Travelled to:
2 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
D.Gomez-Prado M.J.Ciesielski J.Guillot Q.Ren S.Askar P.Bomel E.Martin
Talks about:
transform (2) diagram (2) taylor (2) expans (2) flow (2) data (2) use (2) processor (1) implement (1) synthesi (1)
Person: Emmanuel Boutillon
DBLP: Boutillon:Emmanuel
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2009-Gomez-PradoRCGB #data flow #graph #hardware #implementation #optimisation
- Optimizing data flow graphs to minimize hardware implementation (DGP, QR, MJC, JG, EB), pp. 117–122.
- DATE-2007-CiesielskiAGGB #data flow #diagrams #using
- Data-flow transformations using Taylor expansion diagrams (MJC, SA, DGP, JG, EB), pp. 455–460.
- DATE-2006-GuillotBRCGA #diagrams #performance #using
- Efficient factorization of DSP transforms using taylor expansion diagrams (JG, EB, QR, MJC, DGP, SA), pp. 754–755.
- DATE-2005-BomelMB #latency #synthesis
- Synchronization Processor Synthesis for Latency Insensitive Systems (PB, EM, EB), pp. 896–897.