Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe
DATE, 2005.
@proceedings{DATE-2005, address = "Munich, Germany", isbn = "0-7695-2288-2", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society}", title = "{Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe}", year = 2005, }
Contents (312 items)
- DATE-2005-KirsteinSSHVH04 #monitoring
- A CMOS-Based Tactile Sensor for Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring (KUK, JS, TS, CH, TV, AH), pp. 210–214.
- DATE-2005-SturmLSGZ04
- Optical Receiver IC for CD/DVD/Blue-Laser Application (JS, ML, HS, SG, HZ), pp. 215–218.
- DATE-2005-AndersenBTBBHM04 #pipes and filters
- A 97mW 110MS/s 12b Pipeline ADC Implemented in 0.18mum Digital CMOS (TNA, AB, FT, JB, TEB, BH, ØM), pp. 219–222.
- DATE-2005-SandnerCSHK04 #power management
- A 6bit, 1.2GSps Low-Power Flash-ADC in 0.13µm Digital CMOS (CS, MC, AS, TH, FK), pp. 223–226.
- DATE-2005-BernardiMQR04 #approach #logic #testing #using
- Testing Logic Cores using a BIST P1500 Compliant Approach: A Case of Study (PB, GM, FQ, MSR), pp. 228–233.
- DATE-2005-MelloMCM04 #multi #named #network
- MultiNoC: A Multiprocessing System Enabled by a Network on Chip (AM, LM, NC, FGM), pp. 234–239.
- DATE-2005-Hillman04 #power management #reduction #using
- Using Mobilize Power Management IP for Dynamic & Static Power Reduction in SoC at 130 nm (DH), pp. 240–246.
- DATE-2005-GalanisMTSG04 #clustering #configuration management #hybrid #platform
- A Partitioning Methodology for Accelerating Applications in Hybrid Reconfigurable Platforms (MDG, AM, GT, DS, CEG), pp. 247–252.
- DATE-2005-RissaDL04 #configuration management #embedded #evaluation #modelling
- Evaluation of SystemC Modelling of Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (TR, AD, WL), pp. 253–258.
- DATE-2005-UllmannJB04 #configuration management #hardware
- Hardware Support for QoS-based Function Allocation in Reconfigurable Systems (MU, WJ, JB), pp. 259–264.
- DATE-2005-BorgattiCRLMFP04 #configuration management #design #multi #verification
- An Integrated Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Multimedia Systems (MB, AC, UR, JLL, IM, FF, GP), pp. 266–271.
- DATE-2005-FalconeriNR04 #modelling #reuse #verification
- Common Reusable Verification Environment for BCA and RTL Models (GF, WN, NR), pp. 272–277.
- DATE-2005-MacBethHG04a #assembly #verification
- An Assembler Driven Verification Methodology (ADVM) (JSM, DH, KG), pp. 278–283.
- DATE-2005-UmezawaS04 #verification
- A Formal Verification Methodology for Checking Data Integrity (YU, TS), pp. 284–289.
- DATE-2005-HabibiAMT04 #design #interface #on the #verification
- On the Design and Verification Methodology of the Look-Aside Interface (AH, AIA, OAM, ST), pp. 290–295.
- DATE-2005-Kong #challenge
- SoC in Nanoera: Challenges and Endless Possibility (JTK), p. 2.
- DATE-2005-LopezCLS #estimation #quality
- A High Quality/Low Computational Cost Technique for Block Matching Motion Estimation (SL, GMC, JFL, RS), pp. 2–7.
- DATE-2005-Hughes #challenge
- Striking a New Balance in the Nanometer Era: First-Time-Right and Time-to-Market Demands Versus Technology Challenges (GH), p. 3.
- DATE-2005-BaradaranD #algorithm #architecture #configuration management
- A Register Allocation Algorithm in the Presence of Scalar Replacement for Fine-Grain Configurable Architectures (NB, PCD), pp. 6–11.
- DATE-2005-FahmyCL #detection #hardware #markov
- Hardware Acceleration of Hidden Markov Model Decoding for Person Detection (SAF, PYKC, WL), pp. 8–13.
- DATE-2005-KimKPJC #architecture #configuration management #optimisation #pipes and filters #resource management
- Resource Sharing and Pipelining in Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Domain-Specific Optimization (YK, MK, CP, JJ, KC), pp. 12–17.
- DATE-2005-EeckhautDSCS #scalability #video
- A Hardware-Friendly Wavelet Entropy Codec for Scalable Video (HE, HD, BS, MC, DS), pp. 14–19.
- DATE-2005-LyseckyV #case study #clustering #hardware #using
- A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning (RLL, FV), pp. 18–23.
- DATE-2005-BurchardHC #memory management #realtime #streaming
- A Real-Time Streaming Memory Controller (AB, EHN, AC), pp. 20–25.
- DATE-2005-CheungLC #configuration management
- Reconfigurable Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems on a Chip (RCCC, WL, PYKC), pp. 24–29.
- DATE-2005-StecheleCHS #information management #visual notation
- A Coprocessor for Accelerating Visual Information Processing (WS, LAC, SH, JLS), pp. 26–31.
- DATE-2005-RodriguesC #compilation #design #framework
- An Infrastructure to Functionally Test Designs Generated by Compilers Targeting FPGAs (RR, JMPC), pp. 30–31.
- DATE-2005-HuotDFR #architecture #logic #multi
- FPGA Architecture for Multi-Style Asynchronous Logic (NH, HD, LF, MR), pp. 32–33.
- DATE-2005-SilvaB #architecture #design #pipes and filters #throughput #trade-off
- Area and Throughput Trade-Offs in the Design of Pipelined Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures (SVS, SB), pp. 32–37.
- DATE-2005-GielenDCDJMV #design #question
- Analog and Digital Circuit Design in 65 nm CMOS: End of the Road? (GGEG, WD, PC, DD, EJ, KM, TV), pp. 36–42.
- DATE-2005-ElbazTSGABBR #encryption #hardware #overview
- Hardware Engines for Bus Encryption: A Survey of Existing Techniques (RE, LT, GS, PG, CA, MB, CB, JBR), pp. 40–45.
- DATE-2005-GoelM #design #framework #multi #testing
- On-Chip Test Infrastructure Design for Optimal Multi-Site Testing of System Chips (SKG, EJM), pp. 44–49.
- DATE-2005-ThullS #embedded #implementation #performance
- Performance Considerations for an Embedded Implementation of OMA DRM 2 (DT, RS), pp. 46–51.
- DATE-2005-SehgalLOC #testing
- Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores (AS, FL, SO, KC), pp. 50–55.
- DATE-2005-CilardoMMR #architecture #encryption #novel
- A Novel Unified Architecture for Public-Key Cryptography (AC, AM, NM, LR), pp. 52–57.
- DATE-2005-BeckBKPLP #design #generative #implementation #logic #quality
- Logic Design for On-Chip Test Clock Generation — Implementation Details and Impact on Delay Test Quality (MB, OB, MK, FP, XL, RP), pp. 56–61.
- DATE-2005-TiriV05a #design
- A VLSI Design Flow for Secure Side-Channel Attack Resistant ICs (KT, IV), pp. 58–63.
- DATE-2005-AmoryLMM #architecture #multi #reduction #reuse
- Test Time Reduction Reusing Multiple Processors in a Network-on-Chip Based Architecture (AMA, ML, FGM, EIM), pp. 62–63.
- DATE-2005-YangWVSX #approach #design
- Power Attack Resistant Cryptosystem Design: A Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Switching Approach (SY, WW, NV, DNS, YX), pp. 64–69.
- DATE-2005-Edwards #challenge #hardware #synthesis
- The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-Like Languages (SAE), pp. 66–67.
- DATE-2005-Dean #concurrent #integration #realtime #synthesis #thread
- Software Thread Integration and Synthesis for Real-Time Applications (AGD), pp. 68–69.
- DATE-2005-DykaL #encryption #hardware #implementation #performance
- Area Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Iteratively Applying Karatsuba’s Method (ZD, PL), pp. 70–75.
- DATE-2005-Oliver #design #uml
- Applying UML and MDA to Real Systems Design (IO), pp. 70–71.
- DATE-2005-Marculescu #bound #design #energy #fault tolerance
- Energy Bounds for Fault-Tolerant Nanoscale Designs (DM), pp. 74–79.
- DATE-2005-FaroukS #algorithm #communication #encryption #hybrid #implementation #security
- An Improved FPGA Implementation of the Modified Hybrid Hiding Encryption Algorithm (MHHEA) for Data Communication Security (HAF, MS), pp. 76–81.
- DATE-2005-KaulSBMA #design #fault
- DVS for On-Chip Bus Designs Based on Timing Error Correction (HK, DS, DB, TNM, TMA), pp. 80–85.
- DATE-2005-PradeepVBK #agile #on-demand
- FPGA based Agile Algorithm-On-Demand Co-Processor (RP, SV, SB, VK), pp. 82–83.
- DATE-2005-CaiL #memory management #power management
- Joint Power Management of Memory and Disk (LC, YHL), pp. 86–91.
- DATE-2005-Wolf #multi
- Multimedia Applications of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips (WW), pp. 86–89.
- DATE-2005-Holt #past present future
- Wireless LAN: Past, Present, and Future (KH), pp. 92–93.
- DATE-2005-YuWCHYB #architecture #design #network
- Assertion-Based Design Exploration of DVS in Network Processor Architectures (JY, WW, XC, HH, JY, FB), pp. 92–97.
- DATE-2005-BlazquezLWGPC #architecture
- Direct Conversion Pulsed UWB Transceiver Architecture (RB, FSL, DDW, BPG, JP, AC), pp. 94–95.
- DATE-2005-Simunic #power management
- Power Saving Techniques for Wireless LANs (TS), pp. 96–97.
- DATE-2005-KienleBW
- A Synthesizable IP Core for DVB-S2 LDPC Code Decoding (FK, TB, NW), pp. 100–105.
- DATE-2005-PanainteBV #hardware #scheduling
- Instruction Scheduling for Dynamic Hardware Configurations (EMP, KB, SV), pp. 100–105.
- DATE-2005-DullerTPGR
- picoArray Technology: The Tool’s Story (AD, DT, GP, AG, WR), pp. 106–111.
- DATE-2005-ResanoMC #configuration management #hardware #heuristic #hybrid #runtime #scheduling
- A Hybrid Prefetch Scheduling Heuristic to Minimize at Run-Time the Reconfiguration Overhead of Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware (JR, DM, FC), pp. 106–111.
- DATE-2005-GuoBNV #c #generative
- Optimized Generation of Data-Path from C Codes for FPGAs (ZG, BB, WAN, KAV), pp. 112–117.
- DATE-2005-PapaefstathiouOKKMN #network #queue
- Queue Management in Network Processors (IP, TO, GK, CK, IM, AN), pp. 112–117.
- DATE-2005-ContiM #analysis #standard
- System Level Analysis of the Bluetooth Standard (MC, DM), pp. 118–123.
- DATE-2005-MartensG #integration #orthogonal #polynomial #simulation #using
- Time-Domain Simulation of Sampled Weakly Nonlinear Systems Using Analytical Integration and Orthogonal Polynomial Series (EM, GGEG), pp. 120–125.
- DATE-2005-TakachBB #c #design #hardware
- C Based Hardware Design for Wireless Applications (AT, BB, TB), pp. 124–129.
- DATE-2005-LiuFYO #analysis #correlation #graph #modelling
- Hierarchical Variance Analysis for Analog Circuits Based on Graph Modelling and Correlation Loop Tracing (FL, JJF, DVY, SO), pp. 126–131.
- DATE-2005-RaabeBAZ #architecture #detection #hardware #simulation
- Hardware Accelerated Collision Detection — An Architecture and Simulation Results (AR, BB, JKA, GZ), pp. 130–135.
- DATE-2005-MangassarianA #analysis #on the #statistics
- On Statistical Timing Analysis with Inter- and Intra-Die Variations (HM, MA), pp. 132–137.
- DATE-2005-HeusalaL #configuration management #modelling #product line
- Modeling of a Reconfigurable OFDM IP Block Family For an RF System Simulator (HH, JL), pp. 136–137.
- DATE-2005-BadaouiV #multi #performance #synthesis
- Multi-Placement Structures for Fast and Optimized Placement in Analog Circuit Synthesis (RFB, RV), pp. 138–143.
- DATE-2005-KimKKSCCKE #architecture #modelling #performance #transaction
- Fast and Accurate Transaction Level Modeling of an Extended AMBA2.0 Bus Architecture (YTK, TK, YK, CS, EYC, KMC, JTK, SKE), pp. 138–139.
- DATE-2005-Lyons #design #embedded
- Meeting the Embedded Design Needs of Automotive Applications (WL), pp. 142–147.
- DATE-2005-NoguchiN #monitoring #multi
- On-Chip Multi-Channel Waveform Monitoring for Diagnostics of Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits (KN, MN), pp. 146–151.
- DATE-2005-MayerSM #debugging #multi
- Debug Support, Calibration and Emulation for Multiple Processor and Powertrain Control SoCs (AM, HS, KDMM), pp. 148–152.
- DATE-2005-KeezerGMT #low cost #multi #using
- Low-Cost Multi-Gigahertz Test Systems Using CMOS FPGAs and PECL (DCK, CG, AMM, NT), pp. 152–157.
- DATE-2005-JeffreyCPLRR #configuration management #integration #monitoring #online #safety #using
- The Integration of On-Line Monitoring and Reconfiguration Functions using IEEE1149.4 Into a Safety Critical Automotive Electronic Control Unit (CJ, RC, SP, ML, AR, SR), pp. 153–158.
- DATE-2005-NegreirosCS #evaluation #low cost #using
- Noise Figure Evaluation Using Low Cost BIST (MN, LC, AAS), pp. 158–163.
- DATE-2005-Horsky #safety
- LC Oscillator Driver for Safety Critical Applications (PH), pp. 159–164.
- DATE-2005-BiswasLBP #specification
- Specification Test Compaction for Analog Circuits and MEMS (SB, PL, RD(B, LTP), pp. 164–169.
- DATE-2005-StaschulatESW #analysis #performance
- Context Sensitive Performance Analysis of Automotive Applications (JS, RE, AS, FW), pp. 165–170.
- DATE-2005-KherijiDCM #approach #optimisation #testing
- Optimising Test Sets for a Low Noise Amplifier with a Defect-Oriented Approach (RK, VD, JLC, SM), pp. 170–171.
- DATE-2005-ZiegenbeinBFBRS #development #modelling #named
- AutoMoDe — Model-Based Development of Automotive Software (DZ, PB, UF, AB, JR, BS), pp. 171–177.
- DATE-2005-SyriHM #metric
- EEE 1149.4 Compatible ABMs for Basic RF Measurements (PS, JH, MM), pp. 172–173.
- DATE-2005-SavioliCCF #approach #fault
- Fault-Trajectory Approach for Fault Diagnosis on Analog Circuits (CES, CCC, JVC, ACdMF), pp. 174–175.
- DATE-2005-Conti #analysis #architecture #power management
- SystemC Analysis of a New Dynamic Power Management Architectur (MC), pp. 177–178.
- DATE-2005-AroraRRJ #embedded #monitoring #runtime
- Secure Embedded Processing through Hardware-Assisted Run-Time Monitoring (DA, SR, AR, NKJ), pp. 178–183.
- DATE-2005-ChappellMPOFS #adaptation #generative #realtime #safety
- Exploiting Real-Time FPGA Based Adaptive Systems Technology for Real-Time Sensor Fusion in Next Generation Automotive Safety Systems (SC, AM, DP, DO, BF, CS), pp. 180–185.
- DATE-2005-KaoM #energy
- Energy-Aware Routing for E-Textile Applications (JCK, RM), pp. 184–189.
- DATE-2005-FanucciGIMR #design #framework #platform
- Platform Based Design for Automotive Sensor Conditioning (LF, AG, FI, CM, AR), pp. 186–191.
- DATE-2005-GhoshG #distributed #locality #named #network #protocol #scheduling
- LORD: A Localized, Reactive and Distributed Protocol for Node Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks (AG, TG), pp. 190–195.
- DATE-2005-AmatoCMP #precise
- Realization of a Virtual Lambda Sensor on a Fixed Precision System (PA, NC, MDM, FP), pp. 192–197.
- DATE-2005-BougardCDCD #energy #modelling #network #performance #standard
- Energy Efficiency of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard in Dense Wireless Microsensor Networks: Modeling and Improvement Perspectives (BB, FC, DCD, AC, WD), pp. 196–201.
- DATE-2005-StagniGLBR #design #detection
- Hardware-Software Design of a Smart Sensor for Fully-Electronic DNA Hybridization Detection (CS, CG, ML, LB, BR), pp. 198–203.
- DATE-2005-RaiM #modelling #network
- Lifetime Modeling of a Sensor Network (VR, RNM), pp. 202–203.
- DATE-2005-MilevB #analysis
- A Tool and Methodology for AC-Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Closed-Loop Systems (MM, RB), pp. 204–208.
- DATE-2005-RosselloCBKS #concurrent #performance
- A Fast Concurrent Power-Thermal Model for Sub-100nm Digital ICs (JLR, VC, SAB, AK, JS), pp. 206–211.
- DATE-2005-HassanADE #power management #process #reduction
- Activity Packing in FPGAs for Leakage Power Reduction (HH, MA, AED, MIE), pp. 212–217.
- DATE-2005-SrinivasanLV #architecture #clustering
- Simultaneous Partitioning and Frequency Assignment for On-Chip Bus Architectures (SS, LL, NV), pp. 218–223.
- DATE-2005-MukhopadhyayBR #analysis #logic #modelling
- Modeling and Analysis of Loading Effect in Leakage of Nano-Scaled Bulk-CMOS Logic Circuits (SM, SB, KR), pp. 224–229.
- DATE-2005-TsaiVXI #network
- Leakage-Aware Interconnect for On-Chip Network (YFT, NV, YX, MJI), pp. 230–231.
- DATE-2005-NolletMAM #configuration management #hardware #resource management #runtime
- Centralized Run-Time Resource Management in a Network-on-Chip Containing Reconfigurable Hardware Tiles (VN, TM, PA, JYM), pp. 234–239.
- DATE-2005-HungBK #multi #programmable #symmetry
- Symmetric Multiprocessing on Programmable Chips Made Easy (AH, WDB, AAK), pp. 240–245.
- DATE-2005-GenkoAMMHC #framework
- A Complete Network-On-Chip Emulation Framework (NG, DA, GDM, JMM, RH, FC), pp. 246–251.
- DATE-2005-NolletAMV #low cost #migration
- Low Cost Task Migration Initiation in a Heterogeneous MP-SoC (VN, PA, JYM, DV), pp. 252–253.
- DATE-2005-StuijkBMG #data type #multi #predict #scalability
- Predictable Embedding of Large Data Structures in Multiprocessor Networks-on-Chip (SS, TB, BM, MG), pp. 254–255.
- DATE-2005-MullerTAL #design #multi #power management #top-down
- Top-Down Design of a Low-Power Multi-Channel 2.5-Gbit/s/Channel Gated Oscillator Clock-Recovery Circuit (PM, AT, SMA, YL), pp. 258–263.
- DATE-2005-TangWD #complexity #power management #synthesis
- MINLP Based Topology Synthesis for Delta Sigma Modulators Optimized for Signal Path Complexity, Sensitivity and Power Consumption (HT, YW, AD), pp. 264–269.
- DATE-2005-SoensPWD #analysis #simulation
- Simulation Methodology for Analysis of Substrate Noise Impact on Analog / RF Circuits Including Interconnect Resistance (CS, GVdP, PW, SD), pp. 270–275.
- DATE-2005-BarrandonCH #design #pipes and filters
- Systematic Figure of Merit Computation for the Design of Pipeline ADC (LB, SC, DH), pp. 277–278.
- DATE-2005-ChienCLMRM #optimisation #pipes and filters
- Designer-Driven Topology Optimization for Pipelined Analog to Digital Converters (YTC, DC, JHL, GKM, RAR, TM), pp. 279–280.
- DATE-2005-KrishnaswamyVMH #evaluation #matrix #probability #reliability
- Accurate Reliability Evaluation and Enhancement via Probabilistic Transfer Matrices (SK, GFV, ILM, JPH), pp. 282–287.
- DATE-2005-DhillonDC #analysis #optimisation
- Soft-Error Tolerance Analysis and Optimization of Nanometer Circuits (YSD, AUD, AC), pp. 288–293.
- DATE-2005-NeiroukhS #statistics #using
- Improving the Process-Variation Tolerance of Digital Circuits Using Gate Sizing and Statistical Techniques (ON, XS), pp. 294–299.
- DATE-2005-CarterOS #concurrent #fault #modelling #testing
- Circuit-Level Modeling for Concurrent Testing of Operational Defects due to Gate Oxide Breakdown (JRC, SO, DJS), pp. 300–305.
- DATE-2005-AsadiT #estimation #probability
- An Accurate SER Estimation Method Based on Propagation Probability (GA, MBT), pp. 306–307.
- DATE-2005-Lopez-OngilGPE #fault #performance
- Techniques for Fast Transient Fault Grading Based on Autonomous Emulation (CLO, MGV, MPG, LEA), pp. 308–309.
- DATE-2005-HamannE #optimisation #search-based
- TDMA Time Slot and Turn Optimization with Evolutionary Search Techniques (AH, RE), pp. 312–317.
- DATE-2005-WongLLHP #realtime #scheduling
- Scheduling of Soft Real-Time Systems for Context-Aware Applications (JLW, WL, FL, LH, MP), pp. 318–323.
- DATE-2005-RinconMBL #design pattern #hardware #reuse
- Model Reuse through Hardware Design Patterns (FR, FM, JB, JCL), pp. 324–329.
- DATE-2005-Abdel-HamidTA #design
- A Public-Key Watermarking Technique for IP Designs (ATAH, ST, EMA), pp. 330–335.
- DATE-2005-Martin #component #design #transaction
- Design of a Virtual Component Neutral Network-on-Chip Transaction Layer (PM), pp. 336–337.
- DATE-2005-YardiHMH #multi #power management #quality
- Quality-Driven Proactive Computation Elimination for Power-Aware Multimedia Processing (SMY, MSH, TLM, DSH), pp. 340–345.
- DATE-2005-IranliFP #named #scalability
- HEBS: Histogram Equalization for Backlight Scaling (AI, HF, MP), pp. 346–351.
- DATE-2005-OgrasM #approach #architecture #communication #composition #energy #synthesis #using
- Energy- and Performance-Driven NoC Communication Architecture Synthesis Using a Decomposition Approach (ÜYO, RM), pp. 352–357.
- DATE-2005-IshiharaF #power management
- A Way Memoization Technique for Reducing Power Consumption of Caches in Application Specific Integrated Processors (TI, FF), pp. 358–363.
- DATE-2005-MiramondD #architecture #configuration management #design
- Design Space Exploration for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures (BM, JMD), pp. 366–371.
- DATE-2005-JhumkaKH #approach #design #embedded
- A Dependability-Driven System-Level Design Approach for Embedded Systems (AJ, SK, SAH), pp. 372–377.
- DATE-2005-LavagnoPSW #design #slicing
- A Time Slice Based Scheduler Model for System Level Design (LL, CP, VS, YW), pp. 378–383.
- DATE-2005-LeeCALK #hardware #predict #transaction
- A Prediction Packetizing Scheme for Reducing Channel Traffic in Transaction-Level Hardware/Software Co-Emulation (JGL, MKC, KYA, SHL, CMK), pp. 384–389.
- DATE-2005-GadkariR #automation #monitoring #specification #synthesis #using #visual notation
- Automated Synthesis of Assertion Monitors using Visual Specifications (AAG, SR), pp. 390–395.
- DATE-2005-StittV #approach #clustering #decompiler #platform
- A Decompilation Approach to Partitioning Software for Microprocessor/FPGA Platforms (GS, FV), pp. 396–397.
- DATE-2005-AgarwalCB #optimisation #statistics #using
- Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing (AA, KC, DB), pp. 400–405.
- DATE-2005-TeslenkoD #algorithm #graph #performance
- An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Double-Vertex Dominators in Circuit Graphs (MT, ED), pp. 406–411.
- DATE-2005-MishchenkoB #network #optimisation #satisfiability
- SAT-Based Complete Don’t-Care Computation for Network Optimization (AM, RKB), pp. 412–417.
- DATE-2005-MishchenkoBJVY #equation #performance #using
- Efficient Solution of Language Equations Using Partitioned Representations (AM, RKB, JHRJ, TV, NY), pp. 418–423.
- DATE-2005-BouesseRDG #formal method
- DPA on Quasi Delay Insensitive Asynchronous Circuits: Formalization and Improvement (GFB, MR, SD, FG), pp. 424–429.
- DATE-2005-MartinelliD #bound #composition #set
- Bound Set Selection and Circuit Re-Synthesis for Area/Delay Driven Decomposition (AM, ED), pp. 430–431.
- DATE-2005-MarkovM #encryption #hardware #logic
- Uniformly-Switching Logic for Cryptographic Hardware (ILM, DM), pp. 432–433.
- DATE-2005-YangHSP #logic #multi #quantum #synthesis #using
- Exact Synthesis of 3-Qubit Quantum Circuits from Non-Binary Quantum Gates Using Multiple-Valued Logic and Group Theory (GY, WNNH, XS, MAP), pp. 434–435.
- DATE-2005-MajhiAGLEB #evaluation #industrial #memory management #testing
- Memory Testing Under Different Stress Conditions: An Industrial Evaluation (AKM, MA, GG, ML, SE, FB), pp. 438–443.
- DATE-2005-PomeranzR #analysis #detection #testing #worst-case
- Worst-Case and Average-Case Analysis of n-Detection Test Sets (IP, SMR), pp. 444–449.
- DATE-2005-TangCRWRP #fault
- Defect Aware Test Patterns (HT, GC, SMR, CW, JR, IP), pp. 450–455.
- DATE-2005-LiauS
- Computational Intelligence Characterization Method of Semiconductor Device (EL, DSL), pp. 456–461.
- DATE-2005-LopezPN #embedded #metric
- A New Embedded Measurement Structure for eDRAM Capacitor (LL, JMP, DN), pp. 462–463.
- DATE-2005-BotaRRS #testing
- Smart Temperature Sensor for Thermal Testing of Cell-Based ICs (SAB, MR, JLR, JS), pp. 464–465.
- DATE-2005-YangCK #algorithm #approximate #energy #multi #scheduling
- An Approximation Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Scheduling on A Chip Multiprocessor (CYY, JJC, TWK), pp. 468–473.
- DATE-2005-WuRJ #energy #realtime #scheduling
- Energy-Efficient, Utility Accrual Real-Time Scheduling Under the Unimodal Arbitrary Arrival Model (HW, BR, EDJ), pp. 474–479.
- DATE-2005-HeniaE #analysis #distributed #scheduling
- Context-Aware Scheduling Analysis of Distributed Systems with Tree-Shaped Task-Dependencies (RH, RE), pp. 480–485.
- DATE-2005-ChakrabortyT #analysis #scheduling #streaming
- A New Task Model for Streaming Applications and Its Schedulability Analysis (SC, LT), pp. 486–491.
- DATE-2005-AlbersS #analysis #performance #realtime #scheduling
- Efficient Feasibility Analysis for Real-Time Systems with EDF Scheduling (KA, FS), pp. 492–497.
- DATE-2005-HaiYC #modelling #realtime
- Unified Modeling of Complex Real-Time Control Systems (HH, ZYf, CCl), pp. 498–499.
- DATE-2005-MarconCMSRH #energy
- Exploring NoC Mapping Strategies: An Energy and Timing Aware Technique (CAMM, NLVC, FGM, AAS, IMR, FH), pp. 502–507.
- DATE-2005-LoghiP #energy #memory management #performance #trade-off
- Exploring Energy/Performance Tradeoffs in Shared Memory MPSoCs: Snoop-Based Cache Coherence vs. Software Solutions (ML, MP), pp. 508–513.
- DATE-2005-AndreiSEPH #constraints #energy #scalability
- Quasi-Static Voltage Scaling for Energy Minimization with Time Constraints (AA, MTS, PE, ZP, BMAH), pp. 514–519.
- DATE-2005-LoghiAP #architecture #energy
- Tag Overflow Buffering: An Energy-Efficient Cache Architecture (ML, PA, MP), pp. 520–525.
- DATE-2005-LiWYY #named #performance #power management
- Q-DPM: An Efficient Model-Free Dynamic Power Management Technique (ML, XW, RY, XY), pp. 526–527.
- DATE-2005-CoburnRR #estimation #hardware
- Hardware Accelerated Power Estimation (JC, SR, AR), pp. 528–529.
- DATE-2005-Sangiovanni-Vincentelli #design #evolution #question
- Integrated Electronics in the Car and the Design Chain Evolution or Revolution? (ALSV), pp. 532–533.
- DATE-2005-Brinkmeyer #approach #component #testing
- A New Approach to Component Testing (HB), pp. 534–535.
- DATE-2005-IllgenO #assurance #case study #experience #perspective #process #quality
- Process Oriented Software Quality Assurance — An Experience Report in Process Improvement — OEM Perspective (TI, SO), pp. 536–537.
- DATE-2005-Langenwalter #development #embedded #process
- Embedded Automotive System Development Process (JL), pp. 538–539.
- DATE-2005-AbdiG #functional #scheduling #validation
- Functional Validation of System Level Static Scheduling (SA, DDG), pp. 542–547.
- DATE-2005-ZhaoG #semantics
- Defining an Enhanced RTL Semantics (SZ, DDG), pp. 548–553.
- DATE-2005-HassanSTI #kernel #simulation
- RTK-Spec TRON: A Simulation Model of an ITRON Based RTOS Kernel in SystemC (MAH, KS, YT, MI), pp. 554–559.
- DATE-2005-HabibiT #design #modelling #transaction #verification
- Design for Verification of SystemC Transaction Level Models (AH, ST), pp. 560–565.
- DATE-2005-Klingauf #embedded #modelling #transaction
- Systematic Transaction Level Modeling of Embedded Systems with SystemC (WK), pp. 566–567.
- DATE-2005-DasguptaY #architecture #modelling #verification
- Modeling and Verification of Globally Asynchronous and Locally Synchronous Ring Architectures (SD, AY), pp. 568–569.
- DATE-2005-ZorianFWESGR #industrial #question
- Semiconductor Industry Disaggregation vs Reaggregation: Who Will be the Shark? (YZ, BF, DW, JE, GS, MG, KNR), p. 572.
- DATE-2005-LiTW #embedded #performance
- An Efficient Transparent Test Scheme for Embedded Word-Oriented Memories (JFL, TWT, CLW), pp. 574–579.
- DATE-2005-SchianoOLPS #analysis #fault #on the #reliability
- On the Analysis of Reed Solomon Coding for Resilience to Transient/Permanent Faults in Highly Reliable Memories (LS, MO, FL, SP, AS), pp. 580–585.
- DATE-2005-MemikKO #fault
- Increasing Register File Immunity to Transient Errors (GM, MTK, ÖÖ), pp. 586–591.
- DATE-2005-GillNWPG #design #detection #performance
- An Efficient BICS Design for SEUs Detection and Correction in Semiconductor Memories (BSG, MN, FGW, CAP, SLG), pp. 592–597.
- DATE-2005-WehmeyerM #embedded #memory management #predict
- nfluence of Memory Hierarchies on Predictability for Time Constrained Embedded Software (LW, PM), pp. 600–605.
- DATE-2005-WenzelRKP #clustering #context-free grammar #generative #model checking
- utomatic Timing Model Generation by CFG Partitioning and Model Checking (IW, BR, RK, PPP), pp. 606–611.
- DATE-2005-BurguiereR #branch #modelling #predict
- A Contribution to Branch Prediction Modeling in WCET Analysi (CB, CR), pp. 612–617.
- DATE-2005-HeckmannF #abstract interpretation #embedded #safety
- erifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation (RH, CF), pp. 618–619.
- DATE-2005-KhanV #algorithm #platform #scheduling
- An Iterative Algorithm for Battery-Aware Task Scheduling on Portable Computing Platforms (JK, RV), pp. 622–627.
- DATE-2005-TiriV #constant #design #difference #logic #power management
- Design Method for Constant Power Consumption of Differential Logic Circuits (KT, IV), pp. 628–633.
- DATE-2005-LeungTH #energy #scheduling
- Exploiting Dynamic Workload Variation in Low Energy Preemptive Task Scheduling (LFL, CYT, XSH), pp. 634–639.
- DATE-2005-VerleMAMA #optimisation #power management #protocol
- Low Power Oriented CMOS Circuit Optimization Protocol (AV, XM, NA, PM, DA), pp. 640–645.
- DATE-2005-KitaharaKMSF #design #multi #power management #reduction
- Area-Efficient Selective Multi-Threshold CMOS Design Methodology for Standby Leakage Power Reduction (TK, NK, FM, KS, TF), pp. 646–647.
- DATE-2005-LinkV #configuration management #runtime
- Hotspot Prevention Through Runtime Reconfiguration in Network-On-Chip (GML, NV), pp. 648–649.
- DATE-2005-BaiKKSM #multi #trade-off
- Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Nanometer-Scale Multi-Level Caches Considering Total Leakage (RB, NSK, TK, DS, TNM), pp. 650–651.
- DATE-2005-BortolazziMBM #architecture
- Automotive System Architectures (Automotive Special Day) (JB, JLM, JB, CM), p. 654.
- DATE-2005-Heinecke #challenge #design
- Automotive System Design — Challenges and Potential (HH), pp. 656–657.
- DATE-2005-ManquinhoM #bound #effectiveness #optimisation #pseudo
- Effective Lower Bounding Techniques for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 660–665.
- DATE-2005-IyerPC #constraints #learning #performance #theorem proving
- Efficient Conflict-Based Learning in an RTL Circuit Constraint Solver (MKI, GP, KTC), pp. 666–671.
- DATE-2005-ShenQL #algorithm #analysis #performance
- A Faster Counterexample Minimization Algorithm Based on Refutation Analysis (SS, YQ, SL), pp. 672–677.
- DATE-2005-MishraD #functional #generative #pipes and filters #testing #validation
- Functional Coverage Driven Test Generation for Validation of Pipelined Processors (PM, NDD), pp. 678–683.
- DATE-2005-SheiniS #named #pseudo #satisfiability
- Pueblo: A Modern Pseudo-Boolean SAT Solver (HMS, KAS), pp. 684–685.
- DATE-2005-KatzHD #bound #model checking
- Space-Efficient Bounded Model Checking (JK, ZH, ND), pp. 686–687.
- DATE-2005-CabodiCNQ #bound #model checking #quantifier #set
- Circuit Based Quantification: Back to State Set Manipulation within Unbounded Model Checking (GC, MC, SN, SQ), pp. 688–689.
- DATE-2005-SchattkowskyMR #approach #configuration management #execution #hardware #modelling #specification
- A Model-Based Approach for Executable Specifications on Reconfigurable Hardware (TS, WM, AR), pp. 692–697.
- DATE-2005-ChureauSA #functional #prototype #uml
- The Role of Model-Level Transactors and UML in Functional Prototyping of Systems-on-Chip: A Software-Radio Application (AC, YS, EMA), pp. 698–703.
- DATE-2005-RiccobeneSRB #design #uml
- A SoC Design Methodology Involving a UML 2.0 Profile for SystemC (ER, PS, AR, SB), pp. 704–709.
- DATE-2005-KukkalaRHHK #design #embedded #uml
- UML 2.0 Profile for Embedded System Design (PK, JR, MH, TDH, KK), pp. 710–715.
- DATE-2005-VanderperrenD #approach #complexity #design #uml
- UML 2 and SysML: An Approach to Deal with Complexity in SoC/NoC Design (YV, WD), pp. 716–717.
- DATE-2005-AhmedM #design #embedded #performance #refinement
- Design Refinement for Efficient Cluste ing of Objects in Embedded Systems (WA, DM), pp. 718–719.
- DATE-2005-MarinissenPKZ #challenge #design #embedded #memory management
- Challenges in Embedded Memory Design and Test (EJM, BP, DKS, YZ), pp. 722–727.
- DATE-2005-GangwarBPK #architecture #clustering #evaluation
- Evaluation of Bus Based Interconnect Mechanisms in Clustered VLIW Architectures (AG, MB, PRP, AK), pp. 730–735.
- DATE-2005-FrancescoAM #architecture #distributed #flexibility #hardware #memory management #message passing
- Flexible Hardware/Software Support for Message Passing on a Distributed Shared Memory Architecture (FP, AP, PM), pp. 736–741.
- DATE-2005-NaculG #compilation #embedded #lightweight #multi #using
- Lightweight Multitasking Support for Embedded Systems using the Phantom Serializing Compiler (ACN, TG), pp. 742–747.
- DATE-2005-BarrettaFSB #clustering #embedded #parallel #thread
- Multithreaded Extension to Multicluster VLIW Processors for Embedded Applications (DB, WF, MS, DB), pp. 748–749.
- DATE-2005-LiS #performance #simulation
- An Efficiently Preconditioned GMRES Method for Fast Parasitic-Sensitive Deep-Submicron VLSI Circuit Simulation (ZL, CJRS), pp. 752–757.
- DATE-2005-SukhwaniPW #design #named #statistics
- Nano-Sim: A Step Wise Equivalent Conductance based Statistical Simulator for Nanotechnology Circuit Design (BBS, UP, JMW), pp. 758–763.
- DATE-2005-KangPR #analysis #statistics #using
- Statistical Timing Analysis using Levelized Covariance Propagation (KK, BCP, KR), pp. 764–769.
- DATE-2005-KumarLTW #multi #probability #process #statistics
- A Probabilistic Collocation Method Based Statistical Gate Delay Model Considering Process Variations and Multiple Input Switching (YSK, JL, CT, JMW), pp. 770–775.
- DATE-2005-NazarianPTLA #analysis #modelling
- Modeling and Propagation of Noisy Waveforms in Static Timing Analysis (SN, MP, ET, TL, AHA), pp. 776–777.
- DATE-2005-MahadevanASOSM #generative #network #performance #simulation
- A Network Traffic Generator Model for Fast Network-on-Chip Simulation (SM, FA, MS, RGO, JS, JM), pp. 780–785.
- DATE-2005-ReshadiD #generative #modelling #performance #pipes and filters
- Generic Pipelined Processor Modeling and High Performance Cycle-Accurate Simulator Generation (MR, NDD), pp. 786–791.
- DATE-2005-SchnerrBR #agile #prototype #simulation
- Cycle Accurate Binary Translation for Simulation Acceleration in Rapid Prototyping of SoCs (JS, OB, WR), pp. 792–797.
- DATE-2005-FummiLMMPP #hardware #prototype
- Virtual Hardware Prototyping through Timed Hardware-Software Co-Simulation (FF, ML, SM, MM, GP, MP), pp. 798–803.
- DATE-2005-VillaSVMP #framework #integration #memory management #multi #performance
- Fast Dynamic Memory Integration in Co-Simulation Frameworks for Multiprocessor System on-Chip (OV, PS, IV, MM, GP), pp. 804–805.
- DATE-2005-IsseninD #automation #generative #memory management #named #optimisation
- FORAY-GEN: Automatic Generation of Affine Functions for Memory Optimizations (II, NDD), pp. 808–813.
- DATE-2005-OzturkK #energy #memory management
- Nonuniform Banking for Reducing Memory Energy Consumption (ÖÖ, MTK), pp. 814–819.
- DATE-2005-VargheseCY #analysis #using
- Systematic Analysis of Active Clock Deskewing Systems Using Control Theory (VV, TC, PMY), pp. 820–825.
- DATE-2005-KallakuriDF #communication
- Buffer Insertion for Bridges and Optimal Buffer Sizing for Communication Sub-System of Systems-on-Chip (SK, AD, EAF), pp. 826–827.
- DATE-2005-HanlaiMJ #control flow #graph #memory management #optimisation #performance #using
- Extended Control Flow Graph Based Performance Optimization Using Scratch-Pad Memory (PH, LM, JJ), pp. 828–829.
- DATE-2005-Schattkowsky #design #overview #uml
- UML 2.0 — Overview and Perspectives in SoC Design (TS), pp. 832–833.
- DATE-2005-MellorWM #uml #why
- Why Systems-on-Chip Needs More UML like a Hole in the Head (SJM, JRW, CM), pp. 834–835.
- DATE-2005-ZhuOHN #design #process #uml
- Integrating UML into SoC Design Process (QZ, RO, TH, TN), pp. 836–837.
- DATE-2005-RosingerAC #agile #generative
- Rapid Generation of Thermal-Safe Test Schedules (PMR, BMAH, KC), pp. 840–845.
- DATE-2005-SharifiJHAN #reduction
- Simultaneous Reduction of Dynamic and Static Power in Scan Structures (SS, JJ, MH, AAK, ZN), pp. 846–851.
- DATE-2005-WangWI #distributed #embedded #performance
- A Fast Diagnosis Scheme for Distributed Small Embedded SRAMs (BW, YW, AI), pp. 852–857.
- DATE-2005-BodeanBL #ram #self
- New Schemes for Self-Testing RAM (GB, DB, AL), pp. 858–859.
- DATE-2005-CheonLWWHCPCW #logic
- At-Speed Logic BIST for IP Cores (BC, EL, LTW, XW, PH, JC, JP, HC, SW), pp. 860–861.
- DATE-2005-IzosimovPEP #design #distributed #embedded #fault tolerance #optimisation
- Design Optimization of Time-and Cost-Constrained Fault-Tolerant Distributed Embedded Systems (VI, PP, PE, ZP), pp. 864–869.
- DATE-2005-KandemirC #embedded #process #scheduling
- Locality-Aware Process Scheduling for Embedded MPSoCs (MTK, GC), pp. 870–875.
- DATE-2005-KempfDLAMKV #composition #framework #multi #platform #simulation
- A Modular Simulation Framework for Spatial and Temporal Task Mapping onto Multi-Processor SoC Platforms (TK, MD, RL, GA, HM, TK, BV), pp. 876–881.
- DATE-2005-OzturkSKK #embedded
- Access Pattern-Based Code Compression for Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems (ÖÖ, HS, MTK, IK), pp. 882–887.
- DATE-2005-MannionHCV #network #programmable #synthesis
- System Synthesis for Networks of Programmable Blocks (RM, HH, SC, FV), pp. 888–893.
- DATE-2005-StreichertHT #clustering #configuration management #distributed #embedded #network
- Distributed HW/SW-Partitioning for Embedded Reconfigurable Networks (TS, CH, JT), pp. 894–895.
- DATE-2005-BomelMB #latency #synthesis
- Synchronization Processor Synthesis for Latency Insensitive Systems (PB, EM, EB), pp. 896–897.
- DATE-2005-HungXVKI #embedded #scheduling
- Thermal-Aware Task Allocation and Scheduling for Embedded Systems (WLH, YX, NV, MTK, MJI), pp. 898–899.
- DATE-2005-VorwerkK #framework #multi
- An Improved Multi-Level Framework for Force-Directed Placement (KV, AAK), pp. 902–907.
- DATE-2005-ChiangKSXZ #detection
- Bright-Field AAPSM Conflict Detection and Correction (CC, ABK, SS, XX, AZ), pp. 908–913.
- DATE-2005-WangMDCM #analysis #embedded #energy #process #variability
- Systematic Analysis of Energy and Delay Impact of Very Deep Submicron Process Variability Effects in Embedded SRAM Modules (HW, MM, WD, FC, KM), pp. 914–919.
- DATE-2005-AlexandreCCSME #framework #named #platform #research
- TSUNAMI: An Integrated Timing-Driven Place And Route Research Platform (CA, HC, JPC, MS, CM, RE), pp. 920–921.
- DATE-2005-BhaduriV #higher-order #induction #metric
- Inductive and Capacitive Coupling Aware Routing Methodology Driven by a Higher Order RLCK Moment Metric (AB, RV), pp. 922–923.
- DATE-2005-DattaBMBR #design #modelling #pipes and filters #process #statistics
- Statistical Modeling of Pipeline Delay and Design of Pipeline under Process Variation to Enhance Yield in sub-100nm Technologies (AD, SB, SM, NB, KR), pp. 926–931.
- DATE-2005-MolnosHCE #communication #composition #memory management #multi
- Compositional Memory Systems for Multimedia Communicating Tasks (AMM, MJMH, SDC, JTJvE), pp. 932–937.
- DATE-2005-KruseTEVS #contract #design #distributed #embedded #flexibility #process
- Introducing Flexible Quantity Contracts into Distributed SoC and Embedded System Design Processes (JK, CT, RE, TV, TS), pp. 938–943.
- DATE-2005-CasuM #design #pipes and filters
- A New System Design Methodology for Wire Pipelined SoC (MRC, LM), pp. 944–945.
- DATE-2005-DasygenisBDCST #energy #memory management #performance
- A Memory Hierarchical Layer Assigning and Prefetching Technique to Overcome the Memory Performance/Energy Bottleneck (MD, EB, BD, FC, DS, AT), pp. 946–947.
- DATE-2005-RosenstielBGGKLMMMS #question #tool support
- Is there a Market for SystemC Tools? (WR, RAB, FG, TG, MK, MCvL, AM, MM, MM, SS), p. 950.
- DATE-2005-ZhangCHC #analysis #pseudo #statistics
- Statistical Timing Analysis with Extended Pseudo-Canonical Timing Model (LZ, WC, YH, CCPC), pp. 952–957.
- DATE-2005-LiLLPN #modelling #order #parametricity #performance #reduction #using #variability
- Modeling Interconnect Variability Using Efficient Parametric Model Order Reduction (PL, FL, XL, LTP, SRN), pp. 958–963.
- DATE-2005-GhantaVPW #analysis #grid #power management #probability #process
- Stochastic Power Grid Analysis Considering Process Variations (PG, SBKV, RP, JMW), pp. 964–969.
- DATE-2005-XiongTH #process
- Buffer Insertion Considering Process Variation (JX, KHT, LH), pp. 970–975.
- DATE-2005-WangM #approximate #modelling
- EM Wave Coupling Noise Modeling Based on Chebyshev Approximation and Exact Moment Formulation (BW, PM), pp. 976–981.
- DATE-2005-ForzanP #analysis #behaviour #library #modelling
- Modeling the Non-Linear Behavior of Library Cells for an Accurate Static Noise Analysis (CF, DP), pp. 982–983.
- DATE-2005-ChandyC #interactive #performance
- Performance Driven Decoupling Capacitor Allocation Considering Data and Clock Interactions (AC, TC), pp. 984–985.
- DATE-2005-ZuberWOSH #optimisation #power management #reduction
- Reduction of CMOS Power Consumption and Signal Integrity Issues by Routing Optimization (PZ, AW, RMBdO, WS, AH), pp. 986–987.
- DATE-2005-KumarTCJ #fault
- Implicit and Exact Path Delay Fault Grading in Sequential Circuits (MMVK, ST, SC, RJ), pp. 990–995.
- DATE-2005-YangVTV #automation #debugging #design #fault #modelling #power management
- Extraction Error Modeling and Automated Model Debugging in High-Performance Low Power Custom Designs (YSY, AGV, PJT, SV), pp. 996–1001.
- DATE-2005-ChandrasekarH #fault #generative #incremental #integration #learning #performance #satisfiability #testing
- Integration of Learning Techniques into Incremental Satisfiability for Efficient Path-Delay Fault Test Generation (KC, MSH), pp. 1002–1007.
- DATE-2005-PomeranzR05a #detection #fault #heuristic
- The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 1008–1013.
- DATE-2005-SandireddyA #detection #fault #multi
- Diagnostic and Detection Fault Collapsing for Multiple Output Circuits (RKKRS, VDA), pp. 1014–1019.
- DATE-2005-Al-ArsHMG #analysis #fault #framework #generative #testing
- Framework for Fault Analysis and Test Generation in DRAMs (ZAA, SH, GM, AJvdG), pp. 1020–1021.
- DATE-2005-ScholiveBRFR #generative #testing
- Mutation Sampling Technique for the Generation of Structural Test Data (MS, VB, CR, MLF, BR), pp. 1022–1023.
- DATE-2005-KandemirLCCO #embedded #in memory #trade-off
- Studying Storage-Recomputation Tradeoffs in Memory-Constrained Embedded Processing (MTK, FL, GC, GC, ÖÖ), pp. 1026–1031.
- DATE-2005-OzturkKI #garbage collection #named
- BB-GC: Basic-Block Level Garbage Collection (ÖÖ, MTK, MJI), pp. 1032–1037.
- DATE-2005-CombazFLS #multi
- Fine Grain QoS Control for Multimedia Application Software (JC, JCF, TL, JS), pp. 1038–1043.
- DATE-2005-BaleaniFMSFSW #design #development #embedded #modelling
- Correct-by-Construction Transformations across Design Environments for Model-Based Embedded Software Development (MB, AF, LM, ALSV, UF, ES, HJW), pp. 1044–1049.
- DATE-2005-CheongL #embedded #named
- galsC: A Language for Event-Driven Embedded Systems (EC, JL), pp. 1050–1055.
- DATE-2005-HuLDKVI #detection #fault
- Compiler-Directed Instruction Duplication for Soft Error Detection (JSH, FL, VD, MTK, NV, MJI), pp. 1056–1057.
- DATE-2005-Takeuchi #debugging #lightweight #monitoring #using #virtual machine
- OS Debugging Method Using a Lightweight Virtual Machine Monitor (TT), pp. 1058–1059.
- DATE-2005-KavvadiasN #embedded #hardware
- Hardware Support for Arbitrarily Complex Loop Structures in Embedded Applications (NK, SN), pp. 1060–1061.
- DATE-2005-SomaniCP #contest #design #optimisation #search-based
- Mixing Global and Local Competition in Genetic Optimization based Design Space Exploration of Analog Circuits (AS, PPC, AP), pp. 1064–1069.
- DATE-2005-EeckelaertMG #multi #performance #synthesis #using
- Efficient Multiobjective Synthesis of Analog Circuits using Hierarchical Pareto-Optimal Performance Hypersurfaces (TE, TM, GGEG), pp. 1070–1075.
- DATE-2005-VandersteenLJRP #framework #modelling #scalability
- Estimating Scalable Common-Denominator Laplace-Domain MIMO Models in an Errors-in-Variables Framework (GV, LDL, SJ, YR, RP), pp. 1076–1081.
- DATE-2005-McConaghyEG #canonical #generative #named #programming #search-based
- CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming (TM, TE, GGEG), pp. 1082–1087.
- DATE-2005-DingV #approach #megamodelling #modelling #performance
- A Two-Level Modeling Approach to Analog Circuit Performance Macromodeling (MD, RV), pp. 1088–1089.
- DATE-2005-ManaresiMAAVRATG
- New Perspectives and Opportunities From the Wild West of Microelectronic Biochips (NM, GM, MA, VA, PV, AR, LA, MT, RG), pp. 1092–1093.
- DATE-2005-GanaiGA #embedded #memory management #modelling #performance #using #verification
- Verification of Embedded Memory Systems using Efficient Memory Modeling (MKG, AG, PA), pp. 1096–1101.
- DATE-2005-LuIPWCC #performance #satisfiability
- An Efficient Sequential SAT Solver With Improved Search Strategies (FL, MKI, GP, LCW, KTC, KCC), pp. 1102–1107.
- DATE-2005-FuYM #satisfiability
- Considering Circuit Observability Don’t Cares in CNF Satisfiability (ZF, YY, SM), pp. 1108–1113.
- DATE-2005-ChenLL #integration #layout #multi #verification
- Integration, Verification and Layout of a Complex Multimedia SOC (CLC, JYL, YLL), pp. 1116–1117.
- DATE-2005-LianHFCC #development #parsing expression grammar
- PEG, MPEG-4, and H.264 Codec IP Development (CJL, YWH, HCF, YCC, LGC), pp. 1118–1119.
- DATE-2005-Wu #testing
- SOC Testing Methodology and Practice (CWW), pp. 1120–1121.
- DATE-2005-PolianCB #optimisation
- Evolutionary Optimization in Code-Based Test Compression (IP, AC, BB), pp. 1124–1129.
- DATE-2005-BalakrishnanT #configuration management #linear #using
- Reconfigurable Linear Decompressors Using Symbolic Gaussian Elimination (KJB, NAT), pp. 1130–1135.
- DATE-2005-BhuniaMRR #novel #testing
- A Novel Low-overhead Delay Testing Technique for Arbitrary Two-Pattern Test Application (SB, HMM, AR, KR), pp. 1136–1141.
- DATE-2005-LiC #analysis #clustering #hybrid #sequence
- Hybrid BIST Based on Repeating Sequences and Cluster Analysis (LL, KC), pp. 1142–1147.
- DATE-2005-CengHLAMB #c #compilation #modelling #semantics
- C Compiler Retargeting Based on Instruction Semantics Models (JC, MH, RL, GA, HM, GB), pp. 1150–1155.
- DATE-2005-ChenKK #approach #constraints #layout #memory management #network #optimisation
- A Constraint Network Based Approach to Memory Layout Optimization (GC, MTK, MK), pp. 1156–1161.
- DATE-2005-AbsarC #approach #array
- Compiler-Based Approach for Exploiting Scratch-Pad in Presence of Irregular Array Access (MJA, FC), pp. 1162–1167.
- DATE-2005-Dubrova #kernel #testing
- Structural Testing Based on Minimum Kernels (ED), pp. 1168–1173.
- DATE-2005-MuraliM #design #generative
- An Application-Specific Design Methodology for STbus Crossbar Generation (SM, GDM), pp. 1176–1181.
- DATE-2005-GoossensDGPRR #design #network #performance #verification
- A Design Flow for Application-Specific Networks on Chip with Guaranteed Performance to Accelerate SOC Design and Verification (KG, JD, OPG, SGP, AR, ER), pp. 1182–1187.
- DATE-2005-StergiouACRBM #abstract syntax tree #design #library #network #pipes and filters #synthesis
- ast pipes Lite: A Synthesis Oriented Design Library For Networks on Chips (SS, FA, SC, LR, DB, GDM), pp. 1188–1193.
- DATE-2005-SuCP #configuration management #using
- Yield Enhancement of Digital Microfluidics-Based Biochips Using Space Redundancy and Local Reconfiguration (FS, KC, VKP), pp. 1196–1201.
- DATE-2005-SuC #configuration management #design #fault tolerance
- Design of Fault-Tolerant and Dynamically-Reconfigurable Microfluidic Biochips (FS, KC), pp. 1202–1207.
- DATE-2005-MaslovYMD #quantum #using
- Quantum Circuit Simplification Using Templates (DM, CY, DMM, GWD), pp. 1208–1213.
- DATE-2005-KimWK #architecture #design #robust
- owards Designing Robust QCA Architectures in the Presence of Sneak Noise Paths (KK, KW, RK), pp. 1214–1219.
- DATE-2005-ThewesPSHFBAJESAHBHH #array
- CMOS-Based Biosensor Arrays (RT, CP, MS, FH, AF, RB, MA, MJ, BE, PSB, MA, BH, GB, TH, HCH), pp. 1222–1223.
- DATE-2005-BjerregaardS #architecture
- A Router Architecture for Connection-Oriented Service Guarantees in the MANGO Clockless Network-on-Chip (TB, JS), pp. 1226–1231.
- DATE-2005-WeberCSW #network
- A Quality-of-Service Mechanism for Interconnection Networks in System-on-Chips (WDW, JC, IS, DW), pp. 1232–1237.
- DATE-2005-WangPM #energy #network
- A Technology-Aware and Energy-Oriented Topology Exploration for On-Chip Networks (HW, LSP, SM), pp. 1238–1243.
- DATE-2005-BiswasBDPI #generative #named #set
- ISEGEN: Generation of High-Quality Instruction Set Extensions by Iterative Improvement (PB, SB, NDD, LP, PI), pp. 1246–1251.
- DATE-2005-Ruiz-SautuaMMH #behaviour #performance #synthesis
- Behavioural Transformation to Improve Circuit Performance in High-Level Synthesis (RRS, MCM, JMM, RH), pp. 1252–1257.
- DATE-2005-TosunMAKX #synthesis
- Reliability-Centric High-Level Synthesis (ST, NM, EA, MTK, YX), pp. 1258–1263.
- DATE-2005-ShrivastavaDNE #embedded #framework #named
- PBExplore: A Framework for Compiler-in-the-Loop Exploration of Partial Bypassing in Embedded Processors (AS, NDD, AN, EE), pp. 1264–1269.
- DATE-2005-AlmukhaizimM #concurrent #detection #fault
- Concurrent Error Detection in Asynchronous Burst-Mode Controllers (SA, YM), pp. 1272–1277.
- DATE-2005-BolchiniSSP #reliability #self #specification
- Reliable System Specification for Self-Checking Data-Paths (CB, FS, DS, LP), pp. 1278–1283.
- DATE-2005-HashempourSL #evaluation #reliability #testing
- Evaluation of Error-Resilience for Reliable Compression of Test Data (HH, LS, FL), pp. 1284–1289.
- DATE-2005-KastensmidtSCR #composition #design #logic #on the
- On the Optimal Design of Triple Modular Redundancy Logic for SRAM-based FPGAs (FLK, LS, LC, MSR), pp. 1290–1295.
- DATE-2005-JacobiWPB #automation #multi #verification
- Automatic Formal Verification of Fused-Multiply-Add FPUs (CJ, KW, VP, JB), pp. 1298–1303.
- DATE-2005-ManoliosS #modelling #performance #refinement #verification
- Refinement Maps for Efficient Verification of Processor Models (PM, SKS), pp. 1304–1309.
- DATE-2005-ShashidharBCJ #algebra #equivalence #functional #source code #verification
- Functional Equivalence Checking for Verification of Algebraic Transformations on Array-Intensive Source Code (KCS, MB, FC, GJ), pp. 1310–1315.
- DATE-2005-LaMeresK #encoding #induction
- Encoding-Based Minimization of Inductive Cross-Talk for Off-Chip Data Transmission (BJL, SPK), pp. 1318–1323.
- DATE-2005-LiS05a #algorithm
- An O(bn2) Time Algorithm for Optimal Buffer Insertion with b Buffer Types (ZL, WS), pp. 1324–1329.
- DATE-2005-LiuPP #hybrid #named #performance #power management
- RIP: An Efficient Hybrid Repeater Insertion Scheme for Low Power (XL, YP, MCP), pp. 1330–1335.
- DATE-2005-Campagnolo #detection #generative
- eMICAM a New Generation of Active DNA Chip with in Situ Electrochemical Detection (RC), pp. 1338–1339.
- DATE-2005-KirsteinLZVVSLH
- Cantilever-Based Biosensors in CMOS Technology (KUK, YL, MZ, CV, TV, WHS, JL, AH), pp. 1340–1341.
51 ×#design
36 ×#performance
30 ×#embedded
29 ×#modelling
29 ×#multi
24 ×#analysis
24 ×#using
21 ×#architecture
19 ×#hardware
18 ×#configuration management
36 ×#performance
30 ×#embedded
29 ×#modelling
29 ×#multi
24 ×#analysis
24 ×#using
21 ×#architecture
19 ×#hardware
18 ×#configuration management