Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
2 × France
3 × Canada
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Pioli ∅ M.Arnold A.Diwan P.F.Sweeney M.Hirzel J.Choi P.R.Carini D.Grove B.G.Ryder M.Gupta R.Cytron W.C.Hsieh J.Lau B.Calder M.Hauswirth J.Henkel V.Sarkar P.Nagpurkar C.Krintz V.T.Rajan S.J.Fink D.Buytaert A.Georges L.Eeckhout K.D.Bosschere
Talks about:
analysi (5) pointer (4) optim (4) program (3) object (3) onlin (3) java (3) use (3) understand (2) presenc (2)
Person: Michael Hind
DBLP: Hind:Michael
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- OOPSLA-2007-BuytaertGHAEB #compilation #using
- Using hpm-sampling to drive dynamic compilation (DB, AG, MH, MA, LE, KDB), pp. 553–568.
- CGO-2006-NagpurkarKHSR #algorithm #detection #online
- Online Phase Detection Algorithms (PN, CK, MH, PFS, VTR), pp. 111–123.
- PLDI-2006-LauAHC #online #optimisation #performance #using
- Online performance auditing: using hot optimizations without getting burned (JL, MA, MH, BC), pp. 239–251.
- CGO-2005-Hind #architecture #machine learning #virtual machine
- Virtual Machine Learning: Thinking like a Computer Architect (MH), p. 11.
- ECOOP-2004-HirzelDH #analysis #pointer
- Pointer Analysis in the Presence of Dynamic Class Loading (MH, AD, MH), pp. 96–122.
- OOPSLA-2004-HauswirthSDH #behaviour #comprehension #profiling
- Vertical profiling: understanding the behavior of object-priented applications (MH, PFS, AD, MH), pp. 251–269.
- ISMM-2002-HirzelHDH #comprehension
- Understanding the connectivity of heap objects (MH, JH, AD, MH), pp. 143–156.
- OOPSLA-2002-ArnoldHR #java #online #optimisation
- Online feedback-directed optimization of Java (MA, MH, BGR), pp. 111–129.
- PASTE-2001-Hind #analysis #pointer #problem #question
- Pointer analysis: haven’t we solved this problem yet? (MH), pp. 54–61.
- ECOOP-2000-GuptaCH #exception #java #optimisation #source code
- Optimizing Java Programs in the Presence of Exceptions (MG, JDC, MH), pp. 422–446.
- ISSTA-2000-HindP #analysis #pointer #question
- Which pointer analysis should I use? (MH, AP), pp. 113–123.
- OOPSLA-2000-ArnoldFGHS #adaptation #optimisation #virtual machine
- Adaptive optimization in the Jalapeño JVM (MA, SJF, DG, MH, PFS), pp. 47–65.
- TOOLS-USA-2000-HindP #case study #experience #object-oriented #program analysis
- Traveling Through Dakota: Experiences with an Object-Oriented Program Analysis System (MH, AP), pp. 49–60.
- PASTE-1999-ChoiGHS #analysis #exception #java #modelling #performance #precise #source code
- Efficient and Precise Modeling of Exceptions for the Analysis of Java Programs (JDC, DG, MH, VS), pp. 21–31.
- SAS-1998-HindP #alias #analysis #pointer
- Assessing the Effects of Flow-Sensitivity on Pointer Alias Analyses (MH, AP), pp. 57–81.
- PLDI-1995-CariniH #constant #interprocedural
- Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Constant Propagation (PRC, MH), pp. 23–31.
- PLDI-1989-CytronHH #automation #generative #graph #parallel
- Automatic Generation of DAG Parallelism (RC, MH, WCH), pp. 54–68.