Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × South Korea
2 × Canada
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.A.Hansen ∅ R.H.Trigg P.Mogensen M.G.Petersen L.Sloth N.O.Bouvin P.Ørbæk J.Malhotra M.Nielsen P.P.Vestergaard K.M.Hansen C.Yndigegn M.Kyng M.M.Jensen M.K.Rasmussen F.'.Mueller K.R.Nielsen R.Gude J.F.Kristensen M.A.Eriksen M.Grace W.Webber R.J.Glushko J.A.Hem O.L.Madsen A.Rohde B.Sundararajah S.Bech-Petersen B.G.Christensen T.B.Pedersen J.Gagach E.J.W.Jr. P.D.Bra D.Larsen J.J.Leggett M.M.C.Schraefel H.C.Davis D.E.Millard S.Reich P.J.Nürnberg U.K.Wiil K.M.Anderson
Talks about:
hypermedia (15) system (5) dexter (5) base (5) physic (4) design (4) web (4) librari (3) toward (3) world (3)
Person: Kaj Grønbæk
DBLP: Gr=oslash=nb=aelig=k:Kaj
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 23 papers:
- CHI-2015-JensenRMG #challenge #design #game studies
- Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games (MMJ, MKR, F'M, KG), pp. 2003–2012.
- HT-2010-HansenG #framework #mobile #named #platform
- UrbanWeb: a platform for mobile context-awaresocial computing (FAH, KG), pp. 195–200.
- HT-2009-NielsenGPG #named
- MediaJourney: capturing and sharing digital media from real-world and virtual journeys (KRN, RG, MGP, KG), pp. 341–342.
- HT-2008-HansenG #framework #lightweight #social #web
- Social web applications in the city: a lightweight infrastructure for urban computing (FAH, KG), pp. 175–180.
- HT-2006-Gronbaek #hypermedia #interactive #physics #social #ubiquitous
- Ubiquitous hypermedia and social interaction in physical environments (KG), pp. 119–120.
- HT-2004-HansenBCGPG #web
- Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move (FAH, NOB, BGC, KG, TBP, JG), pp. 98–107.
- HT-2004-PetersenG #hypermedia
- Domestic hypermedia: mixed media in the home (MGP, KG), pp. 108–109.
- HT-2003-GronbaekKOE #hypermedia #physics #quote
- “Physical hypermedia”: organising collections of mixed physical and digital material (KG, JFK, PØ, MAE), pp. 10–19.
- HT-2002-GronbaekVO #concept #hypermedia #implementation #prototype #towards
- Towards geo-spatial hypermedia: Concepts and prototype implementation (KG, PPV, PØ), pp. 117–126.
- HT-2002-WhiteheadBGLLS #revisited
- Seven Issues, Revisited (EJWJ, PDB, KG, DL, JJL, MMCS), p. 171.
- HT-2000-MogensenG #3d #hypermedia #towards
- Hypermedia in the virtual project room — toward open 3D spatial hypermedia (PM, KG), pp. 113–122.
- ECDL-1999-HansenYG #hypermedia #library #using
- Dynamic Use of Digital Library Material — Supporting Users with Typed Links in Open Hypermedia (KMH, CY, KG), pp. 254–273.
- HT-1999-DavisMRBGNSWA #hypermedia #standard
- Interoperability between Hypermedia Systems: The Standardisation Work of the OHSWG (HCD, DEM, SR, NOB, KG, PJN, LS, UKW, KMA), pp. 201–202.
- HT-1997-GronbaekBS #design #hypermedia #web
- Designing Dexter-Based Hypermedia Services for the World Wide Web (KG, NOB, LS), pp. 146–156.
- HT-1996-GraceWGG #case study #hypermedia
- Case Study: A Hypermedia System as Change Agent (MG, WW, KG, RJG), p. 256.
- HT-1996-GronbaekT #embedded #hypermedia #towards
- Toward a Dexter-Based Model for Open Hypermedia: Unifying Embedded References and Link Objects (KG, RHT), pp. 149–160.
- HT-ECHT-1994-Gronbaek #framework #hypermedia
- Composites in a Dexter-Based Hypermedia Framework (KG), pp. 59–69.
- OOPSLA-1994-GronbaekM #approach #hypermedia
- Building Tailorable Hypermedia Systems: The Embedded-Interpreter Approach (KG, JM), pp. 85–101.
- HT-1993-GronbaekHMS #design #hypermedia
- Designing Dexter-Based Cooperative Hypermedia Systems (KG, JAH, OLM, LS), pp. 25–38.
- CSCW-1992-GronbaekKM #case study #challenge #scalability
- CSCW Challenges in Large-Scale Technical Projects — A Case Study (KG, MK, PM), pp. 338–345.
- HT-ECHT-1992-GronbaekT #design #hypermedia
- Design Issues for a Dexter-Based Hypermedia System (KG, RHT), pp. 191–200.
- JCDL-2006-GronbaekRSB #library #named #physics
- InfoGallery: informative art services for physical library spaces (KG, AR, BS, SBP), pp. 21–30.
- JCDL-2015-NielsenG #analysis #interactive #library #multi #named #transaction #visual notation
- PivotViz: Interactive Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Library Transaction Data (MN, KG), pp. 139–142.