Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × Estonia
2 × Italy
2 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
U.Montanari J.Meseguer A.Lluch-Lafuente H.C.Melgratti ∅ V.Sassone A.Corradini F.Gadducci A.Vandin A.Bucchiarone S.Gnesi R.Giacobazzi R.Gori Isabel Garcia-Contreras D.Pavlovic
Talks about:
rewrit (4) system (3) model (3) graph (3) tile (3) strategi (2) abstract (2) calculi (2) logic (2) dynam (2)
Person: Roberto Bruni
DBLP: Bruni:Roberto
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- FASE-2012-BruniCGLV #adaptation #concept #framework
- A Conceptual Framework for Adaptation (RB, AC, FG, ALL, AV), pp. 240–254.
- WRLA-2012-BruniCGLV #adaptation #maude #modelling #self
- Modelling and Analyzing Adaptive Self-assembly Strategies with Maude (RB, AC, FG, ALL, AV), pp. 118–138.
- GT-VMT-2009-BruniL #graph
- Ten virtues of structured graphs (RB, ALL), pp. 3–22.
- SFM-2009-Bruni #calculus
- Calculi for Service-Oriented Computing (RB), pp. 1–41.
- WRLA-2008-BruniLM09 #design #maude
- Hierarchical Design Rewriting with Maude (RB, ALL, UM), pp. 45–62.
- GT-VC-2007-BruniBGM08 #architecture #graph grammar #modelling #using
- Modelling Dynamic Software Architectures using Typed Graph Grammars (RB, AB, SG, HCM), pp. 39–53.
- ICGT-2006-BruniM #graph transformation
- Dynamic Graph Transformation Systems (RB, HCM), pp. 230–244.
- POPL-2005-BruniMM #composition
- Theoretical foundations for compensations in flow composition languages (RB, HCM, UM), pp. 209–220.
- ICALP-2003-BruniM
- Generalized Rewrite Theories (RB, JM), pp. 252–266.
- WRLA-2002-BruniMM #logic #transaction
- Tiling Transactions in Rewriting Logic (RB, JM, UM), pp. 90–109.
- ICALP-2000-BruniS #algebra #modelling
- Algebraic Models for Contextual Nets (RB, VS), pp. 175–186.
- FASE-1999-BruniMM #calculus #execution #process #specification
- Executable Tile Specifications for Process Calculi (RB, JM, UM), pp. 60–76.
- LICS-1999-BruniM #category theory #π-calculus
- Cartesian Closed Double Categories, Their λ-Notation, and the π-Calculus (RB, UM), pp. 246–265.
- WRLA-1998-Bruni #composition #concurrent #logic
- A logic for modular descriptions of asynchronous and synchronized concurrent systems (RB), pp. 161–172.
- WRLA-1998-BruniMM #implementation
- Internal strategies in a rewriting implementation of tile systems (RB, JM, UM), pp. 263–284.
- POPL-2020-BruniGGGP #abstract interpretation
- Abstract extensionality: on the properties of incomplete abstract interpretations (RB, RG, RG, IGC, DP), p. 28.