Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × France
1 × Russia
1 × Switzerland
2 × China
2 × Spain
2 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
S.Clinchant C.Goutte P.Goswami L.Maisonnasse J.Chevallet R.Babbar I.Partalas B.Li M.Amini C.Lagnier L.Denoyer P.Gallinari C.Amblard K.Popat F.Chen S.Moura F.Maes J.Renders F.Pacull G.Csurka
Talks about:
model (10) inform (7) retriev (5) distribut (3) languag (3) constraint (2) hierarch (2) categori (2) classif (2) system (2)
Person: Éric Gaussier
DBLP: Gaussier:=Eacute=ric
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- ECIR-2014-GoswamiMGAM #information retrieval
- Exploring the Space of IR Functions (PG, SM, ÉG, MRA, FM), pp. 372–384.
- SIGIR-2014-BabbarPGA #approach #classification #distributed #ranking #scalability
- Re-ranking approach to classification in large-scale power-law distributed category systems (RB, IP, ÉG, MRA), pp. 1059–1062.
- ECIR-2013-GoswamiG #estimation #information retrieval #modelling #parametricity
- Estimation of the Collection Parameter of Information Models for IR (PG, ÉG), pp. 459–470.
- ECIR-2013-LagnierDGG #information management #network #predict #social #using
- Predicting Information Diffusion in Social Networks Using Content and User’s Profiles (CL, LD, ÉG, PG), pp. 74–85.
- CIKM-2012-BabbarPGA #classification #empirical #on the #scalability #trade-off
- On empirical tradeoffs in large scale hierarchical classification (RB, IP, ÉG, CA), pp. 2299–2302.
- ECIR-2012-LiG #information retrieval
- An Information-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval Model (BL, ÉG), pp. 281–292.
- SIGIR-2011-ClinchantG #constraints #information retrieval #modelling
- Do IR models satisfy the TDC retrieval constraint (SC, ÉG), pp. 1155–1156.
- SIGIR-2010-ClinchantG #ad hoc #information retrieval #modelling
- Information-based models for ad hoc IR (SC, ÉG), pp. 234–241.
- CIKM-2009-ClinchantG #constraints #information retrieval #word
- Retrieval constraints and word frequency distributions: a log-logistic model for IR (SC, ÉG), pp. 1975–1978.
- ECIR-2009-MaisonnasseGC #concept #modelling
- Model Fusion in Conceptual Language Modeling (LM, ÉG, JPC), pp. 240–251.
- ECIR-2008-ClinchantG #modelling
- The BNB Distribution for Text Modeling (SC, ÉG), pp. 150–161.
- SIGIR-2007-MaisonnasseGC #dependence #information retrieval
- Revisiting the dependence language model for information retrieval (LM, ÉG, JPC), pp. 695–696.
- ECIR-2006-ClinchantGG #information retrieval
- Lexical Entailment for Information Retrieval (SC, CG, ÉG), pp. 217–228.
- ICML-2006-RendersGGPC #categorisation #multi
- Categorization in multiple category systems (JMR, ÉG, CG, FP, GC), pp. 745–752.
- ECIR-2005-GoutteG #evaluation #precise #probability
- A Probabilistic Interpretation of Precision, Recall and F-Score, with Implication for Evaluation (CG, ÉG), pp. 345–359.
- SIGIR-2005-GaussierG
- Relation between PLSA and NMF and implications (ÉG, CG), pp. 601–602.
- ECIR-2002-GaussierGPC #categorisation #clustering #documentation
- A Hierarchical Model for Clustering and Categorising Documents (ÉG, CG, KP, FC), pp. 229–247.