Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
U.Kulesza R.Coelho G.N.Ramos E.C.Neto L.Mariano F.Carvalho T.M.Castro R.Fernandes A.Palmeira Leonardo G. de Freitas Luiggi Monteiro Reffatti Igor Rafael de Sousa Anderson C. Cardoso Carla Denise Castanho
Talks about:
studi (2) exploratori (1) architectur (1) comprehens (1) construct (1) specifi (1) languag (1) android (1) unveil (1) specif (1)
Person: Rodrigo Bonifácio
DBLP: Bonif=aacute=cio:Rodrigo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICEIS-v2-2015-NetoKCBM #android #architecture #case study #design
- Unveiling the Architecture and Design of Android Applications — An Exploratory Study (ECN, UK, RC, RB, LM), pp. 201–211.
- SCAM-2015-BonifacioCRKC #c++ #exception
- The use of C++ exception handling constructs: A comprehensive study (RB, FC, GNR, UK, RC), pp. 21–30.
- SEKE-2015-BonifacioCFPK #domain-specific language #named #rest #specification
- NeoIDL: A Domain-Specific Language for Specifying REST Services (RB, TMC, RF, AP, UK), pp. 613–618.
- FDG-2012-FreitasRSCCBR #2d #component #game studies #named
- Gear2D: an extensible component-based game engine (LGdF, LMR, IRdS, ACC, CDC, RB, GNR), pp. 81–88.