Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Nivio Ziviani, Gary Marchionini, Alistair Moffat, John Tait
Proceedings of the 28th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
SIGIR, 2005.
@proceedings{SIGIR-2005, address = "Salvador, Brazil", editor = "Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates and Nivio Ziviani and Gary Marchionini and Alistair Moffat and John Tait", isbn = "1-59593-034-5", publisher = "{ACM}", title = "{Proceedings of the 28th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}", year = 2005, }
Contents (138 items)
- SIGIR-2005-Portinari #information retrieval
- The Portinari project: IR helps art and culture (JCP), pp. 1–2.
- SIGIR-2005-CaiH #locality #orthogonal
- Orthogonal locality preserving indexing (DC, XH), pp. 3–10.
- SIGIR-2005-BastM #retrieval #why
- Why spectral retrieval works (HB, DM), pp. 11–18.
- SIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #clustering #modelling #pseudo #using
- Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
- SIGIR-2005-AslamYP #metric #retrieval
- The maximum entropy method for analyzing retrieval measures (JAA, EY, VP), pp. 27–34.
- SIGIR-2005-WhiteRJ #case study #feedback
- A study of factors affecting the utility of implicit relevance feedback (RWW, IR, JMJ), pp. 35–42.
- SIGIR-2005-ShenTZ #feedback #information management #information retrieval #using
- Context-sensitive information retrieval using implicit feedback (XS, BT, CZ), pp. 43–50.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhangCJ #feedback #image #interactive #retrieval
- User term feedback in interactive text-based image retrieval (CZ, JYC, RJ), pp. 51–58.
- SIGIR-2005-ShenZ #ad hoc #feedback #information retrieval
- Active feedback in ad hoc information retrieval (XS, CZ), pp. 59–66.
- SIGIR-2005-BenderMTWZ
- Improving collection selection with overlap awareness in P2P search engines (MB, SM, PT, GW, CZ), pp. 67–74.
- SIGIR-2005-HawkingT #hybrid
- Server selection methods in hybrid portal search (DH, PT), pp. 75–82.
- SIGIR-2005-SiC #effectiveness #modelling
- Modeling search engine effectiveness for federated search (LS, JC), pp. 83–90.
- SIGIR-2005-Hosanagar #approach #distributed #information retrieval
- A utility theoretic approach to determining optimal wait times in distributed information retrieval (KH), pp. 91–97.
- SIGIR-2005-YangYZK #adaptation #benchmark #evaluation #robust
- Robustness of adaptive filtering methods in a cross-benchmark evaluation (YY, SY, JZ, BK), pp. 98–105.
- SIGIR-2005-LiWLM #detection #probability
- A probabilistic model for retrospective news event detection (ZL, BW, ML, WYM), pp. 106–113.
- SIGIR-2005-XueLYXZYC #clustering #collaboration #scalability #using
- Scalable collaborative filtering using cluster-based smoothing (GRX, CL, QY, WX, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 114–121.
- SIGIR-2005-YanLZYCCFM #categorisation #feature model #named #orthogonal
- OCFS: optimal orthogonal centroid feature selection for text categorization (JY, NL, BZ, SY, ZC, QC, WF, WYM), pp. 122–129.
- SIGIR-2005-XiFFZCYZ #matrix #named #similarity #using
- SimFusion: measuring similarity using unified relationship matrix (WX, EAF, WF, BZ, ZC, JY, DZ), pp. 130–137.
- SIGIR-2005-SekiM #categorisation #ontology
- An application of text categorization methods to gene ontology annotation (KS, JM), pp. 138–145.
- SIGIR-2005-PuolamakiSSSK #collaboration #eye tracking #information retrieval
- Combining eye movements and collaborative filtering for proactive information retrieval (KP, JS, ES, JS, SK), pp. 146–153.
- SIGIR-2005-JoachimsGPHG #feedback
- Accurately interpreting clickthrough data as implicit feedback (TJ, LAG, BP, HH, GG), pp. 154–161.
- SIGIR-2005-SandersonZ #evaluation #information retrieval #reliability
- Information retrieval system evaluation: effort, sensitivity, and reliability (MS, JZ), pp. 162–169.
- SIGIR-2005-FetterlyMN #detection #web
- Detecting phrase-level duplication on the world wide web (DF, MM, MN), pp. 170–177.
- SIGIR-2005-ChiritaNPK #metadata #personalisation #using
- Using ODP metadata to personalize search (PAC, WN, RP, CK), pp. 178–185.
- SIGIR-2005-XueYZYC #analysis
- Exploiting the hierarchical structure for link analysis (GRX, QY, HJZ, YY, ZC), pp. 186–193.
- SIGIR-2005-SunSZYLC #summary #using
- Web-page summarization using clickthrough data (JTS, DS, HJZ, QY, YL, ZC), pp. 194–201.
- SIGIR-2005-HarabagiuL #multi #summary #topic
- Topic themes for multi-document summarization (SMH, VFL), pp. 202–209.
- SIGIR-2005-McKeownPENH #question #summary
- Do summaries help? (KM, RJP, DKE, AN, JH), pp. 210–217.
- SIGIR-2005-Flores #challenge #future of #information retrieval #question
- The future of media, blogs and innovation: new IR challenges? (FF), p. 218.
- SIGIR-2005-StrohmanTC #optimisation #query
- Optimization strategies for complex queries (TS, HRT, WBC), pp. 219–225.
- SIGIR-2005-AnhM #similarity #using
- Simplified similarity scoring using term ranks (VNA, AM), pp. 226–233.
- SIGIR-2005-BrisaboaFNP #adaptation #natural language
- Efficiently decodable and searchable natural language adaptive compression (NRB, AF, GN, JRP), pp. 234–241.
- SIGIR-2005-TheobaldSW #incremental #performance #query #self
- Efficient and self-tuning incremental query expansion for top-k query processing (MT, RS, GW), pp. 242–249.
- SIGIR-2005-HuXSHSCL #documentation #html #retrieval #web
- Title extraction from bodies of HTML documents and its application to web page retrieval (YH, GX, RS, GH, SS, YC, HL), pp. 250–257.
- SIGIR-2005-YuYT #multi #semantics
- Multi-label informed latent semantic indexing (KY, SY, VT), pp. 258–265.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhangCL #classification #kernel #multi
- Text classification with kernels on the multinomial manifold (DZ, XC, WSL), pp. 266–273.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhuJXG #classification #multi #using
- Multi-labelled classification using maximum entropy method (SZ, XJ, WX, YG), pp. 274–281.
- SIGIR-2005-VriesR #question
- Relevance information: a loss of entropy but a gain for IDF? (APdV, TR), pp. 282–289.
- SIGIR-2005-GaoQXN #information retrieval #linear
- Linear discriminant model for information retrieval (JG, HQ, XX, JYN), pp. 290–297.
- SIGIR-2005-GaoNB #modelling #word
- Integrating word relationships into language models (GC, JYN, JB), pp. 298–305.
- SIGIR-2005-KurlandL #modelling #rank #ranking #using
- PageRank without hyperlinks: structural re-ranking using links induced by language models (OK, LL), pp. 306–313.
- SIGIR-2005-Clarke #retrieval #xml
- Controlling overlap in content-oriented XML retrieval (CLAC), pp. 314–321.
- SIGIR-2005-TryfonopoulosIK #information retrieval #network #using
- Publish/subscribe functionality in IR environments using structured overlay networks (CT, SI, MK), pp. 322–329.
- SIGIR-2005-ViolaN #context-free grammar #learning #using
- Learning to extract information from semi-structured text using a discriminative context free grammar (PAV, MN), pp. 330–337.
- SIGIR-2005-MasuyamaN
- Web-based acquisition of Japanese katakana variants (TM, HN), pp. 338–344.
- SIGIR-2005-CarvalhoC #classification #email #on the #speech
- On the collective classification of email “speech acts” (VRdC, WWC), pp. 345–352.
- SIGIR-2005-RennieJ #detection #using
- Using term informativeness for named entity detection (JDMR, TSJ), pp. 353–360.
- SIGIR-2005-XuSMK #analysis #automation #music #summary #video
- Automatic music video summarization based on audio-visual-text analysis and alignment (CX, XS, NCM, MSK), pp. 361–368.
- SIGIR-2005-MaL #automation #classification #documentation #paradigm #semantics
- A phonotactic-semantic paradigm for automatic spoken document classification (BM, HL), pp. 369–376.
- SIGIR-2005-HoweRM #documentation #recognition #retrieval #word
- Boosted decision trees for word recognition in handwritten document retrieval (NRH, TMR, RM), pp. 377–383.
- SIGIR-2005-CuiKC #modelling
- Generic soft pattern models for definitional question answering (HC, MYK, TSC), pp. 384–391.
- SIGIR-2005-Lin #evaluation
- Evaluation of resources for question answering evaluation (JJL), pp. 392–399.
- SIGIR-2005-CuiSLKC #dependence #retrieval #using
- Question answering passage retrieval using dependency relations (HC, RS, KL, MYK, TSC), pp. 400–407.
- SIGIR-2005-QinLZCM #case study #web
- A study of relevance propagation for web search (TQ, TYL, XDZ, ZC, WYM), pp. 408–415.
- SIGIR-2005-CraswellRZT #independence #query
- Relevance weighting for query independent evidence (NC, SER, HZ, MJT), pp. 416–423.
- SIGIR-2005-WangWXFLML #detection #query
- Detecting dominant locations from search queries (LW, CW, XX, JF, YL, WYM, YL), pp. 424–431.
- SIGIR-2005-Singhal #challenge
- Challenges in running a commercial search engine (AS), p. 432.
- SIGIR-2005-AllanCL #information retrieval #question
- When will information retrieval be “good enough”? (JA, BC, JL), pp. 433–440.
- SIGIR-2005-FreundTC #information retrieval #modelling
- Modeling task-genre relationships for IR in the workplace (LF, EGT, CLAC), pp. 441–448.
- SIGIR-2005-TeevanDH #analysis #automation #personalisation #process
- Personalizing search via automated analysis of interests and activities (JT, STD, EH), pp. 449–456.
- SIGIR-2005-KellyDF #independence #query
- The loquacious user: a document-independent source of terms for query expansion (DK, VDD, XF), pp. 457–464.
- SIGIR-2005-HeO #case study #normalisation
- A study of the dirichlet priors for term frequency normalisation (BH, IO), pp. 465–471.
- SIGIR-2005-MetzlerC #dependence #markov #random
- A Markov random field model for term dependencies (DM, WBC), pp. 472–479.
- SIGIR-2005-FangZ #axiom #information retrieval
- An exploration of axiomatic approaches to information retrieval (HF, CZ), pp. 480–487.
- SIGIR-2005-ShiWYSM #information retrieval
- Gravitation-based model for information retrieval (SS, JRW, QY, RS, WYM), pp. 488–495.
- SIGIR-2005-Ribeiro-NetoCGM
- Impedance coupling in content-targeted advertising (BARN, MC, PBG, ESdM), pp. 496–503.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhangLLJXFCM #graph #using #web
- Improving web search results using affinity graph (BZ, HL, YL, LJ, WX, WF, ZC, WYM), pp. 504–511.
- SIGIR-2005-Yom-TovFCD #detection #distributed #information retrieval #learning #query
- Learning to estimate query difficulty: including applications to missing content detection and distributed information retrieval (EYT, SF, DC, AD), pp. 512–519.
- SIGIR-2005-MonzD #ambiguity #information retrieval
- Iterative translation disambiguation for cross-language information retrieval (CM, BJD), pp. 520–527.
- SIGIR-2005-MarkoSMH #information retrieval
- Bootstrapping dictionaries for cross-language information retrieval (KGM, SS, OM, UH), pp. 528–535.
- SIGIR-2005-LiuJC #information retrieval
- A maximum coherence model for dictionary-based cross-language information retrieval (YL, RJ, JYC), pp. 536–543.
- SIGIR-2005-GhoshalIK #automation #image #markov #modelling #retrieval #video
- Hidden Markov models for automatic annotation and content-based retrieval of images and video (AG, PI, SK), pp. 544–551.
- SIGIR-2005-SrikanthVBM #automation #image #ontology
- Exploiting ontologies for automatic image annotation (MS, JV, MB, DIM), pp. 552–558.
- SIGIR-2005-CarneiroV #database #image #retrieval #semantics
- A database centric view of semantic image annotation and retrieval (GC, NV), pp. 559–566.
- SIGIR-2005-AgichteinCB #analysis #effectiveness
- Analysis of factoid questions for effective relation extraction (EA, SC, EB), pp. 567–568.
- SIGIR-2005-ArtilesGV #people
- A testbed for people searching strategies in the WWW (JA, JG, FV), pp. 569–570.
- SIGIR-2005-AslamPY
- Measure-based metasearch (JAA, VP, EY), pp. 571–572.
- SIGIR-2005-AslamYP05a #correlation #geometry #precise
- A geometric interpretation of r-precision and its correlation with average precision (JAA, EY, VP), pp. 573–574.
- SIGIR-2005-AzzopardiGC #probability
- Probabilistic hyperspace analogue to language (LA, MG, MC), pp. 575–576.
- SIGIR-2005-BadueBGRZ #query #web
- Basic issues on the processing of web queries (CSB, RAB, PBG, BARN, NZ), pp. 577–578.
- SIGIR-2005-BainbridgeWO #interface #metadata
- An interface to search human movements based on geographic and chronological metadata (WB, RWW, DWO), pp. 579–580.
- SIGIR-2005-BeitzelJFGLCK #automation #classification #query #using #web
- Automatic web query classification using labeled and unlabeled training data (SMB, ECJ, OF, DAG, DDL, AC, AK), pp. 581–582.
- SIGIR-2005-BeitzelJFCP #precise
- Surrogate scoring for improved metasearch precision (SMB, ECJ, OF, AC, GP), pp. 583–584.
- SIGIR-2005-BennettC #detection #email
- Detecting action-items in e-mail (PNB, JGC), pp. 585–586.
- SIGIR-2005-BlancoB #documentation #identifier #problem
- Characterization of a simple case of the reassignment of document identifiers as a pattern sequencing problem (RB, AB), pp. 587–588.
- SIGIR-2005-BodoffL #algorithm #student #testing
- Testing algorithms is like testing students (DB, PL), pp. 589–590.
- SIGIR-2005-BoydellSGS #web
- Evaluating the impact of selection noise in community-based web search (OB, BS, CG, AFS), pp. 591–592.
- SIGIR-2005-Chai #empirical
- Expectation of f-measures: tractable exact computation and some empirical observations of its properties (KMAC), pp. 593–594.
- SIGIR-2005-EfthimiadisH #how #student
- Search engines and how students think they work (ENE, DGH), pp. 595–596.
- SIGIR-2005-ElsayedO #adaptation #evaluation #on the #topic
- On evaluation of adaptive topic tracking systems (TE, DWO), pp. 597–598.
- SIGIR-2005-FergusonSGW #retrieval #scalability #set #using
- Top subset retrieval on large collections using sorted indices (PF, AFS, CG, PW), pp. 599–600.
- SIGIR-2005-GaussierG
- Relation between PLSA and NMF and implications (ÉG, CG), pp. 601–602.
- SIGIR-2005-GonzaloP #evaluation #multi #retrieval
- The impact of evaluation on multilingual text retrieval (JG, CP), pp. 603–604.
- SIGIR-2005-Grivolla #approach #automation #documentation #natural language #query #retrieval #using
- Using Oracle for natural language document retrieval an automatic query reformulation approach (JG), pp. 605–606.
- SIGIR-2005-HernandezMP #information management
- Customizing information access according to domain and task knowledge: the ontoExplo system (NH, JM, SP), pp. 607–608.
- SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD #semantics
- Evaluating semantic indexing techniques through cross-language fingerprinting (EH, SvD), pp. 609–610.
- SIGIR-2005-HoenkampD05a #feedback #query #visual notation
- Live visual relevance feedback for query formulation (EH, GvD), pp. 611–612.
- SIGIR-2005-HuangHW #information management #information retrieval
- A dual index model for contextual information retrieval (XH, YRH, MW), pp. 613–614.
- SIGIR-2005-JensenBGFC #learning #predict #query #visual notation #web
- Predicting query difficulty on the web by learning visual clues (ECJ, SMB, DAG, OF, AC), pp. 615–616.
- SIGIR-2005-JeonCL #semantics
- Finding semantically similar questions based on their answers (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 617–618.
- SIGIR-2005-JinC #information retrieval #online #using
- Study of cross lingual information retrieval using on-line translation systems (RJ, JYC), pp. 619–620.
- SIGIR-2005-KadobayashiT #3d
- 3D viewpoint-based photo search and information browsing (RK, KT), pp. 621–622.
- SIGIR-2005-KajiyamaKS #interface #testing #usability #visual notation
- Examination and enhancement of a ring-structured graphical search interface based on usability testing (TK, NK, SS), pp. 623–624.
- SIGIR-2005-Krishnan #modelling
- Short comings of latent models in supervised settings (VK), pp. 625–626.
- SIGIR-2005-KuLWC #detection #summary #topic
- Major topic detection and its application to opinion summarization (LWK, LYL, THW, HHC), pp. 627–628.
- SIGIR-2005-LiangDT #order #query #summary #using
- Using query term order for result summarisation (SFL, SD, JT), pp. 629–630.
- SIGIR-2005-LiLLW
- Profile-based event tracking (BL, WL, QL, MW), pp. 631–632.
- SIGIR-2005-LiY #analysis #recursion
- Analysis of recursive feature elimination methods (FL, YY), pp. 633–634.
- SIGIR-2005-LinM #feedback #independence
- Assessing the term independence assumption in blind relevance feedback (JJL, GCM), pp. 635–636.
- SIGIR-2005-LinH #fault #retrieval #set #topic
- Revisiting the effect of topic set size on retrieval error (WHL, AGH), pp. 637–638.
- SIGIR-2005-LiuHW #information management #retrieval
- Information sharing through rational links and viewpoint retrieval (BL, DJH, SNKW), pp. 639–640.
- SIGIR-2005-MagalhaesR #concept #incremental #information management #mining #multi
- Mining multimedia salient concepts for incremental information extraction (JM, SMR), pp. 641–642.
- SIGIR-2005-McNameeM #word
- Translating pieces of words (PM, JM), pp. 643–644.
- SIGIR-2005-OlssonOH #classification
- Cross-language text classification (JSO, DWO, JH), pp. 645–646.
- SIGIR-2005-PerkioBT #adaptation #algorithm #ranking
- A temporally adaptive content-based relevance ranking algorithm (JP, WLB, HT), pp. 647–648.
- SIGIR-2005-SharmaJ #automation #evaluation #feedback #performance
- Automated evaluation of search engine performance via implicit user feedback (HS, BJJ), pp. 649–650.
- SIGIR-2005-SunCLKC #dependence
- Dependency relation matching for answer selection (RS, HC, KL, MYK, TSC), pp. 651–652.
- SIGIR-2005-TanCWXGG #classification #using
- Using dragpushing to refine centroid text classifiers (ST, XC, BW, HX, MG, YG), pp. 653–654.
- SIGIR-2005-TrieschniggK #approach #detection #scalability #topic
- Scalable hierarchical topic detection: exploring a sample based approach (DT, WK), pp. 655–656.
- SIGIR-2005-UdaniDDS #induction #using #web
- Noun sense induction using web search results (GU, SD, AD, TS), pp. 657–658.
- SIGIR-2005-WangRLP #collaboration #distributed #self
- Self-organizing distributed collaborative filtering (JW, MJTR, RLL, JAP), pp. 659–660.
- SIGIR-2005-WangST #rank
- Dirichlet PageRank (XW, AS, TT), pp. 661–662.
- SIGIR-2005-WuLWKL #probability #retrieval
- A retrospective study of probabilistic context-based retrieval (HCW, RWPL, KFW, KLK, WJL), pp. 663–664.
- SIGIR-2005-WuO #email #retrieval #thread
- Indexing emails and email threads for retrieval (YW, DWO), pp. 665–666.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhangCFFGCC #classification
- Intelligent fusion of structural and citation-based evidence for text classification (BZ, YC, WF, EAF, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 667–668.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhangHV #mining #query #web
- Mining translations of OOV terms from the web through cross-lingual query expansion (YZ, FH, SV), pp. 669–670.
- SIGIR-2005-ZhouG #categorisation #corpus #geometry #on the
- On redundancy of training corpus for text categorization: a perspective of geometry (SZ, JG), pp. 671–672.
- SIGIR-2005-CanoKW #music #recommendation
- An industrial-strength content-based music recommendation system (PC, MK, NW), p. 673.
- SIGIR-2005-ChakrabartiMN #named #network
- SPIN: searching personal information networks (SC, JM, AN), p. 674.
- SIGIR-2005-DaumkeSM #interface #web
- A CLIR interface to a web search engine (PD, SS, KGM), p. 675.
- SIGIR-2005-DownieET #evaluation #information retrieval #music #prototype #research
- Music-to-knowledge (M2K): a prototyping and evaluation environment for music information retrieval research (JSD, AFE, DKT), p. 676.
- SIGIR-2005-Leidner #natural language
- A wireless natural language search engine (JLL), p. 677.
- SIGIR-2005-MetzlerBCMZ #data flow #identification
- The recap system for identifying information flow (DM, YB, WBC, AM, JZ), p. 678.
- SIGIR-2005-RadevKO #mobile #summary
- Hierarchical text summarization for WAP-enabled mobile devices (DRR, OK, JO), p. 679.
- SIGIR-2005-SehgalS #mining #named
- Manjal: a text mining system for MEDLINE (AKS, PS), p. 680.
- SIGIR-2005-ShenTZ05a #named #personalisation
- UCAIR: a personalized search toolbar (XS, BT, CZ), p. 681.
- SIGIR-2005-SherfeseeO #framework #mining #platform #research #web
- A web mining research platform (DS, NO), p. 682.
- SIGIR-2005-TuulosPT #email #information retrieval #multi #scalability
- Multi-faceted information retrieval system for large scale email archives (VHT, JP, HT), p. 683.
21 ×#information retrieval
21 ×#using
16 ×#retrieval
13 ×#query
12 ×#web
8 ×#automation
8 ×#classification
8 ×#detection
8 ×#feedback
8 ×#modelling
21 ×#using
16 ×#retrieval
13 ×#query
12 ×#web
8 ×#automation
8 ×#classification
8 ×#detection
8 ×#feedback
8 ×#modelling