64 papers:
HT-2015-GavilanesGPTKG #twitter- Language, Twitter and Academic Conferences (ROGG, DG, DPS, CT, AK, EG), pp. 159–163.
DUXU-DD-2015-HertleinHVSW #human-computer #usability #what- Practice What We Preach — Checking the Usability of HCI Conference Websites (FH, BH, MV, TS, CW), pp. 295–305.
HT-2014-0001IAS #on the #predict- On the predictability of talk attendance at academic conferences (CS, JI, MA, GS), pp. 279–284.
HT-2014-WenLTP #network #twitter- Twitter in academic conferences: usage, networking and participation over time (XW, YRL, CT, DP), pp. 285–290.
CHI-2014-ChiltonKACLWDMZ #collaboration #data transformation #named- Frenzy: collaborative data organization for creating conference sessions (LBC, JK, PA, FC, JAL, DSW, SPD, RCM, HZ), pp. 1255–1264.
CSCW-2014-NakazatoYSNTH #realtime #using #video- Smart Face: enhancing creativity during video conferences using real-time facial deformation (NN, SY, SS, TN, TT, MH), pp. 75–83.
ICEIS-v3-2014-PosadaB #case study #word- A Study on the Last 11 Years of ICEIS Conference — As Revealed by Its Words (JEGP, MCCB), pp. 100–111.
SEKE-2014-ZhangGCS0 #topic- Topic Evolutions in Scientific Conferences (LZ, YG, XC, WS, LC), pp. 507–510.
CAV-2014-KanavL0 #documentation- A Conference Management System with Verified Document Confidentiality (SK, PL, AP), pp. 167–183.
ITiCSE-2013-Townsend #web #women- Regional conferences for women: another world wide web (GCT), p. 360.
MSR-2013-VasilescuSM #dataset #re-engineering- A historical dataset of software engineering conferences (BV, AS, TM), pp. 373–376.
SIGIR-2013-Soboroff #evaluation #interactive #student #tutorial- Building test collections: an interactive tutorial for students and others without their own evaluation conference series (IS), p. 1132.
RE-2013-GlinzW #requirements- RE@21 spotlight: Most influential papers from the requirements engineering conference (MG, RW), pp. 368–370.
RE-2013-Gorschek #requirements- A little rebellion now and then is a good thing: Views on the requirements engineering conference (TG), pp. 357–360.
RE-2013-Mead #requirements- A history of the international requirements engineering conference (RE)RE@21 (NRM), pp. 215–221.
RE-2013-WieringaEM #industrial #question #requirements- Requirements engineering conferences: Wither industry tracks? (RW, PvE, JM), pp. 349–352.
HT-2012-MacekSAS- Anatomy of a conference (BEM, CS, MA, GS), pp. 245–254.
CSCW-2012-YamauchiONKM #collaboration #experience #user interface- Psychology of user experience in a collaborative video-conference system (TY, TO, MN, YK, ABM), pp. 187–196.
CIKM-2012-WangHTH #network #topic- Author-conference topic-connection model for academic network search (JW, XH, XT, TH), pp. 2179–2183.
ICDAR-2011-AbedWM #analysis #bibliography #contest #documentation #perspective #recognition- International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011) — Competitions Overview (HEA, LW, VM), pp. 1437–1443.
SCAM-J-2009-Ross11 #editing #quality- Guest Editor’s Introduction to the Special Section on the 2009 Software Quality Management conference (MR), pp. 379–380.
CHI-2011-EricksonSKL #evaluation #interactive- Synchronous interaction among hundreds: an evaluation of a conference in an avatar-based virtual environment (TE, NSS, WAK, DWL), pp. 503–512.
CSCW-2011-DeVincenziYIR #video- Kinected conference: augmenting video imaging with calibrated depth and audio (AD, LY, HI, RR), pp. 621–624.
CASE-2010-ThayerE #approach- Developing a practical approach to measuring sustainability for the proceedings of the 2010 IEEE society spring conference (JT, DEE), pp. 162–167.
CHI-2010-KelkarJS #collaboration #enterprise- Some observations on the “live” collaborative tagging of audio conferences in the enterprise (SK, AJ, DDS), pp. 995–998.
KR-2010-BaralHS #information management #reasoning #representation- Invited Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (CB, IH, YS).
KR-2010-MouraLSN #information management #reasoning #representation #tutorial- Tutorial Presentations at the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (LMdM, CL, MMCS, BN).
CHI-2009-GolovchinskyQMCD #design #named #usability- DICE: designing conference rooms for usability (GG, PQ, BvM, SC, TD), pp. 1015–1024.
OCSC-2009-HuhtamakiNS #development- Catalysing the Development of a Conference Workspace (JH, ON, JS), pp. 43–52.
OCSC-2009-KindsmullerMS #community #online- Instant Online Communities as a Means to Foster Conferences (MCK, JM, JS), pp. 62–71.
RecSys-2009-ConryKR #problem #recommendation- Recommender systems for the conference paper assignment problem (DC, YK, NR), pp. 357–360.
SEKE-2009-SokhnMK #framework #information management #retrieval- Knowledge Management Framework for Conference Video-recording Retrieval (MS, EM, OAK), pp. 709–714.
AFP-2008-PlasmeijerAKLN08 #case study- An iTask Case Study: A Conference Management System (RP, PA, PWMK, BL, TvN), pp. 306–329.
CIKM-2008-XinLTL #comprehension #random #using- Academic conference homepage understanding using constrained hierarchical conditional random fields (XX, JL, JT, QL), pp. 1301–1310.
REFSQ-2008-PaechR #quality #requirements- REFSQ’08 International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (BP, CR), pp. 1–5.
HT-2007-Hall #hypermedia- Back to the future with hypertext: a tale of two or three conferences (WH), pp. 179–180.
HCI-IDU-2007-HuangLC #analysis #usability- The Practices of Usability Analysis to Wireless Facility Controller for Conference Room (DHH, YZL, WKC), pp. 490–498.
HCI-IDU-2007-KimSCH #interactive #mobile #usability- A Usability Test of Exchanging Context in a Conference Room Via Mobile Device Interactions (DYK, SS, CC, TDH), pp. 862–871.
REFSQ-2007-SawyerPH #quality #requirements- REFSQ 2007 International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (PS, BP, PH), pp. 1–17.
VLDB-2006-MulleBRS #adaptation #content management #workflow- Building Conference Proceedings Requires Adaptable Workflow and Content Management (JAM, KB, NR, TS), pp. 1129–1139.
IFL-2006-PlasmeijerA #tool support- A Conference Management System Based on the iData Toolkit (RP, PA), pp. 108–125.
CSCW-2006-JacoviSGUSM #analysis #graph- The chasms of CSCW: a citation graph analysis of the CSCW conference (MJ, VS, GGF, SU, ES, NM), pp. 289–298.
ICSE-2006-ZannierMM #empirical #on the #re-engineering- On the success of empirical studies in the international conference on software engineering (CZ, GM, FM), pp. 341–350.
CSCW-2004-McCarthyMSNR #social- Augmenting the social space of an academic conference (JFM, DWM, SS, DHN, AMR), pp. 39–48.
SAC-2004-Rigaux #rating- An iterative rating method: application to web-based conference management (PR), pp. 1682–1687.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PlaisentOBM #classification #internet #towards- Toward a Classification of Internet Scientific Conferences (MP, AO, PB, LM), pp. 473–476.
ITiCSE-2002-WalkerMM #variability- Variability of referees’ ratings of conference papers (HMW, WM, DM), pp. 178–182.
WRLA-2002-DuranV #maude #mobile- A Conference Reviewing System in Mobile Maude (FD, AV), pp. 127–143.
SAT-2002-Zhang #generative #satisfiability- Generating college conference basketball schedules by a SAT solver (HZ), p. 39.
CHI-2001-Baldis #comprehension #memory management- Effects of spatial audio on memory, comprehension, and preference during desktop conferences (JJB), pp. 166–173.
TestCom-2000-BousquetRSVBV #automation #protocol #testing- Formal Test Automation: The Conference Protocol with TGV/TORX (LdB, SR, SS, CV, AB, RGdV), pp. 221–228.
TestCom-2000-HeerinkFT #automation #protocol #testing- Formal Test Automation: The Conference Protocol with PHACT (LH, JF, JT), pp. 211–220.
ITiCSE-1999-Utting #education #learning- Gathering and disseminating good practice at teaching and learning conferences (IU), p. 202.
ITiCSE-1998-BorstlerJ #education #research #student- The students conference — a tool for the teaching of research, writing, and presentation skills (JB, OJ), pp. 28–31.
CSCW-1998-BorovoyMVRSH #collaboration #community- Meme Tags and Community Mirrors: Moving from Conferences to Collaboration (RB, FM, SV, MR, BS, CH), pp. 159–168.
HCI-CC-1997-TakadaTS- Post Agreement Utterance: Communications Specific to Media Conferences (KT, HT, YS), pp. 41–44.
HCI-SEC-1997-HacW #algorithm #distributed #multi- A Multicast Algorithm in a Distributed Multimedia Conference System (AH, DW), pp. 679–682.
SAC-1995-TarngYR #source code- A digital conference like software tool for PDP programs (JJT, QY, KDR), pp. 406–410.
SIGIR-1993-Harman #bibliography #retrieval- Overview of the First Text REtrieval Conference (DH), pp. 36–47.
VLDB-1989-Apers #research- Future research directions: Evidence from this conference (PMGA), p. 465.
CHI-1989-EhrlichBMT #tool support- Tools for supporting cooperative work near and far: highlights from the CSCW conference (SFE, TB, WM, JCT), pp. 353–356.
ICSE-1989-Ross- The NATO Conferences form the Perspective of an Active Software Engineer (DTR), pp. 101–102.
ICSE-1989-Tomayko #re-engineering- Twenty-Year Retrospective: The NATO Software Engineering Conferences (JET), p. 96.
DAC-1986-Geus #automation #benchmark #design #logic #metric #optimisation #synthesis- Logic synthesis and optimization benchmarks for the 1986 Design Automation Conference (AJdG), p. 78.