Proceedings of the First International Static Analysis Symposium
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Baudouin Le Charlier
Proceedings of the First International Static Analysis Symposium
SAS, 1994.

Full names Links ISxN
	address       = "Namur, Belgium",
	editor        = "Baudouin Le Charlier",
	isbn          = "3-540-58485-4",
	publisher     = "{Springer-Verlag}",
	series        = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}",
	title         = "{Proceedings of the First International Static Analysis Symposium}",
	volume        = 864,
	year          = 1994,

Contents (29 items)

SAS-1994-Getzinger #abstract interpretation #cost analysis #optimisation #prolog
The Costs and Benefits of Abstract Interpretation-driven Prolog Optimization (TWG), pp. 1–25.
SAS-1994-HanusZ #analysis #functional #logic programming #source code
Mode Analysis of Functional Logic Programs (MH, FZ), pp. 26–42.
SAS-1994-AikenL #logic programming #source code #type checking
Directional Type Checking of Logic Programs (AA, TKL), pp. 43–60.
SAS-1994-BoulangerB #abstract domain
A Systematic Construction of Abstract Domains (DB, MB), pp. 61–77.
SAS-1994-Agesen #constraints #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #type inference
Constraint-Based Type Inference and Parametric Polymorphism (OA), pp. 78–100.
SAS-1994-MuellerW #analysis #behaviour #on the fly #performance #simulation
Efficient On-the-fly Analysis of Program Behavior and Static Cache Simulation (FM, DBW), pp. 101–115.
SAS-1994-HarcourtMC #scheduling #specification
From Processor Timing Specifications to Static Intruction Scheduling (EAH, JM, TAC), pp. 116–130.
SAS-1994-BanerjeeS #call-by #λ-calculus
Stackability in the Simply-Typed Call-by-Value λ Calculus (AB, DAS), pp. 131–146.
Generalized Boxings, Congruences and Partial Inlining (JG), pp. 147–161.
Selective Thunkification (PS, MW), pp. 162–178.
SAS-1994-Halbwachs #abstract interpretation #programming
About Synchronous Programming and Abstract Interpretation (NH), pp. 179–192.
SAS-1994-Garza-SalazarB #analysis #array
Uniqueness and Completeness Analysis of Array Comprehensions (DAGS, APWB), pp. 193–207.
SAS-1994-LisperC #analysis
Extended Analysis of Data Fields (BL, JFC), pp. 208–222.
SAS-1994-HalbwachsPR #approximate #hybrid #linear #verification
Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems by Means of Convex Approximations (NH, YEP, PR), pp. 223–237.
SAS-1994-Yi #detection #exception #ml #source code #standard
Compile-time Detection of Uncaught Exceptions in Standard ML Programs (KY), pp. 238–254.
SAS-1994-JensenHR #analysis #haskell #performance #strict
Efficient Strictness Analysis of Haskell (KDJ, PH, MR), pp. 246–362.
SAS-1994-DebrayGHL #logic programming #source code
Estimating the Computational Cost of Logic Programs (SKD, PLG, MVH, NWL), pp. 255–265.
SAS-1994-ArmstrongMSS #algebra #analysis #dependence #performance #representation
Boolean Functions for Dependency Analysis: Algebraic Properties and Efficient Representation (TA, KM, PS, HS), pp. 266–280.
SAS-1994-CodishD #dependence #logic programming #multi #polymorphism #source code #using
Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using Multiple Incarnations of Prop (MC, BD), pp. 281–296.
SAS-1994-GrasH #independence #strict #using
Extracting Non-Strict Independent And-Parallelism Using Sharing and Freeness Information (DCG, MVH), pp. 297–313.
SAS-1994-VergauwenWL #fixpoint #performance
Efficient FixPoint Computation (BV, JW, JL), pp. 314–328.
SAS-1994-Jorgensen #analysis #finite #fixpoint #using
Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neddedness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration (NJ), pp. 329–345.
SAS-1994-Mauborgne #abstract interpretation #using
Abstract Interpretation Using TDGs (LM), pp. 363–379.
SAS-1994-HankinM #framework #program analysis #type system
A Type-based Framework for Program Analysis (CH, DLM), pp. 380–394.
SAS-1994-Henglein #analysis #fixpoint #strict #type system
Iterative Fixed Point Computation for Type-Based Strictness Analysis (FH), pp. 395–407.
SAS-1994-Solberg #analysis #strict
Strictness and Totality Analysis (KLS), pp. 408–422.
SAS-1994-Consel #analysis #fixpoint #performance #strict
Fast Strictness Analysis Via Symbolic Fixpoint Iteration (CC), pp. 423–431.
SAS-1994-GluckJ #deforestation #generative #supercompilation
Generating Transformers for Deforestation and Supercompilation (RG, JJ), pp. 432–448.
SAS-1994-KhoshnevisanA #commutative
Mechanical Elimination of Commutative Redundancy (HK, MA), pp. 449–463.

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