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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Denmark
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Estonia
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
U.Montanari A.Corradini F.Bonchi G.V.Monreale A.Lluch-Lafuente A.Vandin M.Miculan P.Baldan L.Foss R.Bruni T.Heindel B.König R.Heckel M.Koch G.Carabetta P.Degano S.Bistarelli J.Larrosa E.Rollon A.Kissinger P.Sobocinski F.Zanasi F.L.Dotti L.Ribeiro
Talks about:
rewrit (9) logic (5) process (4) model (4) graph (4) system (3) semant (3) counterpart (2) transact (2) ambient (2)

Person: Fabio Gadducci

DBLP DBLP: Gadducci:Fabio

Facilitated 2 volumes:

GT-VMT 2011Ed
WRLA 2002Ed

Contributed to:

FASE 20122012
ICGT 20122012
WRLA 20122012
ICGT 20102010
FOSSACS 20092009
ICGT 20082008
ICLP 20082008
GT-VMT 20062008
ICGT 20062006
FoSSaCS 19981998
ICALP 19981998
TAGT 19981998
WRLA 19981998
WRLA 19961996
WRLA 19962002
LICS 19951995
RTA 19951995
ESOP 20172017

Wrote 21 papers:

FASE-2012-BruniCGLV #adaptation #concept #framework
A Conceptual Framework for Adaptation (RB, AC, FG, ALL, AV), pp. 240–254.
ICGT-2012-GadducciLV #approximate #infinity #modelling
Exploiting Over- and Under-Approximations for Infinite-State Counterpart Models (FG, ALL, AV), pp. 51–65.
WRLA-2012-BruniCGLV #adaptation #maude #modelling #self
Modelling and Analyzing Adaptive Self-assembly Strategies with Maude (RB, AC, FG, ALL, AV), pp. 118–138.
ICGT-2010-BonchiGMM #lts #term rewriting
Saturated LTSs for Adhesive Rewriting Systems (FB, FG, GVM, UM), pp. 123–138.
ICGT-2010-GadducciLV #calculus #higher-order #semantics #μ-calculus
Counterpart Semantics for a Second-Order μ-Calculus (FG, ALL, AV), pp. 282–297.
FoSSaCS-2009-BonchiGM #mobile #semantics
Reactive Systems, Barbed Semantics, and the Mobile Ambients (FB, FG, GVM), pp. 272–287.
ICGT-2008-BonchiGH #independence #parallel
Parallel and Sequential Independence for Borrowed Contexts (FB, FG, TH), pp. 226–241.
ICGT-2008-GadducciM #distributed #implementation #mobile
A Decentralized Implementation of Mobile Ambients (FG, GVM), pp. 115–130.
ICLP-2008-BistarelliGLR #approach #multi #optimisation
A Soft Approach to Multi-objective Optimization (SB, FG, JL, ER), pp. 764–768.
GT-VMT-2006-BaldanCDFGR08 #graph grammar #towards #transaction
Towards a Notion of Transaction in Graph Rewriting (PB, AC, FLD, LF, FG, LR), pp. 39–50.
ICGT-2006-BaldanCFG #graph #process #transaction
Graph Transactions as Processes (PB, AC, LF, FG), pp. 199–214.
ICGT-2006-BonchiGK #bisimulation #encoding #process #visual notation
Process Bisimulation Via a Graphical Encoding (FB, FG, BK), pp. 168–183.
FoSSaCS-1998-CorradiniG #term rewriting
Rational Term Rewriting (AC, FG), pp. 156–171.
ICALP-1998-GadducciM #axiom #process
Axioms for Contextual Net Processes (FG, UM), pp. 296–308.
TAGT-1998-GadducciHK #logic
A Fully Abstract Model for Graph-Interpreted Temporal Logic (FG, RH, MK), pp. 310–322.
WRLA-1998-CarabettaDG #logic #semantics
CCS semantics via proved transition systems and rewriting logic (GC, PD, FG), pp. 369–387.
Tiles, rewriting rules and CCS (FG, UM), pp. 1–19.
WRLA-J-1996-GadducciM02 #calculus #logic
Comparing logics for rewriting: rewriting logic, action calculi and tile logic (FG, UM), pp. 319–358.
LICS-1995-MiculanG #process
Modal μ-Types for Processes (MM, FG), pp. 221–231.
RTA-1995-CorradiniGM #modelling #term rewriting
Relating Two Categorial Models of Term Rewriting (AC, FG, UM), pp. 225–240.
ESOP-2017-BonchiGKSZ #confluence #graph grammar #interface
Confluence of Graph Rewriting with Interfaces (FB, FG, AK, PS, FZ), pp. 141–169.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.