Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Denmark
1 × Hungary
1 × Israel
1 × Japan
1 × New Zealand
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
2 × Finland
2 × Italy
4 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Ehrenfeucht T.Harju J.Engelfriet D.Janssens ∅ M.G.Main D.Vermeir A.Lindenmayer A.Salomaa I.Petre H.A.Maurer J.Hage G.Paun B.Courcelle I.J.Aalbersberg G.Leih E.Welzl D.Haussler J.Albert G.Slutzki A.T.Brown R.Brijder H.J.Hoogeboom P.t.Pas H.J.Genrich P.S.Thiagarajan H.Ehrig R.Heckel M.Llabrés F.Orejas J.Padberg
Talks about:
graph (18) grammar (13) languag (12) system (11) comput (9) rewrit (6) transform (5) reaction (5) structur (4) context (4)
Person: Grzegorz Rozenberg
DBLP: Rozenberg:Grzegorz
Facilitated 17 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 46 papers:
- CIAA-2012-EhrenfeuchtR #framework #process
- A Formal Framework for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells (AE, GR), pp. 25–27.
- DLT-J-2011-EhrenfeuchtMRB12
- Stability and Chaos in reaction Systems (AE, MGM, GR, ATB), p. 1173–?.
- DLT-2010-EhrenfeuchtR
- Reaction Systems: A Model of Computation Inspired by Biochemistry (AE, GR), pp. 1–3.
- DLT-J-2010-BrijderEMR11
- A Tour of reaction Systems (RB, AE, MGM, GR), pp. 1499–1517.
- CIAA-2006-Rozenberg #assembly
- Theory Inspired by Gene Assembly in Ciliates (GR), p. 10.
- DLT-2006-EhrenfeuchtR
- Computational Nature of Biochemical Reactions (AE, GR), p. 36.
- DLT-2004-EhrenfeuchtR
- Basic Notions of Reaction Systems (AE, GR), pp. 27–29.
- ICGT-2004-EhrenfeuchtHHR
- Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 257–270.
- ICGT-2004-HarjuPR #graph transformation #tutorial
- Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation (TH, IP, GR), pp. 434–436.
- DLT-2002-HarjuR #assembly #process
- Computational Processes in Living Cells: Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, GR), pp. 1–20.
- ICGT-2002-HarjuPR #assembly #graph transformation #tutorial
- Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation — Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, IP, GR), pp. 430–434.
- ICALP-1999-RozenbergS #paradigm
- DNA Computing: New Ideas and Paradigms (GR, AS), pp. 106–118.
- TAGT-1998-EhrenfeuchtHHR #complexity #graph
- Complexity Issues in Switching of Graphs (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 59–70.
- TAGT-1998-EhrigHLOPR #framework #graph #rule-based
- Double-Pullback Graph Transitions: A Rule-Based Framework with Incomplete Information (HE, RH, ML, FO, JP, GR), pp. 85–102.
- GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrenfeuchtHR #composition #framework #graph #named
- 2-Structures — A Framework For Decomposition And Transformation Of Graphs (AE, TH, GR), pp. 401–478.
- GG-Handbook-Vol1-EngelfrietR #graph grammar
- Node Replacement Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 1–94.
- ICALP-1995-EhrenfeuchtHR
- Theory of 2-Structures (AE, TH, GR), pp. 1–14.
- TAGT-1994-EhrenfeuchtHR #graph #graph transformation
- Group Based Graph Transformations and Hierarchical Representations of Graphs (AE, TH, GR), pp. 502–520.
- DLT-1993-EhrenfeuchtHPR #context-free grammar
- An Introduction to Context-free Text Grammars (AE, HJH, PtP, GR), pp. 357–369.
- DLT-1993-PaunRS
- Contextual Grammars: Erasing, Determinism, One-Side Contexts (GP, GR, AS), pp. 370–388.
- GG-1990-CourcelleER #graph grammar
- Context-free Handle-rewriting Hypergraph Grammars (BC, JE, GR), pp. 253–268.
- GG-1990-EngelfrietR #graph grammar
- Graph Grammars Based on Node Rewriting: An Introduction to NLC Graph Grammars (JE, GR), pp. 12–23.
- GG-1990-JanssensR #graph
- Structured Transformations and Computation Graphs for Actor Grammars (DJ, GR), pp. 446–460.
- GG-1986-AalbersbergER #complexity #strict
- Restricting the complexity of regular DNLC languages (IJA, JE, GR), pp. 147–166.
- GG-1986-EngelfrietLR #graph grammar
- Apex Graph Grammars (JE, GL, GR), pp. 167–185.
- GG-1986-JanssensR #graph grammar
- Basic notions of actor grammars: A graph grammar model for actor computation (DJ, GR), pp. 280–298.
- GG-1986-MainR #graph grammar
- Fundamentals of edge-label controlled graph grammars (MGM, GR), pp. 411–426.
- GG-1986-Rozenberg #graph
- An introduction to the NLC way of rewriting graphs (GR), pp. 55–66.
- GG-1982-GenrichJRT #graph grammar #petri net
- Petri nets and their relation to graph grammars (HJG, DJ, GR, PST), pp. 115–129.
- GG-1982-JanssensR #generative #graph
- Hypergraph systems generating graph languages (DJ, GR), pp. 172–185.
- GG-1982-JanssensR82a #graph grammar
- Graph grammars with node-label controlled rewriting and embedding (DJ, GR), pp. 186–205.
- GG-1982-MaurerRW
- Chain code picture languages (HAM, GR, EW), pp. 232–244.
- ICALP-1982-EhrenfeuchtHR #context-free grammar
- Conditions Enforcing Regularity of Context-Free Languages (AE, DH, GR), pp. 187–191.
- ICALP-1982-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism
- Repetitions in Homomorphisms and Languages (AE, GR), pp. 192–211.
- ICALP-1981-EhrenfeuchtR #on the #problem
- On the (Generalized) Post Correspondence Problem with Lists of Length 2 (AE, GR), pp. 408–416.
- ICALP-1980-EhrenfeuchtR
- DOS Systems and Languages (AE, GR), pp. 134–141.
- ICALP-1979-Rozenberg #approach #formal method #parallel
- A Systematic Approach to Formal Language Theory Through Parallel Rewriting (GR), pp. 471–478.
- ICALP-1979-RozenbergV #finite
- Extending the Notion of Finite Index (GR, DV), pp. 479–488.
- GG-1978-LindenmayerR #generative #parallel
- Parallel Generation of Maps: Developmental Systems for Cell Layers (AL, GR), pp. 301–316.
- ICALP-1978-AlbertMR #generative
- Simple EOL Forms under Uniform Interpretation Generating CF Languages (JA, HAM, GR), pp. 1–14.
- STOC-1978-EngelfrietRS #transducer
- Tree Transducers, L Systems and Two-Way Machines (JE, GR, GS), pp. 66–74.
- ICALP-1977-RozenbergV #finite
- L Systems of Finite Index (GR, DV), pp. 430–439.
- STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR #formal method #on the #predict
- On (Un)predictability of Formal Languages (AE, GR), pp. 117–120.
- STOC-1975-EhrenfeuchtR75a #combinator #interactive #on the
- On the (Combinatorial) Structure of L Languages without Interactions (AE, GR), pp. 137–144.
- ICALP-1974-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism #term rewriting #trade-off #using
- Trade-off between the Use of Nonterminals, Codings and Homomorphisms in Defining Languages for Some Classes of Rewriting Systems (AE, GR), pp. 473–480.
- STOC-1972-LindenmayerR
- Developmental Systems and Languages (AL, GR), pp. 214–221.