Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Ireland
2 × Spain
3 × China
6 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Milic-Frayling M.Lalmas J.Kamps A.Doucet E.Yilmaz N.Craswell S.M.M.Tahaghoghi T.Rölleke M.Koolen H.Sung ∅ V.Vinay J.Kim I.Zitouni J.Meunier J.Costello M.Landoni H.Wu M.Taylor S.Masood A.P.d.Vries J.Reid R.Lübeck E.M.Rodrigues D.Clarke I.Yusof M.Venanzi S.Colutto G.Muhlberger T.Haughton N.Manola K.Iatropoulou A.Lempesis P.Manghi M.Mikulicic M.S.Ali M.P.Consens M.Hosseini I.J.Cox I.Ruthven S.Quicker C.T.Lee A.Ignjatovic B.Dresevic A.Uzelac B.Radakovic N.Todic C.Gurrin Y.He U.Kruschwitz S.Little S.M.Rüger K.v.Rijsbergen G.Oleksik M.L.Wilson C.S.Tashman G.Smyth R.Jones
Talks about:
retriev (9) book (9) relev (8) evalu (8) structur (7) search (7) inform (5) crowdsourc (4) document (4) collect (4)
Person: Gabriella Kazai
DBLP: Kazai:Gabriella
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 30 papers:
- RecSys-2015-KazaiCYV #personalisation
- A Personalised Reader for Crowd Curated Content (GK, DC, IY, MV), pp. 325–326.
- ECIR-2014-KazaiS #difference #evaluation #information retrieval #performance #query
- Dissimilarity Based Query Selection for Efficient Preference Based IR Evaluation (GK, HS), pp. 172–183.
- CIKM-2013-KazaiYCT #evaluation #web
- User intent and assessor disagreement in web search evaluation (GK, EY, NC, SMMT), pp. 699–708.
- ICDAR-2013-DoucetKCM #contest
- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Book Structure Extraction (AD, GK, SC, GM), pp. 1438–1443.
- SIGIR-2013-KimKZ #evaluation #information retrieval
- Relevance dimensions in preference-based IR evaluation (JK, GK, IZ), pp. 913–916.
- CIKM-2012-KazaiCYT #analysis #fault #information retrieval
- An analysis of systematic judging errors in information retrieval (GK, NC, EY, SMMT), pp. 105–114.
- CIKM-2012-KazaiKM #crowdsourcing #quality
- The face of quality in crowdsourcing relevance labels: demographics, personality and labeling accuracy (GK, JK, NMF), pp. 2583–2586.
- CIKM-2012-KoolenKK #evaluation #social #topic
- Social book search: comparing topical relevance judgements and book suggestions for evaluation (MK, JK, GK), pp. 185–194.
- ECIR-2012-HosseiniCMKV #documentation #multi #on the
- On Aggregating Labels from Multiple Crowd Workers to Infer Relevance of Documents (MH, IJC, NMF, GK, VV), pp. 182–194.
- SIGIR-2012-YilmazKCT #on the
- On judgments obtained from a commercial search engine (EY, GK, NC, SMMT), pp. 1115–1116.
- CIKM-2011-KazaiKM #crowdsourcing
- Worker types and personality traits in crowdsourcing relevance labels (GK, JK, NMF), pp. 1941–1944.
- ECIR-2011-Kazai #crowdsourcing #evaluation #quality
- In Search of Quality in Crowdsourcing for Search Engine Evaluation (GK), pp. 165–176.
- ICDAR-2011-DoucetKM #contest
- ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition (AD, GK, JLM), pp. 1501–1505.
- SIGIR-2011-KazaiKKM #comparative #crowdsourcing #design #evaluation #ranking
- Crowdsourcing for book search evaluation: impact of hit design on comparative system ranking (GK, JK, MK, NMF), pp. 205–214.
- CIKM-2010-KazaiMHMILMM #information management #online
- Connecting the local and the online in information management (GK, NMF, TH, NM, KI, AL, PM, MM), pp. 1941–1942.
- ECDL-2010-KazaiMIHMLMM #architecture #collaboration #research
- Architecture for a Collaborative Research Environment Based on Reading List Sharing (GK, PM, KI, TH, MM, AL, NMF, NM), pp. 294–306.
- ECIR-2010-GurrinHKKLRRR #information retrieval
- Recent Developments in Information Retrieval (CG, YH, GK, UK, SL, TR, SMR, KvR), pp. 1–9.
- CHI-2009-OleksikWTRKSMJ #lightweight #process
- Lightweight tagging expands information and activity management practices (GO, MLW, CST, EMR, GK, GS, NMF, RJ), pp. 279–288.
- CIKM-2009-LeeVRKMI #adaptation #performance #topic #using
- Measuring system performance and topic discernment using generalized adaptive-weight mean (CTL, VV, EMR, GK, NMF, AI), pp. 2033–2036.
- ICDAR-2009-DoucetKDURT #contest
- ICDAR 2009 Book Structure Extraction Competition (AD, GK, BD, AU, BR, NT), pp. 1408–1412.
- SIGIR-2009-KazaiMC #quality #towards
- Towards methods for the collective gathering and quality control of relevance assessments (GK, NMF, JC), pp. 452–459.
- CIKM-2008-AliCKL #documentation #evaluation #retrieval
- Structural relevance: a common basis for the evaluation of structured document retrieval (MSA, MPC, GK, ML), pp. 1153–1162.
- CIKM-2008-KazaiM #information retrieval #social #trust
- Trust, authority and popularity in social information retrieval (GK, NMF), pp. 1503–1504.
- ECDL-2008-KazaiDL
- New Tasks on Collections of Digitized Books (GK, AD, ML), pp. 410–412.
- ECIR-2008-WuKT #information retrieval
- Book Search Experiments: Investigating IR Methods for the Indexing and Retrieval of Books (HW, GK, MT), pp. 234–245.
- ECIR-2004-KazaiML #assessment #case study
- A Study of the Assessment of Relevance for the INEX’02 Test Collection (GK, SM, ML), pp. 296–310.
- SIGIR-2004-KazaiLV #evaluation #problem #retrieval #xml
- The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation (GK, ML, APdV), pp. 72–79.
- ECIR-2003-KazaiLR #documentation #retrieval
- Construction of a Test Collection for the Focussed Retrieval of Structured Documents (GK, ML, JR), pp. 88–103.
- ECIR-2002-RollekeLKRQ #documentation #retrieval
- The Accessibility Dimension for Structured Document Retrieval (TR, ML, GK, IR, SQ), pp. 284–302.
- SIGIR-2001-RollekeLK #framework #platform #retrieval
- The HySpirit Retrieval Platform (TR, RL, GK), p. 454.