88 papers:
DHM-2014-WongpatikasereeKT #analysis- Context-Aware Posture Analysis in a Workstation-Oriented Office Environment (KW, HK, YT), pp. 148–159.
CASE-2013-YueH #concurrent #robust #using- Robust deadlock control using shared-resources for production systems with unreliable workstations (HY, HH), pp. 1095–1100.
DHM-HB-2013-BotterBCKME- The Biomechanical and Physiological Effect of Two Dynamic Workstations (JB, EMB, DC, RK, SHvM, RPE), pp. 196–204.
DHM-HB-2013-BurfordBCKME #performance- The Effect of Dynamic Workstations on the Performance of Various Computer and Office-Based Tasks (EMB, JB, DC, RK, SHvM, RPE), pp. 205–212.
DHM-HB-2013-KaoH- Hand and Arm Support for Computer Workstation (GHK, TKPH), pp. 232–238.
DHM-HB-2013-KorteKSOZVH- Evaluating Comfort Levels of a Workstation with an Individually Controlled Heating and Lighting System (EMdK, LKE, MES, LHvO, BvdZ, GV, GH), pp. 213–222.
DHM-HB-2013-LundhBMP #design #problem #visualisation- Visualizing Design Problems and Solutions of Workstations on Ships (ML, MB, SM, JP), pp. 252–260.
HIMI-D-2013-WuCLB #evaluation #usability- Usability Evaluation of the Universal Computer Workstation under Supine, Sitting and Standing Postures (HCW, MCC, CLL, MYB), pp. 151–156.
DATE-2010-MelloMGP #parallel #simulation- Parallel simulation of systemC TLM 2.0 compliant MPSoC on SMP workstations (AM, IM, AG, FP), pp. 606–609.
HPDC-2008-GangulyBWF- Improving peer connectivity in wide-area overlays of virtual workstations (AG, POB, DW, RJOF), pp. 129–140.
CASE-2007-DingAS #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, RAT, JGS), pp. 77–81.
CASE-2007-DingSA #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, JGS, RAT), p. 91–?.
HPDC-2006-GangulyABF #named #network #self- WOW: Self-Organizing Wide Area Overlay Networks of Virtual Workstations (AG, AA, POB, RJOF), pp. 30–42.
ICPR-v1-2004-JohnstonFD #clustering #execution #grid #image #performance- An Event-Based Execution Model for Efficient Image Processing on Workstation Clusters and the Grid (DJJ, MF, ACD), pp. 732–735.
DATE-2003-Dales #configuration management- Managing a Reconfigurable Processor in a General Purpose Workstation Environment (MD), pp. 10980–10985.
SAC-2001-GuptaMP #clustering #data type #distributed #evaluation #performance #scalability- Performance evaluation of the LH*lh scalable, distributed data structure for a cluster of workstations (VG, MM, ADP), pp. 544–548.
PPoPP-2001-RencuzogullariD #adaptation #network #parallel- Dynamic adaptation to available resources for parallel computing in an autonomous network of workstations (UR, SD), pp. 72–81.
HPDC-2000-Anglano #comparative #evaluation #network- A Comparative Evaluation of Implicit Coscheduling Strategies for Networks of Workstations (CA), pp. 221–228.
HPDC-2000-WangOCF #predict #using- Using Idle Workstations to Implement Predictive Prefetching (JYQW, JSO, YC, MJF), pp. 87–94.
HCI-EI-1999-HsuW #comparison- The Comparison of Preferred Settings between PC and CAD Workstation (WHH, MJW), pp. 36–40.
HPDC-1999-AgbariaF #clustering #fault tolerance #named #source code- Starfish: Fault-Tolerant Dynamic MPI Programs on Clusters of Workstations (AA, RF), pp. 167–176.
HPDC-1999-CoadyOF #clustering #embedded #memory management #network #using- Using Embedded Network Processors to Implement Global Memory Management in a Workstation Cluster (YC, JSO, MJF), pp. 319–328.
HPDC-1999-CruzP #dependence #maintenance #named #network- DUNES: A Performance-Oriented System Support Environment for Dependency Maintenance in Workstation Networks (JC, KP), pp. 309–318.
HPDC-1999-KoussihAS #clustering #memory management #named- Dodo: A User-level System for Exploiting Idle Memory in Workstation Clusters (SK, AA, SS), pp. 301–308.
HPCA-1998-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #architecture #clustering #comparison #streaming- The Architectural Costs of Streaming I/O: A Comparison of Workstations, Clusters, and SMPs (RHAD, ACAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 90–101.
HPDC-1998-NaikTC #algorithm #distributed #named #network #object-oriented- NETMAN: An Object-Oriented Environment for Experimenting Distributed Algorithms on a Network of Workstations (KN, YT, ZC), pp. 350–351.
SIGMOD-1997-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #network #sorting- High-Performance Sorting on Networks of Workstations (ACAD, RHAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 243–254.
CHI-1997-CobleKK #development #maintenance #requirements- Maintaining a Focus on User Requirements Throughout the Development of Clinical Workstation Software (JMC, JK, MGK), pp. 170–177.
HCI-CC-1997-Sackman #visual notation- The American Computer Plague: Musculo-Skeletal, Visual, Radiation and Psychoneuroimmunological Stress Pandemics at U.S. Computer Workstations (HS), pp. 659–662.
HCI-CC-1997-Venda97a #assembly #design #industrial #testing- Ergonomic Design and Industrial Testing of the Televised Assembly and Manual Material Handling Workstations with Indirect Observation of Operations (VFV), pp. 847–850.
HCI-CC-1997-VendaL #assembly #evaluation #using- Ergonomic Evaluation of Manual Assembly Operations Using Direct and Indirect Observation Workstations in Sitting and Standing Positions (VFV, SSL), pp. 855–858.
HPDC-1997-ChalasaniR #network #parallel- Parallel FFT on ATM-based Networks of Workstations (SC, PR), pp. 2–11.
HPDC-1997-FigueiraB #predict- Predicting Slowdown for Networked Workstations (SMF, FB), pp. 92–101.
HPDC-1997-RosuSF #approach #clustering #interface #network #parallel- Supporting Parallel Applications on Clusters of Workstations: The Intelligent Network Interface Approach (MCR, KS, RF), pp. 159–168.
ICFP-1996-FlanaganN #design #functional #implementation #named #parallel- pHluid: The Design of a Parallel Functional Language Implementation on Workstations (CF, RSN), pp. 169–179.
ICPR-1996-CamusCHH #realtime #using- Real-time single-workstation obstacle avoidance using only wide-field flow divergence (TC, DC, MH, THH), pp. 323–330.
HPCA-1996-MarkatosK #clustering #named #network #parallel- Telegraphos: High-Performance Networking for Parallel Processing on Workstation Clusters (EPM, MK), pp. 144–153.
HPDC-1996-Al-TawilBN #distributed #migration #process- A Process Migration Subsystem for a Workstation-Based Distributed System (KMAT, MB, SKN), pp. 511–520.
HPDC-1996-CarterLA #clustering #comparison #performance- Commodity Clusters: Performance Comparison Between PC’s and Workstations (RC, JL, RA), pp. 292–304.
HPDC-1996-CrandallSC #clustering #comparison #multi #performance- Performance Comparison of Desktop Multiprocessing and Workstation Cluster Computing (PC, EVS, MJC), pp. 272–281.
HPDC-1996-NicklasASW #clustering #parallel #problem- A Parallel Solution to the Cutting Stock Problem for a Cluster of Workstations (LDN, RWA, SS, PYW), pp. 521–530.
HPDC-1996-ReschkeSRSBM #design #network #parallel- A Design Study of Alternative Network Topologies for the Beowulf Parallel Workstation (CR, TLS, DR, DS, DJB, PM), pp. 626–636.
HPDC-1996-SarkarB #clustering #interface #named #network- CNI: A High-Performance Network Interface for Workstation Clusters (PS, MLB), pp. 151–160.
HPDC-1996-ZakiLP #network- Customized Dynamic Load Balancing for a Network of Workstations (MJZ, WL, SP), pp. 282–291.
HPDC-1995-AbramsonSGH #distributed #named #simulation #using- Nimrod: A Tool for Performing Parameterised Simulations Using Distributed Workstations (DA, RS, JG, BH), pp. 112–121.
HPDC-1995-RamanjuanBT #approach #clustering #memory management #network #parallel- Network Shared Memory: A New Approach for Clustering Workstations for Parallel Processing (RSR, JB, KJT), pp. 48–56.
HPDC-1995-Skordos #clustering #parallel #simulation- Parallel Simulation of Subsonic Fluid Dynamics on a Cluster of Workstations (PS), pp. 6–16.
HPDC-1995-SterlingSBFO #communication #parallel- Communication Overhead for Space Science Applications on the Beowulf Parallel Workstation (TLS, DS, DJB, BF, KO), pp. 23–30.
SOSP-1995-FeeleyMPKL #clustering #implementation #memory management- Implementing Global Memory Management in a Workstation Cluster (MJF, WEM, FHP, ARK, HML, CAT), pp. 201–212.
SAC-1994-GrubbsHTM #simulation- Motorola 68040 microprocessor simulation for the Sun Workstation (TG, BH, RT, SM), pp. 25–30.
ASPLOS-1994-LaudonGH #multi #named #thread- Interleaving: A Multithreading Technique Targeting Multiprocessors and Workstations (JL, AG, MH), pp. 308–318.
HPDC-1994-BlumofeP #network #parallel #scalability #scheduling- Scheduling Large-Scale Parallel Computations on Networks of Workstations (RDB, DSP), pp. 96–105.
HPDC-1994-HeddayaP #algorithm #interactive #network #parallel- Mapping Parallel Interactive Algorithms onto Workstation Networks (AH, KP), pp. 211–218.
HPDC-1994-HuiCYHA #difference #equation #network- Solving Partial Differential Equations on a Network of Workstations (CCH, GKKC, MMSY, MH, IA), pp. 194–201.
HPDC-1994-SaletoreJP #clustering #parallel- Parallel Computations on the CHARM Heterogeneous Workstation Cluster (VAS, JJ, MP), pp. 203–210.
HCI-ACS-1993-MacGregor #design #maintenance #reliability- Workstation Designs for Reliability Centered Maintenance Decision Support (DGM), pp. 80–85.
HCI-ACS-1993-SaitoSTSS #eye tracking- Characteristics of Vertical Eye Movements in the Workstation Used Flat Panel Display (SS, MS, ST, TS, SS), pp. 756–761.
HCI-ACS-1993-Stanton #design #human-computer #interface- Designing the Human-Computer Interface for a Medical Information Workstation (NAS), pp. 827–832.
INTERCHI-1993-PlaisantCH #image- Exploring remote images: a telepathology workstation (CP, DAC, HH), p. 518.
HPDC-1993-AgrawalAV #generative #network- Test Pattern Generation for Sequential Circuits on a Network of Workstations (PA, VDA, JV), pp. 114–120.
HPDC-1993-BanerjiKTGC #clustering #distributed #memory management- High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory Substrate for Workstation Clusters (AB, DCK, JMT, PMG, DLC), pp. 344–351.
HPDC-1993-CrandallQ #composition #network #programming- Block Data Decomposition for Data-Parallel Programming on a Heterogeneous Workstation Network (PC, MJQ), pp. 42–49.
CHI-1992-CeccoLP #prototype- The Ircam Signal Processing Workstation Prototyping Environment (MDC, EL, MP), pp. 639–640.
CHI-1992-RectorHFKNNRW #development #experience- User centered development of a general practice medical workstation: the PEN&PAD experience (ALR, BH, MF, SK, PDN, WAN, DR, AW), pp. 447–453.
HPDC-1992-BetelloRSR #clustering- Lattice Boltzmann Method on a Cluster of IBM RISC System/6000 Workstations (GB, GR, SS, FR), pp. 242–247.
HPDC-1992-CheungR #clustering #performance- High Performance Computing on a Cluster of Workstations (ALC, APR), pp. 152–160.
HPDC-1992-NedeljkovicQ #network #programming- Data-Parallel Programming on a Network of Heterogeneous Workstations (NN, MJQ), pp. 28–36.
HPDC-1992-SinghAW #performance- Computing Radiosity Solution on a High Performance Workstation LAN (GBS, SGA, FHW), pp. 248–257.
VLDB-1990-DeWittFMV #architecture #case study #database #object-oriented- A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems (DJD, PF, DM, FV), pp. 107–121.
DAC-1989-DervisogluK #debugging #named #state of the art #tool support- ATLAS/ELA: Scan-based Software Tools for Reducing System Debug Time in a State-of-the-art Workstation (BID, MAK), pp. 718–721.
VLDB-1989-Wiederhold #database- Knowledge to Mediate from User’s Workstations to Databases (GW), p. 2.
SIGMOD-1987-Neff #database #distributed- Data Bases, Compound Objects, and Networked Workstations: Beyond Distributed Computing (RKN), p. 1.
HCI-CE-1987-Fu- A “Hands-Off” Workstation (CF), pp. 423–430.
HCI-SES-1987-Dainoff #design- Some Issues Related to Seated Posture and Workstation Design (MJD), pp. 165–172.
ASPLOS-1987-ThackerS #multi #named- Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation (CPT, LCS), pp. 164–172.
SOSP-1987-Nichols #using- Using Idle Workstations in a Shared Computing Environment (DAN), pp. 5–12.
DAC-1986-OdrynaNC- A workstation-mixed model circuit simulator (PO, KN, CC), pp. 186–192.
VLDB-1986-RoussopoulosK #architecture #database #design- Preliminary Design of ADMS±: A Workstation-Mainframe Integrated Architecture for Database Management Systems (NR, HK), pp. 355–364.
DAC-1985-PierroD #analysis #design #integration- Mechanical design/analysis integration on Apollo workstations (JAP, GFD), pp. 96–101.
ICSE-1985-StephensW #analysis #design- The Analyst — A Workstation for Analysis and Design (MS, KW), pp. 364–371.
SOSP-1985-SchroederGN #file system- A Caching File System For a Programmer’s Workstation (MDS, DKG, RMN), pp. 25–34.
DAC-1984-Haas- Computervision’s direction in workstation technology (GDH), pp. 606–609.
DAC-1984-KaoMS #design #named- ARIES: A workstation based, schematic driven system for circuit design (WHK, MHME, MLS), pp. 301–307.
DAC-1984-Scott #design #named #process #tutorial- Tutorial — mechanical workstation software computer aided engineering in the mechanical design process (JS), p. 605.
VLDB-1984-Tagg #automation #database #scalability- End User Access to Very Large Databases in an Automated Office/Workstation Environment (RMT), pp. 272–279.
DAC-1983-SangsterM #logic #named #simulation- Aquarius: Logic simulation on an Engineering Workstation (AS, JM), pp. 93–99.
DAC-1983-Sapiro #question #tool support- Engineering Workstations: Tools or toys? (SS), pp. 79–80.
SOSP-1983-CheritonZ #distributed #kernel #performance- The Distributed V Kernel and its Performance for Diskless Workstations (DRC, WZ), pp. 129–140.