Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Hungary
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Germany
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
P.Degano C.Bodei R.Zunino P.Quaglia A.Romanel D.Prandi P.Lecca D.Nikolic L.Dematté C.Nottegar P.Inverardi D.Yankelevich I.Mura A.Palmisano G.Sanguinetti C.Laudanna G.Constantin R.Borgia L.Leth B.Thomsen M.Curti M.Buchholtz F.Nielson H.R.Nielson
Talks about:
process (3) languag (3) biochem (3) semant (3) mobil (3) interpret (2) abstract (2) perform (2) concurr (2) system (2)
Person: Corrado Priami
DBLP: Priami:Corrado
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- SAC-2012-PriamiQZ #biology #graph #imperative #self
- An imperative language of self-modifying graphs for biological systems (CP, PQ, RZ), pp. 1903–1909.
- SEFM-2012-NikolicPZ #imperative #modelling #rule-based #simulation
- A Rule-Based and Imperative Language for Biochemical Modeling and Simulation (DN, CP, RZ), pp. 16–32.
- QAPL-2009-MuraPPR #markov
- Exploiting non-Markovian Bio-Processes (IM, DP, CP, AR), pp. 83–98.
- SAC-2009-LeccaPPS #generative #network #parametricity #probability
- A new probabilistic generative model of parameter inference in biochemical networks (PL, AP, CP, GS), pp. 758–765.
- SFM-2008-DemattePR #tutorial
- The BlenX Language: A Tutorial (LD, CP, AR), pp. 313–365.
- QAPL-2006-DeganoPPQ #biology
- Beta-binders for Biological Quantitative Experiments (PD, DP, CP, PQ), pp. 101–117.
- QAPL-2004-BodeiCDBNNP05 #evaluation #performance #protocol #security
- Performance Evaluation of Security Protocols Specified in LySa (CB, MC, PD, MB, FN, HRN, CP), pp. 167–189.
- SAC-2004-LeccaPLC #predict #probability #π-calculus
- Predicting cell adhesion probability via the biochemical stochastic π-calculus (PL, CP, CL, GC), pp. 211–212.
- FASE-1999-NottegarPD #evaluation #performance #semantics
- Semantic-Driven Performance Evaluation (CN, CP, PD), pp. 204–218.
- SAS-1998-BodeiDP #abstract interpretation #concurrent #semantics
- Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
- SAS-1997-BodeiP #abstract interpretation #concurrent
- True Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, CP), pp. 202–216.
- ICALP-1996-BodeiDP #distributed #mobile #process
- Mobile Processes with a Distributed Environment (CB, PD, CP), pp. 490–501.
- SAS-1996-BorgiaDPLT #comprehension #mobile #semantics
- Understanding Mobile Agents via a Non-Interleaving Semantics for Facile (RB, PD, CP, LL, BT), pp. 98–112.
- ICALP-1995-DeganoP #mobile #process
- Causality for Mobile Processes (PD, CP), pp. 660–671.
- ICALP-1993-InverardiPY #bisimulation #parametricity
- Extended Transition Systems for Parametric Bisimulation (PI, CP, DY), pp. 558–569.
- ICALP-1992-DeganoP
- Proved Trees (PD, CP), pp. 629–640.