Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.S.Sapatnekar K.Roy J.Gu S.V.Kumar B.D.Bel J.Kim A.Agarwal S.Mukhopadhyay J.Keane H.Eom T.T.Kim
Talks about:
leakag (3) subthreshold (2) scale (2) threshold (1) technolog (1) framework (1) systemat (1) synthesi (1) multibit (1) consider (1)
Person: Chris H. Kim
DBLP: Kim:Chris_H=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DATE-2014-BelKKS #fault #multi
- Improving STT-MRAM density through multibit error correction (BDB, JK, CHK, SSS), pp. 1–6.
- DAC-2007-GuSK #modelling #random #statistics
- Width-dependent Statistical Leakage Modeling for Random Dopant Induced Threshold Voltage Shift (JG, SSS, CHK), pp. 87–92.
- DAC-2007-KumarKS #synthesis
- NBTI-Aware Synthesis of Digital Circuits (SVK, CHK, SSS), pp. 370–375.
- DAC-2006-KeaneEKSK #framework #logic
- Subthreshold logical effort: a systematic framework for optimal subthreshold device sizing (JK, HE, TTHK, SSS, CHK), pp. 425–428.
- DAC-2004-AgarwalKMR #design
- Leakage in nano-scale technologies: mechanisms, impact and design considerations (AA, CHK, SM, KR), pp. 6–11.
- DATE-2002-KimR #power management #reduction #scalability
- Dynamic VTH Scaling Scheme for Active Leakage Power Reduction (CHK, KR), pp. 163–167.