Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Appert O.Chapuis J.Vion-Dury J.Fekete M.Beaudouin-Lafon ∅ M.Nancel M.Lobo B.Bach J.Labrune V.Lux V.Quint J.Wagner W.E.Mackay T.Moscovich F.Chevalier N.Henry X.Yang P.P.Irani
Talks about:
visual (3) transform (2) network (2) display (2) precis (2) point (2) evalu (2) wall (2) lens (2) larg (2)
Person: Emmanuel Pietriga
DBLP: Pietriga:Emmanuel
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CHI-2015-LoboPA #comparison #evaluation #interactive
- An Evaluation of Interactive Map Comparison Techniques (MJL, EP, CA), pp. 3573–3582.
- CHI-2014-BachPF #matrix #network #visualisation
- Visualizing dynamic networks with matrix cubes (BB, EP, JDF), pp. 877–886.
- CHI-2013-NancelCPYIB #scalability #using
- High-precision pointing on large wall displays using small handheld devices (MN, OC, EP, XDY, PPI, MBL), pp. 831–840.
- CHI-2012-AppertCP #named #undo
- Dwell-and-spring: undo for direct manipulation (CA, OC, EP), pp. 1957–1966.
- CHI-2011-NancelWPCM
- Mid-air pan-and-zoom on wall-sized displays (MN, JW, EP, OC, WEM), pp. 177–186.
- CHI-2010-AppertCP #lens
- High-precision magnification lenses (CA, OC, EP), pp. 273–282.
- CHI-2009-ChapuisLP #named
- DynaSpot: speed-dependent area cursor (OC, JBL, EP), pp. 1391–1400.
- CHI-2009-MoscovichCHPF #navigation #network #scalability
- Topology-aware navigation in large networks (TM, FC, NH, EP, JDF), pp. 2319–2328.
- CHI-2008-PietrigaA #lens
- Sigma lenses: focus-context transitions combining space, time and translucence (EP, CA), pp. 1343–1352.
- CHI-2007-PietrigaAB #evaluation #multi
- Pointing and beyond: an operationalization and preliminary evaluation of multi-scale searching (EP, CA, MBL), pp. 1215–1224.
- SOFTVIS-2006-Pietriga #graph #semantics #visualisation #web
- Semantic web data visualization with graph style sheets (EP), pp. 177–178.
- DocEng-2002-Vion-DuryLP #modelling #xml
- Experimenting with the circus language for XML modeling and transformation (JYVD, VL, EP), pp. 82–87.
- DocEng-2001-PietrigaVQ #approach #named #visual notation #xml
- VXT: a visual approach to XML transformations (EP, JYVD, VQ), pp. 1–10.