Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
1 × Jamaica
1 × New Zealand
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
11 × USA
2 × Czech Republic
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Canada
3 × France
Collaborated with:
T.Kühne R.Gerbig O.Hummel ∅ B.Kennel M.Schumacher W.Janjic D.Muthig O.Laitenberger B.Henderson-Sellers J.Bayer C.McKay D.Eichmann M.Kessel P.Bostan D.Stoll C.Bunse D.Weller B.Paech M.Fritzsche C.Tunjic C.V.Tunjic D.Draheim V.Geist B.Goß M.Gutheil D.Firesmith F.Barth J.Reinhold T.Sander J.Zettel M.Weisskopf C.W.Irving D.Brenner R.Malaka M.Merdes D.Suliman
Talks about:
model (16) softwar (11) compon (9) base (8) level (7) engin (7) languag (6) architectur (5) approach (5) develop (5)
♂ Person: Colin Atkinson
DBLP: Atkinson:Colin
Facilitated 12 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 40 papers:
- CBSE-2015-KesselA #component
- Measuring the Superfluous Functionality in Software Components (MK, CA), pp. 11–20.
- MSR-2015-SchumacherA #framework #graph
- An Enhanced Graph-Based Infrastructure for Software Search Engines (MS, CA), pp. 386–390.
- MoDELS-2015-AtkinsonGK15a #approach #modelling #multi
- A unifying approach to connections for multi-level modeling (CA, RG, TK), pp. 216–225.
- ECMFA-2014-AtkinsonG
- Level-Agnostic Designation of Model Elements (CA, RG), pp. 18–34.
- EDOC-2013-AtkinsonGF #enterprise #modelling
- Modeling Language Extension in the Enterprise Systems Domain (CA, RG, MF), pp. 49–58.
- MSR-2013-JanjicHSA #dataset #research #reuse #source code
- An unabridged source code dataset for research in software reuse (WJ, OH, MS, CA), pp. 339–342.
- CBSE-2012-AtkinsonH #architecture #component #development #incremental
- Iterative and incremental development of component-based software architectures (CA, OH), pp. 77–82.
- ECMFA-2012-AtkinsonGK #modelling #multi #on the fly
- On-the-Fly Emendation of Multi-level Models (CA, RG, BK), pp. 194–209.
- ICMT-2012-AtkinsonGT #model transformation #multi #towards
- Towards Multi-level Aware Model Transformations (CA, RG, CT), pp. 208–223.
- ICMT-J-2012-AtkinsonGT15 #model transformation #modelling #multi #transformation language
- Enhancing classic transformation languages to support multi-level modeling (CA, RG, CVT), pp. 645–666.
- ICSE-2012-AtkinsonGK #domain-specific language
- Symbiotic general-purpose and domain-specific languages (CA, RG, BK), pp. 1269–1272.
- ICSE-2011-AtkinsonHJ #testing
- Search-enhanced testing (CA, OH, WJ), pp. 880–883.
- ICST-2011-AtkinsonBHS #framework #testing #towards
- Towards a Language and Framework for Penurious Testing (CA, FB, OH, MS), pp. 31–39.
- CBSE-2010-HummelA #adaptation #assessment #automation #component #testing
- Automated Creation and Assessment of Component Adapters with Test Cases (OH, CA), pp. 166–181.
- ECMFA-2010-Atkinson #approach #modelling #novel #re-engineering
- Orthographic Software Modelling: A Novel Approach to View-Based Software Engineering (CA), p. 1.
- EDOC-2010-AtkinsonDG #process #specification
- Typed Business Process Specification (CA, DD, VG), pp. 69–78.
- SLE-2010-AtkinsonKG #modelling
- The Level-Agnostic Modeling Language (CA, BK, BG), pp. 266–275.
- EDOC-2009-AtkinsonB #development #towards
- Towards a Client-Oriented Model of Types and States in Service-Oriented Development (CA, PB), pp. 119–127.
- ECSA-2008-Atkinson #architecture #component #testing #verification
- Component-Oriented Verification of Software Architectures through Built-in Tests (CA), p. 2.
- FASE-2008-AtkinsonS #modelling
- Orthographic Modeling Environment (CA, DS), pp. 93–96.
- MoDELS-2008-GutheilKA #approach #modelling #multi
- A Systematic Approach to Connectors in a Multi-level Modeling Environment (MG, BK, CA), pp. 843–857.
- SEKE-2007-HummelJA #component #performance #repository #retrieval
- Evaluating the Efficiency of Retrieval Methods for Component Repositories (OH, WJ, CA), pp. 404–409.
- EDOC-2006-BrennerAPMMS #component #re-engineering #testing #verification
- Reducing Verification Effort in Component-Based Software Engineering through Built-In Testing (DB, CA, BP, RM, MM, DS), pp. 175–184.
- MoDELS-2005-AtkinsonK #architecture #concept #modelling
- Concepts for Comparing Modeling Tool Architectures (CA, TK), pp. 398–413.
- SPLC-2002-MuthigA #architecture #modelling #product line
- Model-Driven Product Line Architectures (DM, CA), pp. 110–129.
- UML-2002-AtkinsonKH
- Stereotypical Encounters of the Third Kind (CA, TK, BHS), pp. 100–114.
- EDOC-2001-AtkinsonPRS #architecture #component #modelling
- Developing and Applying Component-Based Model-Driven Architectures in KobrA (CA, BP, JR, TS), pp. 212–223.
- UML-2001-AtkinsonK #metamodelling #multi
- The Essence of Multilevel Metamodeling (CA, TK), pp. 19–33.
- CBSE-2000-AtkinsonBLZ #approach #component #re-engineering
- Component-Based Software Engineering: The KobrA Approach (CA, JB, OL, JZ), p. 4.
- SPLC-2000-AtkinsonBM #approach #component #development #product line
- Component-based product line development: the KobrA Approach (CA, JB, DM), pp. 289–310.
- UML-2000-AtkinsonK #how #strict #why
- Strict Profiles: Why and How (CA, TK), pp. 309–322.
- ICSE-1999-LaitenbergerA #development #object-oriented
- Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts (OL, CA), pp. 494–503.
- UML-1999-BunseA #modelling
- The Normal Object Form: Bridging the Gap from Models to Code (CB, CA), pp. 691–705.
- UML-1999-Henderson-SellersAF #uml
- A UML Variant: OML (BHS, CA, DF), pp. 49–66.
- UML-1998-Atkinson #concept #framework #uml
- Supporting and Applying the UML Conceptual Framework (CA), pp. 21–36.
- EDOC-1997-Atkinson #distributed #metamodelling
- Meta-Modeling for Distributed Object Environments (CA), p. 90–?.
- ICSM-1996-WeisskopfIMAE #maintenance #process #re-engineering
- Maintenance In a Dual-Lifecycle Software Engineering Process (MW, CWI, CM, CA, DE), pp. 142–151.
- CSEE-1995-AtkinsonEM #education #evolution #re-engineering
- An Evolution of a Software Engineering Curriculum (CA, DE, CM), pp. 99–112.
- TRI-Ada-1993-AtkinsonW #ada #inheritance
- Integrating Inheritance and Synchronization in Ada9X (CA, DW), pp. 229–241.
- ECMFA-2016-AtkinsonK #classification #ontology
- Demystifying Ontological Classification in Language Engineering (CA, TK), pp. 83–100.