Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Silberschatz Z.M.Kedem G.G.Lai D.F.Wong R.L.Read V.Ramachandran R.Thurimella C.Mohan X.Sui A.Lenharth K.Pingali R.Mukherjee J.Jain K.Takayama M.Fujita J.A.Abraham D.Li M.Rhu D.R.Johnson M.O'Connor M.Erez D.Burger S.W.Redder
Talks about:
protocol (2) databas (2) system (2) lock (2) data (2) base (2) triconnect (1) throughput (1) processor (1) structur (1)
Person: Donald S. Fussell
DBLP: Fussell:Donald_S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- HPCA-2015-LiRJOEBFR #throughput
- Priority-based cache allocation in throughput processors (DL, MR, DRJ, MO, ME, DB, DSF, SWR), pp. 89–100.
- DATE-1999-MukherjeeJTFAF #approach #performance #verification
- An Efficient Filter-Based Approach for Combinational Verification (RM, JJ, KT, MF, JAA, DSF), pp. 132–137.
- DAC-1993-LaiFW #data type #performance #query
- HV/VH Trees: A New Spatial Data Structure for Fast Region Queries (GGL, DSF, DFW), pp. 43–47.
- VLDB-1992-ReadFS #multi #relational
- A Multi-Resolution Relational Data Model (RLR, DSF, AS), pp. 139–150.
- ICALP-1989-FussellRT #component
- Finding Triconnected Components by Local Replacements (DSF, VR, RT), pp. 379–393.
- PODS-1982-MohanFS #commutative #protocol
- Compatibility and Commutativity in Non-two-phase Locking Protocols (CM, DSF, AS), pp. 283–292.
- SIGMOD-1981-KedemS #concurrent #database #using
- Deadlock Removal Using Partial Rollback in Database Systems (DSF, ZMK, AS), pp. 65–73.
- VLDB-1981-FussellKS #database #formal method #protocol
- A Theory of Correct Locking Protocols for Database Systems (DSF, ZMK, AS), pp. 112–124.
- ASPLOS-2016-SuiLFP #approximate #source code
- Proactive Control of Approximate Programs (XS, AL, DSF, KP), pp. 607–621.