Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Latvia
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Mannila H.Toivonen G.Lindén ∅ M.Klemettinen J.Gustafsson J.Paakki L.Nenonen H.Ahonen O.Heinonen J.Taina T.Tuohiniemi Y.Bogoyavlenskiy D.Korzun R.Agrawal R.Srikant P.Ronkainen
Talks about:
softwar (4) environ (4) rule (4) develop (3) discov (3) associ (3) interfac (2) differ (2) case (2) architectur (1)
Person: A. Inkeri Verkamo
DBLP: Verkamo:A=_Inkeri
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CSEET-2005-VerkamoTTBK #case study #distributed #student
- Distributed Cross-Cultural Student Software Project: A Case Study (AIV, JT, TT, YB, DK), pp. 207–214.
- CSMR-2002-GustafssonPNV #design pattern #evolution #metric
- Architecture-Centric Software Evolution by Software Metrics and Design Patterns (JG, JP, LN, AIV), p. 108–?.
- AKDDM-1996-AgrawalMSTV #performance
- Fast Discovery of Association Rules (RA, HM, RS, HT, AIV), pp. 307–328.
- KBSE-1995-LindenV #development #interface
- An Interface Between Different Software Development Environments (GL, AIV), pp. 79–87.
- KDD-1995-MannilaTV #sequence
- Discovering Frequent Episodes in Sequences (HM, HT, AIV), pp. 210–215.
- SEKE-1995-VerkamoL #development #problem #tool support
- Problems in Interfacing Tools of Different Development Environments (AIV, GL), pp. 429–437.
- CIKM-1994-KlemettinenMRTV #scalability #set
- Finding Interesting Rules from Large Sets of Discovered Association Rules (MK, HM, PR, HT, AIV), pp. 401–407.
- KDD-1994-MannilaTV #algorithm #performance
- Efficient Algorithms for Discovering Association Rules (HM, HT, AIV), pp. 181–192.
- SEKE-1994-Verkamo #automation #development
- Cooperation of KBS development environments and CASE environments (AIV), pp. 358–365.
- ADL-1998-AhonenHKV #data mining #documentation #mining
- Applying Data Mining Techniques for Descriptive Phrase Extraction in Digital Document Collections (HA, OH, MK, AIV), pp. 2–11.