Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Navoni R.Canegallo M.Chinosi G.Gozzini A.Kramer F.Campi A.Deledda M.Pizzotti L.Ciccarelli C.Mucci A.Lodi A.Vitkovski L.Vanzolini M.Borgatti L.Cali G.D.Sandre B.Forét D.Iezzi F.Lertora G.Muzzi M.Pasotti M.Poles
Talks about:
reconfigur (2) memori (2) heterogen (1) recognit (1) platform (1) process (1) signal (1) associ (1) multi (1) flash (1)
Person: Pier Luigi Rolandi
DBLP: Rolandi:Pier_Luigi
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2007-CampiDPCRMLVV #adaptation #configuration management #platform
- A dynamically adaptive DSP for heterogeneous reconfigurable platforms (FC, AD, MP, LC, PLR, CM, AL, AV, LV), pp. 9–14.
- DAC-2003-BorgattiCSFILMPPR #configuration management #embedded #memory management #multi
- A reconfigurable signal processing IC with embedded FPGA and multi-port flash memory (MB, LC, GDS, BF, DI, FL, GM, MP, MP, PLR), pp. 691–695.
- ICDAR-1997-NavoniCCGKR #memory management #recognition #using #word
- Words Recognition using Associative Memory (LN, RC, MC, GG, AK, PLR), pp. 97–101.