Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Component Certification and System Prediction
CBSE-2001, 2001.
@proceedings{CBSE-2001, address = "Toronto, Canada", title = "{Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Component Certification and System Prediction}", year = 2001, }
Event page:
Contents (23 items)
- CBSE-2001-Voas #certification #component #trust
- Component Trust and Certification (JV), p. 1.
- CBSE-2001-Szyperski #component
- Component Technology (CS), p. 2.
- CBSE-2001-Garlan #architecture
- Software Architecture (DG), p. 3.
- CBSE-2001-GhoshM #certification #component #distributed #middleware
- Certification of Distributed Component Computing Middleware and Applications (SG, APM), p. 4.
- CBSE-2001-StaffordW #certification #question
- Is Third Party Certification Necessary? (JAS, KCW), p. 5.
- CBSE-2001-Wile #architecture #using
- Ensuring General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Properties Using Architectural Styles (DSW), p. 6.
- CBSE-2001-MohagheghiC #case study #certification #component #experience #reuse
- Experiences with Certification of Reusable Components in the GSN Project in Ericsson, Norway (PM, RC), p. 7.
- CBSE-2001-PopovSRR #component
- Protective Wrapping of OTS Components (PP, LS, SR, AR), p. 8.
- CBSE-2001-WoodmanBLS #process #quality
- Issues of CBD Product Quality and Process Quality (MW, OB, BL, FS), p. 9.
- CBSE-2001-GarlanS #component #pervasive #re-engineering
- Component-Based Software Engineering in Pervasive Computing Environments (DG, BS), p. 10.
- CBSE-2001-Weide #component #composition #testing
- Modular Regression Testing: Connections to Component-Based Software (BWW), p. 11.
- CBSE-2001-GenßlerZ #component #composition #embedded
- Rule-driven Component Composition for Embedded Systems (TG, CZ), p. 12.
- CBSE-2001-Mason #probability #program analysis
- Probability Density Functions in Program Analysis (DM), p. 13.
- CBSE-2001-Schmidt #assembly #automation #component #predict #towards
- Trusted Components: Towards Automated Assembly with Predictable Properties (HWS), p. 14.
- CBSE-2001-Hamlet #component #problem #synthesis
- Component Synthesis Theory: The Problem of Scale (DH), p. 15.
- CBSE-2001-Lau #certification #component #predict
- Component Certification and System Prediction: Is There a Role for Formality (KKL), p. 16.
- CBSE-2001-FislerKB #collaboration #component #design #verification
- Verifying Component-Based Collaboration Designs (KF, SK, DSB), p. 17.
- CBSE-2001-PreissW #composition #problem #towards
- Towards a Composition Model Problem based on IEC61850 (OP, AW), p. 18.
- CBSE-2001-Sitaraman #composition #performance #reasoning
- Compositional Performance Reasoning (MS), p. 19.
- CBSE-2001-Councill #certification
- Third-Party Certification and Its Required Elements (WTC), p. 20.
- CBSE-2001-KallioN #component #off the shelf #quality
- Documented Quality of COTS and OCM Components (PK, EN), p. 21.
- CBSE-2001-VieiraDR #component #dependence
- Describing Dependencies in Component Access Points (MERV, MSD, DJR), p. 22.
- CBSE-2001-GiannakopoulouP #certification #component #verification
- Component Verification and Certification in NASA Missions (DG, JP), p. 23.
15 ×#component
7 ×#certification
4 ×#composition
2 ×#architecture
2 ×#predict
2 ×#problem
2 ×#quality
2 ×#towards
2 ×#verification
7 ×#certification
4 ×#composition
2 ×#architecture
2 ×#predict
2 ×#problem
2 ×#quality
2 ×#towards
2 ×#verification