Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Zhai K.Vertanen A.Oulasvirta S.Reyal L.C.Denby Jason T. Jacques Chung Leung Lam M.A.Nacenta M.Nicosia Y.Kamber Y.Qiang A.Cockburn J.Alexander H.Memmi J.Emge D.Weir H.Pohl S.Rogers D.Coyle J.W.Moore P.Fletcher A.Blackwell E.Hoggan J.Williamson A.Lehtiö A.Reichel W.Li Y.Zhang M.Bachynskyi
Talks about:
user (5) keyboard (4) perform (4) gestur (4) entri (4) text (4) touchscreen (3) visual (3) use (3) recognit (2)
Person: Per Ola Kristensson
DBLP: Kristensson:Per_Ola
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- CHI-2015-ReyalZK #experience #gesture #performance #user interface
- Performance and User Experience of Touchscreen and Gesture Keyboards in a Lab Setting and in the Wild (SR, SZ, POK), pp. 679–688.
- CHI-2015-VertanenMERK #mobile #named #performance #using
- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input (KV, HM, JE, SR, POK), pp. 659–668.
- CHI-2014-NicosiaOK #modelling #performance
- Modeling the perception of user performance (MN, AO, POK), pp. 1747–1756.
- CHI-2014-WeirPRVK #mobile #nondeterminism
- Uncertain text entry on mobile devices (DW, HP, SR, KV, POK), pp. 2307–2316.
- CHI-2013-HogganWONKL #gesture #multi #performance
- Multi-touch rotation gestures: performance and ergonomics (EH, JW, AO, MAN, POK, AL), pp. 3047–3050.
- CHI-2013-NacentaKQK #gesture #set
- Memorability of pre-designed and user-defined gesture sets (MAN, YK, YQ, POK), pp. 1099–1108.
- CHI-2013-OulasvirtaRLZBVK
- Improving two-thumb text entry on touchscreen devices (AO, AR, WL, YZ, MB, KV, POK), pp. 2765–2774.
- CHI-2012-CoyleMKFB #exclamation #experience
- I did that!: measuring users’ experience of agency in their own actions (DC, JWM, POK, PF, AB), pp. 2025–2034.
- CHI-2009-KristenssonD #case study #performance #recognition #state of the art #user study
- Text entry performance of state of the art unconstrained handwriting recognition: a longitudinal user study (POK, LCD), pp. 567–570.
- CHI-2008-VertanenK #on the #recognition #speech #visualisation
- On the benefits of confidence visualization in speech recognition (KV, POK), pp. 1497–1500.
- CHI-2008-ZhaiK #flexibility #visual notation
- Interlaced QWERTY: accommodating ease of visual search and input flexibility in shape writing (SZ, POK), pp. 593–596.
- CHI-2007-CockburnKAZ #interface #learning
- Hard lessons: effort-inducing interfaces benefit spatial learning (AC, POK, JA, SZ), pp. 1571–1580.
- CHI-2007-KristenssonZ #gesture #using
- Command strokes with and without preview: using pen gestures on keyboard for command selection (POK, SZ), pp. 1137–1146.
- CHI-2003-ZhaiK
- Shorthand writing on stylus keyboard (SZ, POK), pp. 97–104.
- PLATEAU-2015-JacquesK #comprehension
- Understanding the effects of code presentation (JTJ, POK), pp. 27–30.
- PLATEAU-2015-KristenssonL #lightweight #using #visualisation
- Aiding programmers using lightweight integrated code visualization (POK, CLL), pp. 17–24.