #composition #problem- A decomposition approach to colored traveling salesman problems (JL, XD, HL, MZ), pp. 51–56.
CHI-2015-BentleyCH #coordination #mobile- Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones (FRB, YYC, CH), pp. 967–970.
DUXU-IXD-2015-LinC15a #what- What Travelers Want: An Investigation into User Needs and User Wants on Display (TSL, CNC), pp. 496–504.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ItouNM #information management #twitter #using- Travel-Information Sharing System Using Tweets with Location Information (JI, KN, JM), pp. 526–534.
RecSys-2015-Zoeter #recommendation- Recommendations in Travel (OZ), p. 234.
SIGIR-2015-KiselevaMBDKEKT #optimisation- Where to Go on Your Next Trip?: Optimizing Travel Destinations Based on User Preferences (JK, MJIM, LB, CD, IK, MSE, JK, AT, DH), pp. 1097–1100.
ICALP-v1-2014-DemaineHLS- Canadians Should Travel Randomly (EDD, YH, CSL, KS), pp. 380–391.
CIKM-2014-ShaoKTG #case study #complexity #distance #navigation #network #query- Travel distance versus navigation complexity: a study on different spatial queries on road networks (JS, LK, ET, LG), pp. 1791–1794.
ICPR-2014-KimPZGZB #bibliography #process #recognition #smarttech- Activity Recognition for a Smartphone Based Travel Survey Based on Cross-User History Data (YK, FCP, FZ, AG, PCZ, MEBA), pp. 432–437.
KDD-2014-WangZX #estimation #using- Travel time estimation of a path using sparse trajectories (YW, YZ, YX), pp. 25–34.
KR-2014-Morgenstern #concept #reasoning #representation- Representing and Reasoning about Time Travel Narratives: Foundational Concepts (LM).
SIGIR-2014-ArifDL #collaboration #information management #query- Examining collaborative query reformulation: a case of travel information searching (ASMA, JTD, IL), pp. 875–878.
OOPSLA-2014-BarrM #debugging #named- Tardis: affordable time-travel debugging in managed runtimes (ETB, MM), pp. 67–82.
VLDB-2013-0002GJ #correlation #markov #modelling #using- Travel Cost Inference from Sparse, Spatio-Temporally Correlated Time Series Using Markov Models (BY, CG, CSJ), pp. 769–780.
ICALP-v1-2013-MuchaS #problem #scheduling #symmetry- No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Is as Hard as Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (MM, MS), pp. 769–779.
LATA-2013-ChatterjeeCR #how- How to Travel between Languages (KC, SC, SR), pp. 214–225.
DUXU-WM-2013-MarcusSC #design #mobile #persuasion #user interface- The Travel Machine: Mobile UX Design That Combines Information Design with Persuasion Design (AM, TKS, LC), pp. 696–705.
RecSys-2013-SavirBS #recommendation- Recommending improved configurations for complex objects with an application in travel planning (AS, RIB, GS), pp. 391–394.
OOPSLA-2013-LiSWL #execution #symbolic computation- Steering symbolic execution to less traveled paths (YL, ZS, LW, XL), pp. 19–32.
ICSE-2013-KhooFH #debugging #named- Expositor: scriptable time-travel debugging with first-class traces (YPK, JSF, MH), pp. 352–361.
CASE-2012-KaneshigeNUMT #algorithm #mobile #online- An algorithm for on-line path planning of autonomous mobile overhead traveling crane based on obstacle information (AK, SN, SU, TM, KT), pp. 914–919.
VLDB-2012-KhalefaFPL #integration #modelling- Model-based Integration of Past & Future in TimeTravel (MEK, UF, TBP, WL), pp. 1974–1977.
STOC-2012-BartalGK #approximate #polynomial #problem- The traveling salesman problem: low-dimensionality implies a polynomial time approximation scheme (YB, LAG, RK), pp. 663–672.
CHI-2012-TangMHRIZC #interactive #lightweight #using #video- Time travel proxy: using lightweight video recordings to create asynchronous, interactive meetings (JCT, JM, AH, AR, KI, CZ, XC), pp. 3111–3120.
CHI-2012-YuanW #web- Building the trail best traveled: effects of domain knowledge on web search trailblazing (XY, RW), pp. 1795–1804.
CSCW-2012-Aizenbud-ReshefBGDK #enterprise #social- Bon voyage: social travel planning in the enterprise (NAR, AB, IG, YD, SKD), pp. 819–828.
SIGIR-2012-AnandBBS #maintenance- Index maintenance for time-travel text search (AA, SJB, KB, RS), pp. 235–244.
SIGMOD-2011-ChenLLOYTZZ- A cross-service travel engine for trip planning (GC, CL, ML, BCO, SY, AKHT, DZ, MZ), pp. 1251–1254.
ICALP-v2-2011-BenediktPR #cost analysis- The Cost of Traveling between Languages (MB, GP, CR), pp. 234–245.
HCI-MIIE-2011-KolskiUROD #evaluation #interactive- Interaction in Mobility: The Evaluation of Interactive Systems Used by Travellers in Transportation Contexts (CK, GU, JMR, KMdO, BD), pp. 301–310.
ICEIS-v2-2011-FanLL #performance #set- Influencing Factors of High-speed Railway Passengers’ Travel Choice based on Rough Set (YF, JL, CL), pp. 213–217.
ICEIS-v2-2011-LongLG #algorithm #performance #predict #search-based- High-speed Railway based on Genetic Algorithm for Prediction of Travel Choice (CL, JL, YG), pp. 26–31.
ICEIS-v2-2011-MeiJS #fuzzy #logic- Passenger Travel Choice Prediciton based on Fuzzy Logic (LM, LJ, KS), pp. 163–166.
KDD-2011-GeLXTC #cost analysis #recommendation- Cost-aware travel tour recommendation (YG, QL, HX, AT, JC), pp. 983–991.
KDD-2011-LathiaC #mining- Mining mobility data to minimise travellers’ spending on public transport (NL, LC), pp. 1181–1189.
RecSys-2011-BraunhoferKR #mobile #music #recommendation- Recommending music for places of interest in a mobile travel guide (MB, MK, FR), pp. 253–256.
HT-2010-ChoudhuryFAGLY #automation #social #using- Automatic construction of travel itineraries using social breadcrumbs (MDC, MF, SAY, NG, RL, CY), pp. 35–44.
CSCW-2010-TuckerBRW #named- Catchup: a useful application of time-travel in meetings (ST, OB, AR, SW), pp. 99–102.
CIKM-2010-KurashimaIIF #recommendation #using- Travel route recommendation using geotags in photo sharing sites (TK, TI, GI, KF), pp. 579–588.
SIGIR-2010-ClementsSVR #behaviour #predict #using- Using flickr geotags to predict user travel behaviour (MC, PS, APdV, MJTR), pp. 851–852.
SAC-2010-LamprierASL #clustering- Traveling among clusters: a way to reconsider the benefits of the cluster hypothesis (SL, TA, FS, BL), pp. 1774–1780.
SIGMOD-2009-WangPXCSFLYTHS #named #semantics #web- Hermes: a travel through semantics on the data web (HW, TP, KX, JC, XS, LF, QL, YY, TT, PH, RS), pp. 1135–1138.
LATA-2009-BergH #problem- Reoptimization of Traveling Salesperson Problems: Changing Single Edge-Weights (TB, HH), pp. 141–151.
HCD-2009-LinO #analysis #information management- The Method of User’s Requirement Analysis by Participation of the User: Constructing an Information System for Travelers (CYL, MO), pp. 862–868.
SIGMOD-2008-ShaullSX #named- Skippy: a new snapshot indexing method for time travel in the storage manager (RS, LS, HX), pp. 637–648.
ICALP-A-2008-BjorklundHKK #bound #graph #problem- The Travelling Salesman Problem in Bounded Degree Graphs (AB, TH, PK, MK), pp. 198–209.
SAC-2008-YuMCWL #mobile #named- CityWalker: a mobile GPS for walking travelers (THY, YSM, KLC, HCW, YCL), pp. 1962–1963.
SIGMOD-2007-TufteLMPBR #estimation #using- Travel time estimation using NiagaraST and latte (KT, JL, DM, VP, RLB, JR), pp. 1091–1093.
VLDB-2007-BerberichBNW #named #performance- FluxCapacitor: Efficient Time-Travel Text Search (KB, SJB, TN, GW), pp. 1414–1417.
HCI-AS-2007-RoibasSS #mobile- Travelling Stories: Mobile Applications for Storytellers (ACR, NS, RS), pp. 869–880.
HCI-IDU-2007-LingLX #complexity #using #validation #web- Validating Information Complexity Questionnaires Using Travel Web Sites (CL, ML, JX), pp. 901–910.
HCI-IPT-2007-MugelliniRK #experience #interactive- Tangible Interaction Based on Personal Objects for Collecting and Sharing Travel Experience (EM, ER, OAK), pp. 873–882.
HIMI-IIE-2007-WuXLX #documentation- TDARS, a Fusion Based AR System for Machine Readable Travel Documents (YW, LX, CL, ZX), pp. 1129–1138.
HIMI-MTT-2007-LehtoPPL #analysis- Text Analysis of Consumer Reviews: The Case of Virtual Travel Firms (XL, JKP, OP, MRL), pp. 490–499.
QoSA-2006-CorryHS #architecture- Traveling Architects — A New Way of Herding Cats (AVC, KMH, DS), pp. 111–126.
SOFTVIS-2006-Kahn- Time travelling animated program executions (KK), pp. 185–186.
CIKM-2006-BerberichBW #graph #performance #rank #web- Rank synopses for efficient time travel on the web graph (KB, SJB, GW), pp. 864–865.
ICEIS-v4-2004-ShawA #intranet #scalability- Developing an Intranet and Extranet Business Application for a Large Travel Agent (RS, AA), pp. 411–420.
ICPR-v2-2004-RayBP #algorithm #problem #search-based- New Operators of Genetic Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem (SSR, SB, SKP), pp. 497–500.
KDD-2004-NakataT #mining #predict- Mining traffic data from probe-car system for travel time prediction (TN, JiT), pp. 817–822.
RE-2004-TsuchiyaMGSO #approach #specification- Requirement-driven Approach to Interoperable Traveler Support System Specification (RT, AM, KG, KS, TO), pp. 316–321.
SAC-2004-TorrensHPF #mobile #towards- Towards an intelligent mobile travel assistant (MT, PH, PP, BF), pp. 1208–1209.
SAC-2003-TorrensHSF #named #scalability- reality: a Scalable Intelligent Travel Planner (MT, PH, LS, BF), pp. 623–630.
CSL-2002-Faggian #design- Travelling on Designs (CF), pp. 427–441.
HT-2000-GobleHS #visual notation #web- The travails of visually impaired web travellers (CAG, SH, RS), pp. 1–10.
STOC-2000-PapadimitriouV #on the #problem- On the approximability of the traveling salesman problem (extended abstract) (CHP, SV), pp. 126–133.
TOOLS-USA-2000-HindP #case study #experience #object-oriented #program analysis- Traveling Through Dakota: Experiences with an Object-Oriented Program Analysis System (MH, AP), pp. 49–60.
SAC-2000-GottliebK #algorithm #problem- Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem (JG, TK), pp. 415–421.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99a #design #interface #online #transaction- User-Interface Design for Online Transactions: Planet SABRE Air-Travel Booking (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 656–660.
ICEIS-1999-Correia- Public Transport Travel Planning Application (MC), pp. 59–64.
SAC-1999-KatayamaN #algorithm #problem #search-based #using- A New Iterated Local Search Algorithm Using Genetic Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem (KK, HN), pp. 302–306.
SAC-1997-OchiDF #algorithm #design #implementation #parallel #problem #search-based- Design and implementation of a parallel genetic algorithm for the travelling purchaser problem (LSO, LMdAD, RMVF), pp. 257–262.
ICML-1995-GambardellaD #approach #learning #named #problem- Ant-Q: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem (LMG, MD), pp. 252–260.
SAC-1995-Julstrom #algorithm #problem #search-based- Very greedy crossover in a genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (BAJ), pp. 324–328.
CHI-1994-Strommen94a #interface- Children’s use of mouse-based interfaces to control virtual travel (ES), pp. 405–410.
ICALP-1990-Johnson #optimisation #problem- Local Optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem (DSJ), pp. 446–461.
HT-1989-StreitzHT #process- From Ideas and Arguments to Hyperdocuments: Travelling through Activity Spaces (NAS, JH, MT), pp. 343–364.
ECOOP-1987-Manning #named- Traveler: The Apiary Observatory (CM), pp. 89–97.
STOC-1976-PapadimitriouS #complexity #problem- Some Complexity Results for the Traveling Salesman Problem (CHP, KS), pp. 1–9.
STOC-1973-WeinerSB #algorithm- Neighborhood Search Algorithms for Finding Optimal Traveling Salesman Tours Must Be Inefficient (PW, SLS, AB), pp. 207–213.
DAC-1970-KrolakFM #approach #problem #towards- A man-machine approach toward solving the traveling salesman problem (PDK, WF, GM), pp. 250–264.