86 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-TeflioudiGM #matrix #named #performance #retrieval #scalability- LEMP: Fast Retrieval of Large Entries in a Matrix Product (CT, RG, OM), pp. 107–122.
CHI-2015-0002FTO #multi- Investigating the Dexterity of Multi-Finger Input for Mid-Air Text Entry (SS, AMF, CT, AO), pp. 3643–3652.
CHI-2015-GuerreiroRMGN0 #physics #tablet- TabLETS Get Physical: Non-Visual Text Entry on Tablet Devices (JG, AR, KM, TJVG, HN, DG), pp. 39–42.
CHI-2015-LeivaSCH0- Text Entry on Tiny QWERTY Soft Keyboards (LAL, ASS, AC, NH, AS), pp. 669–678.
CHI-2015-LiOT #fault- Exploring the Effect of Pre-operational Priming Intervention on Number Entry Errors (KYL, PO, HWT), pp. 1335–1344.
CHI-2015-VertanenMERK #mobile #named #performance #using- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input (KV, HM, JE, SR, POK), pp. 659–668.
CHI-2015-ZezschwitzLBH #named #performance #smarttech- SwiPIN: Fast and Secure PIN-Entry on Smartphones (EvZ, ADL, BB, HH), pp. 1403–1406.
HCI-IT-2015-GuXCZ #using- To Write not Select, a New Text Entry Method Using Joystick (ZG, XX, CC, YZ), pp. 35–43.
ICML-2015-YangRV #clustering- Sparse Subspace Clustering with Missing Entries (CY, DR, RV), pp. 2463–2472.
CHI-2014-CairnsPP #fault- The influence of emotion on number entry errors (PAC, PP, CP), pp. 2293–2296.
CHI-2014-LeivaS #empirical #set- Representatively memorable: sampling the right phrase set to get the text entry experiment right (LAL, GST), pp. 1709–1712.
CHI-2014-WeirPRVK #mobile #nondeterminism- Uncertain text entry on mobile devices (DW, HP, SR, KV, POK), pp. 2307–2316.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Olaverri-MonrealOB #multi #usability- Multicultural Text Entry: A Usability Study (COM, MLLRO, KB), pp. 329–339.
SAC-2014-PedrosaP #using- Text entry using a foot for severely motor-impaired individuals (DdCP, MdGCP), pp. 957–963.
CHI-2013-GoelJMPW #mobile #named #using- ContextType: using hand posture information to improve mobile touch screen text entry (MG, AJ, TM, SNP, JOW), pp. 2795–2798.
CHI-2013-LucaZPH #using- Using fake cursors to secure on-screen password entry (ADL, EvZ, LP, HH), pp. 2399–2402.
CHI-2013-OulasvirtaRLZBVK- Improving two-thumb text entry on touchscreen devices (AO, AR, WL, YZ, MB, KV, POK), pp. 2765–2774.
DUXU-NTE-2013-PriorSEBM #challenge- HALO the Winning Entry to the DARPA UAVForge Challenge 2012 (SDP, STS, MAE, MB, WM), pp. 179–188.
DUXU-WM-2013-Kim13a #analysis #query- Analysis of Query Entries of a Job Search Engine (YK), pp. 203–211.
OCSC-2013-JamiesonGHW #game studies #metaheuristic- Metaheuristic Entry Points for Harnessing Human Computation in Mainstream Games (PJ, LG, JH, AW), pp. 156–163.
SEKE-2013-AsuncionSPPDM #information management #using- Using Change Entries to Collect Software Project Information (HUA, MS, RP, KP, ND, WJMJ), pp. 184–189.
DocEng-2012-JayabalRS #challenge #generative- Challenges in generating bookmarks from TOC entries in e-books (YJ, CR, MJS), pp. 37–40.
HT-2012-NakajimaZIN #analysis #detection #scalability- Early detection of buzzwords based on large-scale time-series analysis of blog entries (SN, JZ, YI, RYN), pp. 275–284.
CHI-2012-EvansW #behaviour #metric- Taming wild behavior: the input observer for text entry and mouse pointing measures from everyday computer use (AE, JOW), pp. 1947–1956.
CHI-2012-GoelFW #mobile #named #using- WalkType: using accelerometer data to accomodate situational impairments in mobile touch screen text entry (MG, LF, JOW), pp. 2687–2696.
CHI-2012-RaihaO #case study #fault #type system- An exploratory study of eye typing fundamentals: dwell time, text entry rate, errors, and workload (KJR, SO), pp. 3001–3010.
ECOOP-2012-OstlundW #multi- Multiple Aggregate Entry Points for Ownership Types (JÖ, TW), pp. 156–180.
CHI-2011-NiBN #gesture #interface #named- AirStroke: bringing unistroke text entry to freehand gesture interfaces (TN, DAB, CN), pp. 2473–2476.
CHI-2011-PaekH #set- Sampling representative phrase sets for text entry experiments: a procedure and public resource (TP, BJPH), pp. 2477–2480.
CHI-2011-SporkaFKPHM #named #predict #using- CHANTI: predictive text entry using non-verbal vocal input (AJS, TF, SHK, OP, PH, ISM), pp. 2463–2472.
HCI-ITE-2011-AokiKIMKK #gesture #identification- Gesture Identification Based on Zone Entry and Axis Crossing (RA, YK, MI, AM, MK, SK), pp. 194–203.
CHI-2010-ArifS #cost analysis #fault #predict- Predicting the cost of error correction in character-based text entry technologies (ASA, WS), pp. 5–14.
CHI-2010-ForgetCB #visual notation- Shoulder-surfing resistance with eye-gaze entry in cued-recall graphical passwords (AF, SC, RB), pp. 1107–1110.
CHI-2010-IlinkinK #case study #evaluation #mobile- Evaluation of text entry methods for Korean mobile phones, a user study (II, SK), pp. 2023–2026.
CHI-2010-JonesAAIS #gesture #named- GesText: accelerometer-based gestural text-entry systems (EJ, JA, AA, PI, SS), pp. 2173–2182.
CHI-2010-LiuR #mobile #predict- Predicting Chinese text entry speeds on mobile phones (YL, KJR), pp. 2183–2192.
CHI-2010-LucaHH #named- ColorPIN: securing PIN entry through indirect input (ADL, KH, HH), pp. 1103–1106.
CSCW-2010-AmershiMMBT #multi- Multiple mouse text entry for single-display groupware (SA, MRM, NM, RB, KT), pp. 169–178.
CHI-2009-DunlopT #feedback #predict- Tactile feedback for predictive text entry (MDD, FT), pp. 2257–2260.
CHI-2009-KristenssonD #case study #performance #recognition #state of the art- Text entry performance of state of the art unconstrained handwriting recognition: a longitudinal user study (POK, LCD), pp. 567–570.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SadP #modelling #predict #word- Modeling Word Selection in Predictive Text Entry (HHS, FP), pp. 725–734.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SadP09a #gesture #representation #using- Using Pictographic Representation, Syntactic Information and Gestures in Text Entry (HHS, FP), pp. 735–744.
ECIR-2009-KurashimaFO #case study #experience #scalability- Discovering Association Rules on Experiences from Large-Scale Blog Entries (TK, KF, HO), pp. 546–553.
CIKM-2008-ZhuangHSJ #profiling- Representative entry selection for profiling blogs (JZ, SCHH, AS, RJ), pp. 1387–1388.
CHI-2007-ClarksonLCS #validation- Revisiting and validating a model of two-thumb text entry (EC, KL, JC, TS), pp. 163–166.
CHI-2007-WobbrockCM #mobile- An alternative to push, press, and tap-tap-tap: gesturing on an isometric joystick for mobile phone text entry (JOW, DHC, BAM), pp. 667–676.
HCI-AS-2007-Tsuchiya #fault #metric #order- Medication Errors Caused by Order Entry System and Prevention Measures (FT), pp. 535–543.
SIGIR-2007-PopoviciMM #documentation #effectiveness- An effective method for finding best entry points in semi-structured documents (EP, PFM, GM), pp. 851–852.
CHI-2006-GongT #evaluation #fault #metric- A new error metric for text entry method evaluation (JG, PT), pp. 471–474.
CHI-2006-WilsonA #game studies #using- Text entry using a dual joystick game controller (ADW, MA), pp. 475–478.
CHI-2006-WobbrockM #people- Trackball text entry for people with motor impairments (JOW, BAM), pp. 479–488.
CHI-2006-WobbrockMR #gesture- Few-key text entry revisited: mnemonic gestures on four keys (JOW, BAM, BR), pp. 489–492.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-BraunerCBL #using- Using Gazetteers to Annotate Geographic Catalog Entries (DFB, MAC, KKB, LAPPL), pp. 215–220.
CHI-2005-GongT #design #mobile- Alphabetically constrained keypad designs for text entry on mobile devices (JG, PT), pp. 211–220.
CHI-2004-LyonsSPFLDL #mobile #type system- Twiddler typing: one-handed chording text entry for mobile phones (KL, TS, DP, JF, AL, AD, EWL), pp. 671–678.
CHI-2004-PavlovychS- Model for non-expert text entry speed on 12-button phone keypads (AP, WS), pp. 351–358.
CHI-2004-WigdorB #comparison #concurrent #mobile- A comparison of consecutive and concurrent input text entry techniques for mobile phones (DW, RB), pp. 81–88.
ISMM-2004-CheadleFMJW #garbage collection #haskell #incremental- Exploring the barrier to entry: incremental generational garbage collection for Haskell (AMC, AJF, SM, SLPJ, RLW), pp. 163–174.
SAS-2003-ChenLG #multi- Code Compaction of Matching Single-Entry Multiple-Exit Regions (WKC, BL, RG), pp. 401–417.
CHI-2003-SoukoreffM #evaluation #fault #metric #research- Metrics for text entry research: an evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric (RWS, ISM), pp. 113–120.
ICEIS-v1-2003-WashingtonNU #education #implementation #modelling #online #realtime- Models for Implementation of Online Real Time It-Enabled Service for Entry to Professional Education (DGW, TRN, VRU), pp. 260–266.
CIKM-2003-LalmasR #automation #documentation #identification #retrieval- Automatic identification of best entry points for focused structured document retrieval (ML, JR), pp. 540–543.
RE-2003-Becker #lifecycle #multi #requirements #traceability- Measuring Requirements Traceability from Multiple Angels at Multiple Lifecycle Entry Points (DB), p. 291.
CHI-2002-IsokoskiK #comparison- Comparison of two touchpad-based methods for numeric entry (PI, MK), pp. 25–32.
SIGIR-2002-KraaijWH- The Importance of Prior Probabilities for Entry Page Search (WK, TW, DH), pp. 27–34.
SAC-2002-Turau #automation #framework #generative #xml- A framework for automatic generation of web-based data entry applications based on XML (VT), pp. 1121–1126.
STOC-2001-JerrumSV #algorithm #approximate #matrix #polynomial- A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with non-negative entries (MJ, AS, EV), pp. 712–721.
CHI-2000-SilfverbergMK #mobile #predict- Predicting text entry speed on mobile phones (MS, ISM, PK), pp. 9–16.
PADL-2000-Yeh #approach #database #documentation #logic programming #xml- A Logic Programming Approach to Supporting the Entries of XML Documents in an Object Database (CLY), pp. 278–292.
ICDAR-1999-Thoma #analysis #automation #database #documentation #image #online- Automating Data Entry for an On-line Biomedical Database: A Document Image Analysis Application (GRT), pp. 370–373.
CHI-1999-KaratHHK #recognition #scalability #speech- Patterns of Entry and Correction in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System (CMK, CH, DBH, JK), pp. 568–575.
DATE-1998-Muller-WipperfurthH #modelling #visual notation- Graphical Entry of FSMDs Revisited: Putting Graphical Models on a Solid Base (TMW, RH), pp. 931–932.
HCI-CC-1997-SchleiferLP- Breathing, Psychological Stress, and Musculoskeletal Complaints in VDT Data-Entry Work (LMS, RL, CSP), pp. 545–550.
HCI-SEC-1997-KiyotaMY #visual notation- Pen-Based Japanese Character Entry System for Visually Disabled Persons (KK, TM, SY), pp. 447–450.
ICPR-1996-LorieRT #automation- A system for automated data entry from forms (RAL, VPR, TKT), pp. 686–690.
HPCA-1996-AdveCDRZ #comparison #consistency #implementation #lazy evaluation- A Comparison of Entry Consistency and Lazy Release Consistency Implementations (SVA, ALC, SD, RR, WZ), pp. 26–37.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LiuDW #automation #recognition- Description and recognition of form and automated form data entry (JL, XD, YW), pp. 579–582.
HCI-ACS-1993-GalinskySP #monitoring #performance- The Influence of Electronic Performance Monitoring on Speed and Accuracy in a VDT-Based Data-Entry Task (TLG, LMS, CSP), pp. 1023–1028.
HCI-ACS-1993-SwansonS #performance- The Relationship of Working Posture to Performance in a Data Entry Task (NGS, SLS), pp. 994–998.
HCI-CE-1987-Gopher #approach #design- Cognition at Your Fingertips: A Cognitive Approach to the Design of Data Entry Devices (DG), pp. 233–240.
HCI-SES-1987-Cornell #performance- Job Performance and QWL in a Data Entry Task (PTC), pp. 59–66.
HCI-SES-1987-MarekN #cumulative- Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms of Dialogue and Data Entry VDU Operators (TM, CN), pp. 255–262.
ICSE-1982-Ling #design #diagrams #source code #using- Designing Data Entry Programs Using State Diagram as a Common Model (MML), pp. 296–308.
DAC-1979-Harvel #automation #design #effectiveness- Cost effective data entry techniques for design automation (JTH), p. 382.
DAC-1978-Schechter- Data preparation and entry for computer-aided mapping (BS), pp. 48–52.
DAC-1969-JeglicSM #automation #design- Automation of re-entry vehicles’ preliminary design (JMJ, RFS, CDM), pp. 61–70.