Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Croatia
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
12 × USA
2 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
S.R.d.L.Meira V.C.Garcia D.Lucrédio P.A.d.M.S.Neto A.F.d.Prado I.d.C.Machado A.Álvaro S.R.L.Meira T.Vale C.R.L.Neto L.C.Trevelin Y.C.Cavalcanti S.d.S.Amorim J.D.McGregor F.A.Durão I.F.d.Silva ∅ R.d.O.Cavalcanti C.D.P.Bianchini L.M.Nascimento T.A.Vanderlei C.E.A.d.Cunha L.B.Lisboa M.Balbino I.John C.Schwanninger F.M.Medeiros F.R.C.Silva J.J.L.D.Junior R.P.d.M.Fortes C.v.F.G.Chavez I.S.Souza K.Villela A.Silva R.Cunha T.Conte J.C.Maldonado J.C.C.P.Mascena L.L.Lobato L.R.Soares J.Meinicke S.Nadi C.Kästner A.C.Martins E.D.d.S.Filho D.F.S.Neiva T.H.B.d.Oliveira E.C.R.Santos D.Li S.R.Faulk C.Lima Z.Rui D.M.Weiss J.Ying M.Young L.Yu
Talks about:
softwar (20) product (11) line (11) approach (8) process (8) base (8) compon (7) architectur (6) toward (5) engin (5)
♂ Person: Eduardo Santana de Almeida
DBLP: Almeida:Eduardo_Santana_de
Facilitated 6 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 37 papers:
- ECSA-2015-AmorimMAC #ecosystem
- Tailoring the ATAM for Software Ecosystems (SdSA, JDM, ESdA, CvFGC), pp. 372–380.
- SEKE-2015-ValeSSA #agile #analysis #evaluation #industrial #named #process
- RiSE-DA: An Agile Domain Analysis Process and its Industrial Evaluation (TV, ISS, IFdS, ESdA), pp. 696–699.
- ASE-2014-CavalcantiMNAM #information retrieval #rule-based
- Combining rule-based and information retrieval techniques to assign software change requests (YCC, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 325–330.
- SPLC-2014-VillelaSVA #overview #variability
- A survey on software variability management approaches (KV, AS, TV, ESdA), pp. 147–156.
- WICSA-2014-AmorimAM #architecture #ecosystem #scalability
- Scalability of Ecosystem Architectures (SdSA, ESdA, JDM), pp. 49–52.
- SEKE-2013-NetoMGA #effectiveness #product line #testing
- Analyzing the Effectiveness of a System Testing Tool for Software Product Line Engineering (CRLN, IdCM, VCG, ESdA), pp. 584–588.
- SEKE-2013-SilvaVMA #approach #product line
- Scrum-based Approach for Analyzing Commonalities and Variabilities in Software Product Lines (IFdS, TV, SRLM, ESdA), pp. 238–243.
- CSEET-2012-AlmeidaLFLRWYYY #case study #development #distributed #education #experience
- Teaching Globally Distributed Software Development: An Experience Report (ESdA, DL, SRF, CL, ZR, DMW, JY, MY, LY), pp. 105–109.
- SEKE-2012-CunhaCAM #modelling #product line #set
- A Set of Inspection Techniques on Software Product Line Models (RC, TC, ESdA, JCM), pp. 657–662.
- SEKE-2012-LobatoMNAM #risk management #synthesis
- Synthesizing Evidence on Risk Management: A Narrative Synthesis of two Mapping Studies (LLL, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 641–646.
- SEKE-2012-NetoNAM #product line #testing #tool support
- A Mapping Study on Software Product Lines Testing Tools (CRLN, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 628–634.
- QoSA-ISARCS-2011-CavalcantiAM #process #quality #variability
- Extending the RiPLE-DE process with quality attribute variability realization (RdOC, ESdA, SRLM), pp. 159–164.
- SEKE-2011-BalbinoAM #agile #process #product line
- An Agile Scoping Process for Software Product Lines (MB, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 717–722.
- SEKE-2011-MachadoNAM #named #process #product line #testing
- RiPLE-TE: A Process for Testing Software Product Lines (IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 711–716.
- SEKE-2011-NetoMNAM #product line #testing
- Software Product Lines System Test Case Tool: A Proposal (CRLN, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 699–704.
- CSMR-2010-CavalcantiACLM #debugging #problem
- An Initial Study on the Bug Report Duplication Problem (YCC, ESdA, CEAdC, DL, SRdLM), pp. 264–267.
- SEKE-2010-CunhaCNAM #analysis #debugging #visual notation
- A Visual Bug Report Analysis and Search Tool (CEAdC, YCC, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 742–747.
- SPLC-2010-JohnSA #architecture #product line
- The Rise and Fall of Product Line Architectures (IJ, CS, ESdA), pp. 500–501.
- SPLC-2010-MedeirosAM #approach #architecture #design #named #product line
- SOPLE-DE: An Approach to Design Service-Oriented Product Line Architectures (FMM, ESdA, SRLM), pp. 456–460.
- SAC-2009-SilvaAM #approach #component #empirical #testing #validation
- An approach for component testing and its empirical validation (FRCS, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 574–581.
- SEKE-2009-JuniorAM #architecture #process
- A Systematic SOA-based Architecture Process (JJLDJ, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 328–333.
- SPLC-2009-Almeida #product line
- Software product lines doctoral symposium (ESdA), p. 331.
- CSEET-2008-LisboaNAM #case study #education #experience #product line
- A Case Study in Software Product: Lines An Educational Experience (LBL, LMN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 155–162.
- ECSA-2008-FilhoCNOLAM #design #overview #perspective #using
- Evaluating Domain Design Approaches Using Systematic Review (EDdSF, RdOC, DFSN, THBdO, LBL, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 50–65.
- SAC-2008-DuraoVAM #code search #semantics #source code
- Applying a semantic layer in a source code search tool (FAD, TAV, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 1151–1157.
- SEKE-2008-AlmeidaAGLFM #domain model #process
- A Systematic Process for Domain Engineering (ESdA, AÁ, VCG, DL, RPdMF, SRdLM), pp. 655–660.
- SAC-2007-VanderleiDMGAM #classification #component #retrieval
- A cooperative classification mechanism for search and retrieval software components (TAV, FAD, ACM, VCG, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 866–871.
- WICSA-2007-AlmeidaAGNML #approach #architecture #design #towards
- Designing Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA): Towards a New Approach (ESdA, AÁ, VCG, LMN, SRdLM, DL), p. 30.
- CBSE-2006-GarciaLDSAFM #architecture #component #specification
- From Specification to Experimentation: A Software Component Search Engine Architecture (VCG, DL, FAD, ECRS, ESdA, RPdMF, SRdLM), pp. 82–97.
- GPCE-2006-MascenaMAG #effectiveness #reuse #towards
- Towards an effective integrated reuse environment (JCCPM, SRdLM, ESdA, VCG), pp. 95–100.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-AlvaroALPGM #aspect-oriented #component #incremental #modelling #process #towards
- Aspect IPM: Towards an Incremental Process Model Based on AOP for Component-Based Systems (AÁ, ESdA, DL, AFdP, VCG, SRdLM), pp. 226–232.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-GarciaLPAAM #approach #aspect-oriented #re-engineering #towards
- Towards an Approach for Aspect-Oriented Software Reengineering (VCG, DL, AFdP, ESdA, AÁ, SRdLM), pp. 274–279.
- WCRE-2004-GarciaLPAA #approach #effectiveness #reverse engineering #towards
- Towards an Effective Approach for Reverse Engineering (VCG, DL, AFdP, AÁ, ESdA), pp. 298–299.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-AlmeidaBPT #component #development #distributed #incremental #named #process
- IPM: An Incremental Process Model for Distributed Component-Based Software Development (ESdA, CDPB, AFdP, LCT), pp. 221–232.
- TOOLS-USA-2003-LucredioBPTA04 #component #re-engineering
- A Component-Based Software Engineering Environment (DL, CDPB, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 51–74.
- WCRE-2003-AlvaroLGPTA #component #named #re-engineering
- Orion-RE: A Component-Based Software Reengineering Environment (AÁ, DL, VCG, AFdP, LCT, ESdA), pp. 248–259.
- GPCE-2018-SoaresMNKA #empirical #feature model #interactive #specification
- Exploring feature interactions without specifications: a controlled experiment (LRS, JM, SN, CK, ESdA), pp. 40–52.